With this sarin mother liquor, everything he lost can be regained.

Aaron Smith briefly treated the abdominal injury. After taking the medicine, he took the box and went to the cockpit. There was only one driver in the cockpit, and he had to help with the operation.

"The two of you keep an eye on this woman."

The two subordinates nodded and pointed their guns at Fujiko's head.

Fujiko pursed her lips slightly, if there was only one, she would be sure to settle it, but with two, it would be a bit difficult to deal with.

And the big fat Luciano sat in the back seat of the cabin with a look of lingering fear.

Suddenly, Luciano heard the sound of the rear cabin door.

He turned his head and saw the cabin door open.

Luciano looked in horror at the man who walked in from the door, it was Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro exploded in speed, and kicked the mafia directly in the neck with a whip kick, knocking him out. This force was enough to make him sleep for a day and a night.

When the two men in front heard the sound, they immediately turned their guns and fired continuously in the direction of Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro lay down directly and dodged all the bullets.

Seeing this great opportunity, Fujiko got up and kicked the man in the black suit behind him, kicking him to the ground.

The man in the black suit fell to the ground. Under the pain, the trigger of the machine gun in his hand did not stop. Instead, the bullets shot towards the cockpit, piercing through the hatch, and the cockpit was in chaos.

After that, Fujiko grabbed the injured left hand of another man in a black suit and pressed it on the wound.

The guy who was attacked immediately cried out in pain, and couldn't even hold the machine gun in his hand steadily.

The bullets poured towards the window, breaking the window in an instant, and the window burst open a big hole.

The difference in air pressure inside and outside the plane was huge, and a huge suction came from the window, sucking everything in the cabin to the outside.

Fujiko, the two subdued subordinates, and Luciano were all sucked by this suction.

Those two subordinates were directly sucked out of the plane, and there was a shrill scream in mid-air.

And Luciano flew out directly in a coma, but died peacefully.

Fujiko thought he was about to die in Huangquan, but he was held tightly by a big hand.

"Hold on, don't let go!"

She turned her head and saw that Mori Kogoro was holding on to the shot left hand and pulling herself, his face was full of ferociousness.

Seeing this scene, Fujiko's eyes trembled slightly.

The altitude of the plane continued to decrease, and when the fishy smell of sea water could almost be smelled, the internal and external air pressure was balanced, and the gravity in the cabin returned to normal.

Mori Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon, a soft and delicate body came up, and there was a small face in front of him, with red lips printed on him without hesitation.

Fujiko took the initiative to offer a sweet kiss to Kogoro, and was extremely obsessed.

Although it was quite enjoyable, the danger had not been lifted, and the planes were still landing, so Mori Kogoro could only resist pushing Fujiko away.

"Fuji, don't be like this, wait until I control the plane, it will be troublesome if it really crashes, and the sarin mother liquid has not been brought back yet!"

Hearing this fuerzi pouted slightly, he said arrogantly: "Hmph, I just want to give you some sweetness because I see you working so hard, don't forget it, next time you will have nothing you want."

"I still remember that you owe me a request, just wait for me obediently."

After molesting, Mori Kogoro's expression became serious, he reached out and grabbed the masks hanging from the seat, handed one to Fujiko, and put on the other himself, and then he opened the door of the cockpit.

The cockpit was in a mess, several pieces of the windshield were shattered, the floor was lifted by the suction, exposing the steel wire frame structure below, the operation panel had a red light, and warnings sounded from time to time.

Fortunately, the sarin mother liquid in the box was not broken, otherwise Kogoro Mori would have had no choice but to drive the plane into the sea.

No matter how high the concentration of venom is, it can become invisible after being diluted by the sea.

Although the sarin mother liquid was fine, Aaron Smith and the pilot next to him were hit by the stray bullet just now, and they couldn't die anymore.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but secretly thought it was a pity that he could have used the Ant-Man robot to deal with Aaron Smith and Luciano at the airport.

But he didn't do that. He wanted to capture these two guys by avoiding other people's eyes and ears.

One of the two is a representative of the radical party of the Gilamba Kingdom, and the Gilamba Kingdom borders the Visbania Kingdom of Mira.

The other was a commander of the Italian Mafia.

These two people are very powerful, Mori Kogoro originally wanted to brainwash them with the Hydra brainwashing equipment he got, but when he controlled them, the power he controlled invisibly increased.

It's a pity that this purpose was shattered by Fujiko's surprise attack and the random shooting of the two men in black suits.

Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but look at Fujiko resentfully, wishing he could spank the woman's ass.

With a long sigh, he carried Aaron Smith and the pilot next to him directly into the rear cabin, then closed the cockpit door, sat in the driver's seat, and began to operate the plane...

"The throttle valve is fine, the control of the rear wing will be very difficult."

"Altitude [-] meters, left flank sloping."

"Oil pressure is zero, auxiliary systems reactivated."

Mori Kogoro reported various situations, while Fujiko squatted down to look at each panel and kept repairing it.

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