Conan walked to his room on the second floor dejectedly. What happened today made him deeply shocked again.

I didn't do anything to help, but was caught by Lupine and became a threatening burden, which made Conan, who has always been proud and arrogant, completely unbearable.

Especially when he knew that he would go to math training classes for the rest of his vacation, Conan became even more depressed.

The little devil was thinking about how to get rid of this fate.

Mori Kogoro came to the third floor with Fujiko in his arms. As soon as he entered the living room, Xiaolan in pajamas greeted her immediately. She was still holding a hairdryer in her hand. There were crystal clear drops of water hanging on her snow-white skin, and her whole body exuded Amazing femininity, presumably just came out of the shower.

The white vest could barely cover the pair of soft things, revealing a deep gully, in which the death-preventing gold medal shone.

"Father is too much. He didn't accompany us to watch the show. Instead, he sneaked out to eat takoyaki with Xiao Ai. Don't you know that Sonoko has been complaining in my ear for a long time, eh! What's wrong with Miss Fuji? Drunk ?"

Mouri Kogoro was about to speak, but the little loli Huiyuan said first: "She, I'm afraid she fainted from the excitement!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro thought inwardly that it was not good, turned his head to look at Huiyuan, and saw little loli gritted her silver teeth, smiling brightly at him, with a cold gleam in her icy blue eyes .

shit! ! !

Xiaolan looked puzzled, and wanted to ask more questions, but Mori Kogoro immediately said: "Xiao Ai is just joking, Miss Fujiko was attacked and passed out, I'm afraid she won't wake up until tomorrow morning, I'll take her back first Rest in the room, I will tell you the details later!"

Mori Kogoro carried Fujiko Mine into Huiyuan's bed, covered him with a thin quilt, and closed the door before returning to the living room.

Xiaolan in the living room has already started making tea. She knew that Mori Kogoro liked to drink Huaguo tea, so she paid attention to learning Huaguo's tea making techniques, and now she can make it well.

Soon, three cups of tea were prepared on the tea tray, which was very fragrant.

Mori Kogoro sat down next to Xiaolan, and saw the little loli on the single sofa next to him still looking at him with a half-smile.

As soon as his heart became ruthless, he hugged the little loli and fell into her arms, not meeting her eyes.

Little Lolita was about to struggle, but found that one of her buttocks was being held, and her face turned red.

Huiyuan, who was being attacked, cursed a big pervert in his heart, snorted and puffed up his face, folded his hands on his chest, and made an angry gesture.

But she didn't struggle anymore, and curled up obediently in Kogoro Mouri's arms.

Temporarily subduing Huiyuan, Mori Kogoro relaxed slightly, began to drink tea, and told Xiaolan about what happened tonight.

"Ah! What, I didn't expect it to be like this, Mr. Luciano turned out to be a member of the Mafia!"

"Poor Emilio and Claudia!"

"Ah! Lupine also appeared tonight, and it's even related to Miss Fuji!"

"What, Dad, are you riding a motorcycle to chase the plane to save people? Are you all right?"

Hearing this, Xiao Lan immediately threw herself on Kogoro Mouri, with a concerned look on her face, and rubbed her little hands all over Kogoro Mouri's body to make sure he was all right.

Maori Kogoro quickly said: "Xiao Lan, don't be nervous, Dad is fine, don't mess around, do you want to continue listening?"

Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that it was all right, and Mori Kogoro continued to narrate.

"In the end, those bad guys are all dead. That's great. Dad, you can fly a plane. I didn't even know it. It's really amazing!"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Xiao Lan, you don't know much, next time Dad will let you take my big plane, it will be very cool!"

Hearing this, Xiao Lan was stunned for a moment, then her face flushed red, she put her hands on her thighs, lowered her head and said, "Dad, you are so bad, Xiao Ai is still here, how can you say such a thing? Teach children bad."

Huiyuan's pupils shrank when he heard this, Nani?There's something wrong with this reaction!

Mori Kogoro couldn't laugh or cry, and quickly explained: "Xiaolan, what are you thinking, I'm talking about a private jet, a private jet that I drive myself!"

Although Xiaolan seems to be right, but the little loli is still here, Mori Kogoro has to explain clearly.

Hearing this, Xiao Lan was stunned for a moment, and only then did she realize that she was wrong.

Seeing Xiao Lolita's cold eyes like patrolling, Xiaolan lied in her heart, but pretended nothing happened, and continued to make tea calmly.

Haibara looked at Xiaolan suspiciously, but finally withdrew his gaze, and turned his attack on Mori Kogoro...

She just checked her body while Fujiko was drowsy, and she knew exactly what happened on the plane.

The little loli opened her mouth pretending to be innocent, and the cute loli voice came out.

"Uncle, Uncle, do you like big breasts or small breasts?"

Upon hearing such an explosive question, Kogoro Mori couldn't hold the tea in his mouth, and spit it out all at once.

Xiaolan looked down at her chest, and answered silently in her heart: Of course it's big breasts!

His little face turned red all of a sudden, he couldn't even hold it firmly with the tweezers, and the teacup fell to the tea tray all of a sudden, startling Hui Yuan who was beside him.

Huiyuan looked suspiciously at Xiaolan's flushed cheeks, obviously this question had nothing to do with her, why did she blush again?

Huiyuan muttered more and more in his heart.

Mori Kogoro wiped the tea from the corner of his mouth, coughed twice: "Xiao Ai, you are still a child, this is not a question you should ask!"

Little Loli snorted coldly: "No, you have to make a choice, otherwise, sister Xiaolan, I have something to tell you."

Haibara intends to share with Xiaolan what she found out about "Fujiko having an affair with Kogoro Mori", and jointly with Xiaolan to hold a joint trial of Kogoro Mori.

Kogoro Mouri saw through his intentions, and quickly said, "I like them all, I like them all, uncle doesn't pick anything."

Xiaolan and Huiyuan frowned at the same time, apparently neither of them was satisfied with the answer.

Huiyuan asked again: "Second question, Uncle, do you like Miss Yu or Lolita?"

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