"We are happy to help."

Mori Kogoro opened the cabin door, hugged the unconscious Fujiko in his arms, and got down from the gangway with a box in his hand.

Fujiko was too tired, the baptism under the moonlight stimulated her body and mind too much, she couldn't hold it anymore and passed out early.

A smile flashed across Mori Kogoro's face, heh, woman!

As soon as he stepped on the ground, he breathed a sigh of relief.

This time I played too much, the plane has a big hole, the risk is extremely high, maybe it will explode or crash at any time.

What the graveyard dancer is talking about is Kogoro Mouri's act of committing suicide this time.

But even though he knew he was trying to die, Kogoro Mori couldn't help but blink his lips, full of aftertaste.

From this we can see the inferiority of human beings. If you don't want to die and feel uncomfortable, what Sky is talking about is Kogoro Mori.

He even wanted to take Xiaolan to a private jet to try next time.

Not long after, the red Mazda drifted and stopped beside Mori Kogoro.

Miwako Sato and Haibara in the driver's and passenger's seats got down, followed by Police Officer Megure and Conan, and the four kept talking.

"Kogoro, are you alright?"

"Uncle Maori, are you alright?"

"What's the matter, Fuji?"

"What happened to the mother liquor of sarin?"

Asking about sarin mother liquor is naturally the green hat man Mu Mushisan, and Kogoro Mori gave him a blank look. You deserve to wear a green hat for the rest of your life.

He handed the box in his hand to Mumu Shisan, then turned his head to look at Miwako and Huiyuan who resisted not to pounce on him, and said with a light smile.

"I'm fine, and Fujiko is fine too. It's just that she was knocked out by the enemy and hasn't woken up yet. It's fine. Just let her rest for a while."

Officer Mu Mu carefully placed the black box on the ground, opened it gently, and saw that all the test tubes inside were sealed, he couldn't help but heaved a long sigh of relief.

"Brother Maori, thank you so much this time."

"It's nothing, it's just a matter of raising your hands, but there are still two corpses on the plane, Officer Mu Mu, please send someone up to look at it."

Officer Mu Mu saw his subordinates rushing towards him, panting heavily, and quickly arranged for several people to go up to check.

"Hey, where are Xiaolan and Yuanzi, why aren't they here?"

Hui Yuan said, "She called after the concert just now. I didn't say anything about the situation here. I just said that we went to eat takoyaki. Sister Xiaolan and Sonoko went back first."

Mori Kogoro nodded in satisfaction.

"What about Lupine and the others?"

Still sullen, Conan said, "They all ran away. Lupine III, Ishikawa Goemon, and King jumped into the river and disappeared."

"Afterwards, Ishikawa Goemon also attacked the underground prison of the Metropolitan Police Department and rescued Daisuke Jigen."

"Officer Qian Xing chased after him. I don't know what's going on now?"

Mori Kogoro laughed: "If you have money, Lu Bang and his group must have run away."

He then gently put Fujiko's delicate body into the back seat of Miwako's car, which made him a little more relaxed.

Seeing him still sulking, shy like a woman, and rolling his eyes from time to time to stare at his little ghost Conan, how could Kogoro Mori spoil him.

The chestnuts fell on Conan's forehead, and the three freshly baked bags swelled up.

Mori Kogoro directly pre-empted the attack: "Little devil, didn't I tell you not to run around? Why are you disobedient and fell into Lupine's hands and became a tool to threaten me."

"You almost ruined my event!"

In pain, Conan, who knelt down and hugged his head, was so aggrieved that he almost burst into tears. In his mouth, he said: "Obviously I didn't threaten you, but you asked me to say my last words. You want me to die, and you will be replaced by Miss Fuji." Just drop the weapon."

Mori Kogoro snorted coldly: "How dare you argue, how could it be the same? Fujiko was kidnapped by a group of desperadoes, and he might die at any time; as for Lupin, at best, he is just a thief, and he can kill a chicken." I dare not, how could I kill you."

"You little devil, you don't want to let you study hard, you are the best at mischievous tricks, I am so mad at you, you are scheduled to attend the mathematics training class, let me tell you, you will have no time for the next spring break, Go to class honestly!"

Hearing this, Conan's face turned bitter, but being scolded so severely by Mori Kogoro, he felt much more relieved, and his knot was untied at once.

The naive Conan easily forgave Kogoro Mori: It turns out that my uncle was not unwilling to save me, but he had already seen through Lupine. Uncle is so smart.

Conan, who was coaxed, regained his vitality all of a sudden, and went forward to bargain with Mori Kogoro, saying that he would not go to the training class, but it was obviously impossible to succeed.

After a while, police officer Megure took Mori Kogoro into the van beside him and began to take notes.

And the little loli Haibara with her eyes fixed, quietly climbed up the back of the red Mazda and came to Fujiko.

His little hands stuck into Fujiko's clothes without any scruples, and his eyes immediately glowed coldly.

This detective has such a privilege. After Mori Kogoro finished talking about what happened tonight, he said goodbye to Miwako and took Fujiko and the two children home.

Chapter 0111 fainted!

The Lexus was parked at the door of his house, and Mori Kogoro carried Fujiko who was still asleep, and climbed the stairs to the third floor.

He didn't notice that the little loli Huiyuan who was following behind had a rather unkind expression.

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