Pulling out the production line directly, letting the people in this group remake it, and then delivering it in person is a joy to think about.

Mori Kogoro and Haibara kissed passionately, caressing the little Lolita's soft back with big hands, feeling quite complacent in their hearts, the old driver will never roll over, these words are not just words.

After the kiss, Huiyuan Xiaomeng blushed and her eyes were full of mist. Panting heavily, she said, "Uncle, is this the surprise you mentioned earlier? I like it very much."

Mori Kogoro laughed softly, stroked Huiyuan's white lotus-like calf with his big hand, and said, "Xiao Ai, you are wrong, the surprise that uncle prepared for you is not so simple, it is at most It’s just an addition, the real surprise must be kept secret.”

Hearing this, Huiyuan's eyes became brighter and brighter. This is just an addition. Could it be that the surprise is the shares of groups such as Hermes, Anima, and Gucci?

That's crazy too! ! !Am I going to be a fashion godmother? ? ?

Little Lolita was extremely passionate, but she wanted to pretend to be calm, and kept taking deep breaths. This appearance made Kogoro Mouri's face cute.

In the end, Haibara couldn't hold back himself, stared at Kogoro Mori with piercing eyes, and said firmly, "Uncle, let's start the experiment!"

Mori Kogoro laughed, full of achievements in his heart.

Hearing the angry and jealous little Lolita voluntarily say this sentence, it feels like eating ginseng fruit.

He carried the little loli Huiyuan directly into the bathtub, which was already filled with hot water.

The experiment is to be done, but the bath also needs to be washed.

Washing for nothing, washing Xiangxiang is comfortable!

Kogoro Mori's big hands covered with shower gel gently moved over this white and tender little loli, not letting go of every inch of skin.

Little Loli leaned against Mori Kogoro's arms, her body trembling constantly, and Xiao Meng blushed almost to the point of bleeding.

After a long time, the bath was finally finished. Sitting outside the bathtub, Mori Kogoro wiped Huiyuan's body with a towel. The child was weak, so he didn't dare to let her catch a cold.

Then Mori Kogoro also wiped off the water stains on his body, and he lay down on the non-slip mat next to the bathtub.

Chapter 0113: Surrender Lolita 2

Huiyuan got on his horse, and Xiaomeng suddenly showed a smile on his face.

There was a sound of rushing and killing, and there was a sound of joy. The little female rider kept galloping, dashing left and right, having a great time.

But it didn't take long for Hui Yuan to run out of energy.

In this big horse riding game, Kogoro Mori, the big headed horse to be ridden, held up the buttocks of the little loli with his fiery hands, and chuckled lightly: "Spin!"

The little Lolita turned around, and the world was spinning. Under the strong stimulation, the pupils of the little Lolita continued to shrink, and she couldn't help screaming.

Xiaolan, who was sitting on the sofa opening the letter in the living room, couldn't help shaking her head when she heard the scream.

These two guys are having a fight again, and they can still have such fun after taking a bath, but this time they don't know how long it will take.

Huh?this letter?The school emblem of Mihua University?Dad's junior?

Xiaolan frowned slightly, distinguishing this invitation letter from the fan letters.

Xiaolan's guess was indeed correct, after a full hour and a half, the bathroom door opened.

On the shoulder of Kogoro Mori, who was covered in steam, there was a soft little loli lying on his shoulders. Both of them were wearing pajamas, and they looked very intimate.

Huiyuan's expression was dazed, and his expression was blank, thinking that the game was too intense just now.

Xiaolan couldn't help complaining: "Dad, next time, don't play with Xiao Ai in the bathroom for so long, children catch cold easily."

Xiao Lan heard some screams just now, but no other sounds came out.

"How come, the water is always hot, and I have protected Xiao Ai. The most important thing is, Xiao Ai, do you like taking a bath with your uncle?"

Haibara laughed foolishly, then nodded heavily.

Xiaolan felt that Huiyuan's expression was a bit strange, but she didn't become suspicious.

"Dad, here is an invitation letter from your school girl, why don't you open it and have a look?"

Mori Kogoro took the letter with one hand, and then opened it. Xiaolan and Haibara immediately peeked at the side openly.

[Maori senior: Do you still remember the wish I said when I was camping many years ago?Now my wish has come true. In Nishitama City, I finally built the tallest Gemini skyscraper in Japan, which is the closest place to heaven!

Before the unveiling ceremony of the skyscraper, I would like to invite you to visit my painstaking efforts for so many years next Monday. I still remember the promise made by my senior under the cherry blossom tree. You will not forget, Mr. Maori!

——Tokiwa Mio]

Next Monday, today is Friday, and there are three days left!

Mori Kogoro was silently counting the time in his heart when he suddenly felt two cold lights stabbing towards him.

Xiaolan and Huiyuan looked at Mori Kogoro with unkind expressions, and Xiaolan said with a half-smile: "Father, what is the promise under the cherry tree?"

Huiyuan continued: "For more than twenty years, people have always remembered it!"

Cold sweat immediately fell from the back of Mori Kogoro's head. It's really a wave of unrest and another wave. The world, the turmoil is evil!

He quickly said: "How can I remember such a long time ago? I am not an important person. My head is all used to store the memories of Xiaolan and Xiaoai. How can I remember these things? s things."

Xiao Lan suddenly laughed coquettishly: "Hey, why did Dad's mouth become so sweet?"

Mori Kogoro immediately changed the subject: "Xiao Lan, Xiao Ai, it's getting late, we should rest."

Huiyuan immediately said, "I'll sleep with my uncle tonight!"

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