Fortunately, the damage to the console was minimal. After the electric board was repaired, the entire control interface lit up.

Mori Kogoro immediately raised the altitude of the plane, and the risk of crash disappeared, so he felt relieved.

At this time, Fujiko said, "Xiao Wulang, come and help me, my shoe seems to be stuck!"

Mori Kogoro turned his head and saw a big butt wriggling towards him.

Fujiko, who was repairing the communication panel, really got stuck. Her pair of Roman-style high-heeled shoes stepped into the gap of the wire rack and couldn't be pulled out no matter how hard she tried.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Then you can take off your shoes before coming out?"

Fujiko looked at the pair of Roman shoes wrapped around his calves. There were more than twenty buttons on them, and he was really exhausted taking them off.

"Kogoro, come and help me!"

Fujiko acted coquettishly and powerfully, not to mention she wanted to pull her feet up, causing her body to twist, and her plump buttocks seemed to be provoking Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro got up immediately, and said to Little V in his mind: "Little V, help me fly this plane."

"As you wish, host, one thousand points have been deducted to enter the autopilot mode!"

Chapter 0108 Machine Shock

These Roman shoes are troublesome, with more than twenty buttons, it is troublesome to tie them up, and it is also troublesome to untie them. Now Fujiko's heel is stuck in the wire frame, and he cannot get out, which can be described as extremely embarrassing.

Mori Kogoro crossed his arms, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

He watched Fujiko bent over, holding his calf with both hands, trying to pull it up.

The long wine-red hair hangs down, the black leather jacket reveals a white snowy back, and the body is still stiff, extremely beautiful.

But all this was in vain, the heel of the nearly ten centimeter high heel was stuck into the wire rack, and Fujiko couldn't pull it up no matter how hard he tried.

Mori Kogoro stepped forward, embraced Fujiko's soft waist from behind, and pressed his whole body against Fujiko's back.

Sensing Kogoro Mori's body temperature and his majestic chest, Fujiko couldn't help but feel joy in his heart, thinking that he would soon be out of the predicament.

Unexpectedly, Kogoro Mori didn't come to help, but came to play tricks!

He pressed down on Fujiko, and the heel of the high-heeled shoe that was pulled out a little bit was completely submerged in the wire rack, and this time it really couldn't be pulled out.

"Okay, I really can't get up now!"

Hearing this proud voice, Fujiko frowned and said, "Xiao Goro, what do you mean?"

Mori Kogoro smirked: "I heard that a woman with bad gambling skills wants to renege on her debts. There is no other way but to give her a small punishment."

After saying that, his big hands wrapped around Fujiko's soft waist began to swim flexibly, and soon climbed onto the heavy soft thing.

Fujiko panicked immediately, and patted Mori Kogoro's body backwards with both hands, but it didn't hurt at all.

"Xiao Wulang, what are you doing, let me go quickly, or I will want you to look good when I get out of trouble."

Mori Kogoro laughed triumphantly: "Fuji, haven't you seen the situation clearly? You are trapped now, it's my turn to talk, but you can't use your cunt legs anymore."

Mori Kogoro also patted Fujiko's thigh, "Don't please me, say something nice, it seems that the punishment should be aggravated!"

Saying these evil words, Mori Kogoro suddenly became excited.

Such a big beauty is stuck, let her do what she wants, and she can get what she wants, and it is very beautiful to think about it.

Fujiko gritted his white teeth lightly, and continued to act bravely: "Hmph, Kogoro, I think I won't bite you to death if I get out of trouble."

She bent down, trying to untie the Roman high-heeled shoes wrapped around her calf, but the shoes were too knotted, and she couldn't take them off for a while.

Seeing that Fujiko wanted to save himself, Mori Kogoro would not give her a chance, so he grabbed Fujiko's hands behind his back with a smirk, and tied them with the untied tie.

With his limbs trapped, Fujiko really had nothing to do.

Mori Kogoro let go of Fujiko's body, walked in front of him, and saw that pair of wine-red beautiful eyes contained thin anger.

As soon as Fujiko saw Mori Kogoro, he opened his mouth and bit it, but Moori Kogoro hugged Yu's neck.

Stretching his head, his pretty face showed his teeth and claws, but he couldn't bite Moori Kogoro no matter what.

Seeing the beauty making various expressions in front of him, Kogoro Mori became more and more happy.

After admiring it for a while, he held Fujiko's cheeks with both hands, and with a little force, the opened mouth was closed, and the red lips were pouting together, which was really cute.

Kogoro Mori went up to meet him, bit by bit, pecking at Fujiko's lips like a woodpecker.

With a peck, the anger in Fujiko's eyes disappeared a little.

After pecking twice, Fujiko's small face flushed suddenly.

After pecking three times, Fujiko's breath became thicker.

After pecking and pecking, Fujiko's heart was gradually pecked open.

Seeing that his eyes were full of bewilderment, Mori Kogoro thought that the time was right, so he let go of his hands covering his cheeks and kissed him deeply.

The two embraced and kissed on the plane.

After a long time, "Ouch!" Mori Kogoro took a step back while clutching his lower lip, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

Fuerzi smiled triumphantly: "Xiao Wulang, now you know how powerful I am. Hmph, you can do things so badly with an injured left hand. You are hopeless."

It wasn't Fujiko's reminder that Mouri Kogoro almost forgot about the injury on his arm, the healing technique was cast, and Susu's numb energy reverberated from the wound.

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