Officer Meguro quickly argued, "It's not Zenigata's fault. It was Ishikawa Goemon, the kendo master, who dug a tunnel from the outside to the prison with a sword, and rescued Lu Bang."

Well, the cheater really has nothing to say!

Kogoro Mori turned his head to Emilio and the three of them and said, "You have heard that Lupine has escaped again. I think he will definitely attack you. From now on, please be careful."

Emilio and Claudia nodded obediently, while Luciano looked worried.

Immediately afterwards, Mori Kogoro came to the back of the sofa, picked up Conan who was trying to reduce his sense of existence, and showed a serene smile, his neat big white teeth were extremely dazzling.

"Little devil, why are you here? Didn't you say you were at the doctor's house?"

Xiaolan followed suit and said, "Dad, I just heard Conan calling this guy his father, so could he really be Conan's father?"

Conan, who was hanging in the air, kept shaking his head and said: "Sister Xiaolan, this is not true, he is not my father at all."

"I just called it for fun!"

Conan intentionally spoke in a child's voice, and succeeded in making Mori Kogoro disgusted. He was rewarded with a popping chestnut, and a big red envelope bulged out of his head instantly.

And Yuanzi looked like she was thinking, and finally she snapped her fingers: "This situation is simply a Chinese idiom, by the way, recognize the thief as the father!"

"Hey, Conan, you dare to recognize the thief as your father, it's so disappointing."

Conan stared fiercely at Sonoko with dead fish eyes, but Sonoko became more and more addicted to talking, and began to reason.

"I know, a lecherous little devil like Conan must be similar to Mitsuhiko and Genta. I saw Claudia on TV at the office yesterday, and they all wanted to see the beautiful big sister."

"Then you just happened to know that this bearded man is the bodyguard here, so you wanted to recognize the thief as your father, and took the opportunity to sneak in to see Claudia."

"Tsk tsk tsk, at such a young age, why is your thinking so impure? You're too scheming!"

After listening to Sonoko's reasoning, everyone present looked at Conan with disdain.

Conan wanted to cry but had no tears. He wanted to defend himself, but he couldn't speak.

Chapter 0101 Kiss me and tell you

Yuanzi taunted him with an idiom learned in Chinese class: "As expected, dogs can't change their eating shit. Conan, you lecherous little devil, can't be saved."

The Italian beauty manager also looked at Conan with unfriendly eyes, she thought that Japanese children are so precocious.

Conan opened his mouth, but he couldn't think of any excuse to explain why he was with Jigen Daisuke.

Especially when he saw a look of disdain in Xiaolan's eyes, Conan was so anxious that his mouth was bubbling.

Mori Kogoro put down the dusty little devil's head, and said, "Okay, then please be honest with me and stop making trouble."

Not long after, Emilio got up and walked to the bedroom: "I'll go back to my room to rest, Claudia, when you're going to Dongdu Gymnasium, you can just call me."

The young idol is much more settled now.

Originally, Emilio wanted to stage a missing scene before the concert, directly destroying the concert.

Now he was frightened by Kogoro Mori and said that the Lupine Group was watching him, so he gave up the idea of ​​dying.

Police officer Megure hurriedly summoned his subordinates to take Daisuke Jigen into custody. The Lupine Group participated in this incident, which is definitely not a small matter.

The Lupine Group is defined as an extremely dangerous terrorist group by the Metropolitan Police Department.

Especially in a crowded place like a concert, if heavy firepower is used like last time over the Suzuki Building, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Fatty Luciano resigned to arrange many matters of the concert. He also specially opened a suite next door for Maori and his party to rest, and Maori and his party went to the next suite.

Soon, Yuanzi took Xiaolan and Huiyuan to the restaurant below for afternoon tea.

Mori Kogoro stood on the balcony, blowing the wind, constantly processing the information from the Ant-Man robot in his mind.

At this time, Fujiko's voice sounded: "Xiao Wulang, I don't understand, what does the mafia you just mentioned have anything to do with this group of people?"

Fujiko Mine, who was stepping on high heels, walked to Kogoro Mori's side, and the royal sister was very fanciful.

Conan, who was crawling behind the balcony door, overheard this key information, and his eyes brightened.

Mori Kogoro smirked: "Want to know? Then give me a kiss!"

Conan rolled his eyes, and sure enough, his uncle was still as lustful as ever.

"Kogoro, you are so annoying!"

There was a blush on Fujiko's face, her beautiful eyes were fixed on Kogoro Mori's handsome side face as carved out of a sculpture, and she slowly leaned over.


"Ah! Xiao Wu... Mmm!"

Conan first heard the sound of a kiss on the cheek, then Fujiko's exclamation, and then the sound of kissing, which tickled his heart.

He could even imagine that scene, and couldn't help but envy Kogoro Mori's beauty: another superficial woman who fell in love with Uncle Mori.

Separated by a wall, Conan was lying on the wall maintaining a stiff posture to eavesdrop.

Mori Kogoro covered Fujiko's slender waist with his hands, and he kissed Fujiko's red lips, constantly displaying his kissing skills, making Fujiko's face blush.

It took a quarter of an hour for the kiss to subside. Conan listened to the corner for a quarter of an hour, his eyes finally filled with jealousy.

Fujiko gasped heavily, his legs were a little weak, and his body was a little weak, leaning on Mori Kogoro, winking like a crisp.

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