"Are you in any trouble? Maybe I can help!"

A look of embarrassment flashed in Emilio's eyes when he heard this, and Luciano frowned slightly.

Instead, the female manager Claudia said, "Then there will be Detective Lau Maori."

Mori Kogoro sat on the sofa in the living room, while Xiaolan Yuanzi and his party rested on the sofa in the side hall.

Claudia took out a white letter, frowned and said, "We received this letter signed by Emilio this morning."

Mori Kogoro put on his gloves and opened the letter. On the top were letters cut out in Italian letters. It seems that the source of these letters should be newspapers.

The text on it is also very simple: "If the concert is not canceled, we will kill Emilio."

Emilio's popularity was so high that a threatening letter made such a fuss, and a call to the police sent two police departments, Megure and Shiratori, to check.

Emilio looked terrified and shouted excitedly: "Cancel it, I don't want to die because of it!"

The host, Luciano, immediately said, "You can't just keep talking about canceling. For this concert, you don't know how much money the company has invested."

"We have already ordered the Dongdu Gymnasium to speed up the reconstruction, and even sold out the tickets. How can it be canceled at this juncture, you know it yourself!"

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro's mouth curled into a faint arc. It's really funny to see the poor acting skills of these two guys.

Chapter 0100 thinking too simple

The two guys began to show off their acting skills, and this threatening letter was made by Emilio himself, with the purpose of canceling the concert.

And Luciano wanted to make a deal when the concert was held, so naturally he would not agree to cancel the concert.

According to Mori Kogoro's investigation, Luciano, the organizer of this big fat man, is a high-level member of the Italian Mafia, that is, the trading partner of the group of foreigners who kidnapped Fujiko.

So today, you only need to follow this group of people to the remodeled Dongdu Gymnasium, and you can catch everyone in one go.

And these two guys are very reluctant to let Mori Kogoro investigate.

One is afraid of being investigated and called out to catch a thief;

The other is the fear of being investigated for the transactions hidden under the concert.

Kogoro Mori listened to the two people constantly arguing, but in the end his arms still couldn't hold back his thighs, so Emilio could only agree to continue holding the concert.

Police officer Mumu wiped his sweat with a handkerchief and said, "Okay, although it is very likely that it is just a prank letter, we will also arrange the police to be on guard here."

At this moment, the door of the suite opened, and two figures, one big and one small, walked in, it was Jigen Daisuke and Conan.

"Dad, can you walk slowly and wait for me?"

"Little devil, I've already told you that I don't have what you want here, so please stop pestering me, okay?"

Jigen Daisuke almost collapsed, from yesterday to today, he couldn't get rid of Conan no matter what, he was already going crazy.

And Xiaolan and the others in the side hall heard a familiar voice and walked out involuntarily.

Xiaolan exclaimed, "Conan, how could your father be this guy?"

When the two saw everyone in the room, their faces changed.

Especially Jigen Daisuke, his face turned purple instantly.

Xiaolan and Huiyuan have both seen him in the Kingdom of Visbania, so they naturally know his identity.

Not to mention Mine Fujiko who looks like a smile but not a smile.

But the scariest thing is Kogoro Moori sitting on the sofa, completely throwing himself into the trap!

Daisuke Jigen remembered the experience of flying a helicopter and sniping Mori Kogoro with Lupine the day before yesterday.

At this moment when he saw Kogoro Mori, he naturally knew that he couldn't please him, and his life was the most important thing. He didn't care about Lu Bang's instructions, and the panic-stricken Jigen Daisuke immediately turned around and rushed out of the door.

He was only half a meter away from the door, but this distance was like a natural moat, impossible to cross at all.

Daisuke Jigen only felt a huge force coming from the back of his neck, his eyes went dark, and he fell down on the carpet in an instant and passed out.

An ashtray was strewn across the carpet.

The three of Emilio in the living room couldn't help but exclaimed. Luciano looked at Mori Kogoro who was clapping his hands and dusting off the ashes: "Detective Mori, what are you doing? Why did you suddenly attack our bodyguard?"

Mori Kogoro said with a serious face: "Bodyguard? I think you must have made a mistake. This guy is an internationally wanted criminal."

"Just now I thought this threatening letter was just a prank, but when I saw this guy, I understood that someone really wanted to attack you."

"You don't know that you have been infiltrated. This guy's name is Jigen Daisuke, and he is an accomplice of the international criminal group Lupine III."

"It seems that this is the threatening letter Lupine III wrote to you."

Mori Kogoro didn't mind splashing dirty water on Lupine at all, while police officer Megure stepped forward nimbly and handcuffed Daisuke Jigen who was unconscious on the ground.

Manager Claudia looked puzzled: "Lupine? Isn't this guy an international thief? Why would he want to kill Emilio?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "Who knows, maybe there is something on you that this guy wants?"

Hearing this, the big fat man Luciano quickly shook his head and said, "How is it possible, we are just here for a concert, how could there be something special that Lupine wanted, could it be a mistake?"

Mori Kogoro shook his head and said: "Of course there is no mistake, Daisuke Jigen is here, but you don't have to worry, I already captured Lupine yesterday."

Police officer Mu Mu scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Ahem, ahem! Brother Maori, Lu Bang was rescued by someone who robbed him last night."

Maori Kogoro couldn't help becoming angry: "What's the matter with Qian Xing? If I catch someone once, can he let him go? He didn't even tell me, is he just against me? Lu Bang suffered such a serious injury. , so you can escape?"

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