Not long after, the injuries to his left hand and lower lip healed.

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, licked his lower lip, and smiled evilly: "You woman, it seems that I can't really teach you a 'profound' lesson!"

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro turned around and came behind Fujiko.

Mori Kogoro disappeared from sight, and Fujiko suddenly panicked: "Kogoro, what are you doing?"

Mori Kogoro didn't answer, he pushed his soft back to let his body move forward, Fujiko pressed his hands on the communication panel, and his whole body was in an inverted shape, extremely graceful.

"Hey, the two of us are on the plane now, what if you don't fly the plane and it will crash?"

"If the plane crashes, we will die together. I don't mind going to hell in this way."

Mori Kogoro hugged Fujiko's plump body again from behind, took a breath of the fragrance from his jade neck, blew into his back ear, and said domineeringly: "Fujiko, I'll eat you tonight, Even Jesus can't save me, I said!"

Fujiko, whose head was down, flushed red when he heard this, and had countless goosebumps all over his body, feeling distraught.

She had already foreseen what would happen next, and she couldn't even speak.

Although Fujiko has a bold style, he has never experienced these things. When he heard that Mori Kogoro was going to come for real, he immediately faltered.

"Little... Kogoro, let go... let me go, let's go down and talk about it, it's too dangerous here, oops!!!"

There was a big fiery hand in the skirt of her leather jacket, constantly making troubles.

Mori Kogoro smirked: "Fuji, who is not afraid of nothing, actually told me that I am afraid of danger now, I don't believe it."

"A woman like Fujiko is the most suitable for such an exciting place!"

As soon as the words fell, Mori Kogoro kissed the back of Fujiko's neck.

Chapter 0109 Machine Shock 2

The moonlight poured down, through the broken windshield of the cabin, and swayed on Fujiko's graceful body, reflecting his beautiful back in white.

Her calves were wrapped in black Roman high heels, and she stepped on a wire rack.

Leaning forward, turning his head in a prone position, his blushing face turned around.

But when she saw Kogoro Mori behind her, her beautiful eyes were full of panic, and she turned her gaze away quickly.

Fujiko gritted his teeth and said, "Xiao Goro, if you really do this, I will definitely not let you go!"

Fujiko didn't even realize that there was a trace of tenderness in his tone.

Kogoro Mori kept inspecting Fujiko's body as if appreciating a work of art.

The fiery flames in his eyes became more and more turbulent, the corner of his mouth curled up into a wicked smile, his big hands gently covered Fujiko's soft back, and he slowly swam away.

Mori Kogoro said: "If you don't let it go, don't let it go, let's hurt each other."

After saying this, his rationality gradually faded away, leaving only instinct leading everything.

Not long after, under the moonlight and above the clouds, a gorgeous and beautiful song was played in the broken plane. The song was loud and clear, and spread far, far away.

The plane with a hole in it circled the Pacific Ocean for three full hours, and the battle lasted for three full hours.

The killing was turned upside down, and the sun and the moon were dark.

In the air traffic control hall, Miwako Sato, Police Officer Megure, Conan, Haibara and others were all anxiously looking at the satellite map.

As for Xiaolan, Haibara and Conan didn't tell her what happened here, and Huibara made up a lie to let Xiaolan go home to rest first, so she didn't show up here either.

As soon as Qian Xingxing entered the river to hunt, he still failed to catch Lu Bang and the others.

Afterwards, he got the news that Daisuke Jigen in the prison of the Metropolitan Police Department was robbed and rescued, so he hurried to the Metropolitan Police Department again.

The red dot on the satellite map was spinning, and Miwako Sato asked the staff on the side anxiously: "What's the matter, why is the plane starting to circle again? Is there still no communication?"

The staff replied: "I don't know either. The communication on the plane is still disconnected. There is no way to determine the situation on the plane."

At this time, the police officer who had just finished answering the phone said: "We just received a call from the Jilamba embassy, ​​and they demanded to shoot down the plane immediately."

Miwako Sato panicked immediately: "How can it be? Kogoro is also up there!"

Officer Megure said quickly: "I told Police Matsumoto the same way, and Police Matsumoto suppressed the order to shoot down."

"However, Sato, you also know that the plane is carrying biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction. Whether it lands in Tokyo or Jilamba, it may cause huge harm. We cannot just sit back and watch this happen."

"I believe in Brother Maori, but what if..."

"Satou, we need to prepare early!"

"There is no chance, uncle will definitely come back!" The little loli Huiyuan glared at Officer Mu, her eyes were full of coldness.

The Queen's aura erupted, and Mu Mu Shisan couldn't help taking a step back: What a scary little girl.

At this moment, the staff shouted excitedly: "The communication is connected!"

He immediately pressed the green button, connected to the communication of Kogoro Mori's plane, and Kogoro Mori's voice came over.

"Hey, hello, can the people below hear me?"

At this moment, in the pilot's seat of the plane, Mori Kogoro rested his legs on the console and was talking through the walkie-talkie.

Fujiko curled up in his arms, docile like a kitten, with beautiful eyes staring at the handsome man who conquered him, no matter how he looked at it, he liked it.

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