The directionality of this question is too obvious, and it is completely aimed at Fuji.

And Xiaolan frowned slightly when she heard that the two options were not her own.

Huiyuan snorted coldly again, and said again: "Sister Xiaolan..."

But before Little Loli finished speaking, Kogoro Moori covered her mouth, and Kogoro Moori carried Little Loli to the bathroom.

"Xiao Ai, it's so late, it's okay not to take a bath. Uncle will answer your questions while helping you take a bath, okay?"

"Lan, help us get our pajamas later, just put them at the door."

The little loli in Kogoro Mouri's arms kept thrashing about, but she couldn't escape the fate of being pulled into the bathroom.

Seeing the two taking a bath together again, Xiaolan pouted again: If I had known, I would not have taken a bath so quickly!

The little loli who was carried into the bathroom was stripped off by Mori Kogoro.

Chapter 0112

Hot water poured down from the shower head and hit Mori Kogoro's sculpture-like body, washing away all the filth on his body.

The little loli Hui Yuan was standing aside, watching coldly, with her arms folded, and from time to time, she hummed and cursed softly to show her existence.

"Hmph, it stinks, big pervert!"

"Flower-hearted radish!"

"Big color embryo!"


Mouri Kogoro heard Hui Yuanmoe's scolding, and cleaned himself very quickly, and then came to Xiao Loli's side, and heard the three words "Spiritual!"

He picked up Hui Yuan and kissed him skin to skin. Little Lolita's milk-like smooth skin is really irresistible.

Moli Kogoro said: "Xiao Ai, you have wronged me, how can uncle be a heartless man!"

Huiyuan turned his head, like an angry little daughter-in-law: "Don't touch me, go find that big cow."

But the little loli in his arms didn't struggle.

Hearing this title, Mori Kogoro couldn't help laughing bitterly. It's a big milk orchid and a big cow. It seems that the little loli has a lot of resentment.

He lightly rubbed his head against Hui Yuan's small head: "How can I do it, Uncle is going to give you a bath for Xiao Ai, how can you just leave like this!"

Huiyuan said coldly, "I can wash it myself."

"No, I don't worry. My Xiao Ai is so cute. If my uncle falls in the bathroom, I don't know how much I will feel sorry for him. I must wash it for you myself."

Hui Yuan, who turned his small face away, raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and soon restrained himself.

"Besides, Xiao Ai, I haven't answered the question you just asked me, sister Yu and Luoli, uncle..."

Huiyuan still couldn't help pricking up his ears to listen.

"...I like Xiao Ai the most. Xiao Ai is a loli, and my uncle likes lolita. When Xiao Ai grows up to become Yu Jie, my uncle likes Yu Jie."

He gently approached Huiyuan's little ear, and said in a magnetic voice: "In this life, no matter how Xiao Ai changes, uncle will love you!"

The warm breath hit Huiyuan's ear, and the little Lolita trembled all over, half of her body turned red.

When Huiyuan heard this answer, he was extremely satisfied, and his long-standing scruples dissipated a lot.

What she fears the most is that when she returns to her adult appearance, she will lose the love that Kogoro Mori loved so much.

If so, she would rather not develop an antidote, and just be a legal loli and stay by Mouri Kogoro's side forever.

Little Lolita's icy blue eyes softened, she turned her head around, and finally wrapped her arms around Mouri Kogoro's neck.


"Of course it's true. Uncle won't lie to Xiao Ai if he deceives anyone."

Mori Kogoro kissed Hui Yuan's pink lips, and then said: "But today uncle has wronged Xiao Ai, what should I do, I can only give a gift for Xiao Ai in advance."

"what gift?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "I know that my Xiao Ai has always been very talented in fashion, and also likes the Prada brand. Uncle, he made a lot of money by investing in the company, so he used a little trick to buy [-]% of the shares of the Prada Group."

"Your name is written in the name of the shares, Xiao Ai. Now, Xiao Ai, you are the helm of this top Italian luxury group."

Hearing this, Hui Yuan's eyes lit up immediately.


"Of course, the contract is in the bottom cabinet of the bedside table in Xiao Ai's room, but Xiao Ai, you seem to be very careless, and you never found it."

Mori Kogoro continued: "In addition, I also asked the top designer in the Prada Group to design a series of leather goods, ready-to-wear, shoes, jewelry, perfume and so on for my Xiaoai. "

"The name of the series is [Story of Sorrow]. It should be able to catch up with this summer exhibition. When the finished product comes out, uncle will take you to see the exhibition together."

The world's top designers design an exclusive series for themselves. Others are lucky enough to buy this series of luxury goods because of themselves. This is not a dream!

Huiyuan's eyes were full of fascination, she was extremely excited, and after screaming, she held Kogoro Mouri's face and kissed it down.

Huiyuan is really satisfied with this gift!

In the future, what kind of collectible or extinct Prada bags does she want, bags that cannot be bought in the market.

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