"No, I will sleep with Dad tonight!"

"Big Nailan, don't go too far. I haven't bothered with you about the fact that you knocked me out last night. How dare you rob me tonight?"

The little loli in Mori Kogoro's arms suddenly regained her fighting spirit, and her momentum was very strong.

As soon as Xiaolan heard this, she felt wronged, and her momentum weakened.

Huiyuan took advantage of the victory to attack: "Hmph, you father-control pervert, reflect on yourself tonight. Is it right to use force against children? Uncle, let's go back to the room to rest."

It is true that Xiaolan gave Haibara a knife last night a bit too much. To be fair, Mori Kogoro didn't say much, he could only comfort his precious daughter with his eyes, and then entered his bedroom with Haibara.

Xiaolan stomped her feet, but in the end she could only go back to her room to rest.

The Maori family finally returned to calm.

On the big bed in Mori Kogoro's bedroom, Haibara was already very tired. Children's physical strength is not as good as that of adults, and they couldn't hold on after just an hour of experimentation.

But tonight she can monopolize Mori Kogoro, and Haihara looks quite excited.

Little Loli made a fuss for a while, and finally lay on Kogoro Mori, found a comfortable position and quickly fell asleep.

Mori Kogoro put his right arm around Haibara's soft waist, and heaved a long sigh. He recalled the past twenty years ago.

When the cherry blossoms are blooming, the girl in Huaichun confesses her love to Mouri Kogoro, the senior senior of Rice Flower University, but at that time, Mouri Kogoro already has Hieiri and Yukiko.

Mori Kogoro, who has not yet awakened, joked to this cute school girl who was a class behind him: "If the wish you said during camping can come true, then I will accept it and be your boyfriend obediently."

He intended to politely refuse, but this stubborn girl took it seriously.

This girl has a lot of background and is the sole heir of the Tokiwa Consortium.

This seemingly impossible thing, with the support of the Tokiwa Consortium, has the possibility of realization.

The girl soon dropped out of school, returned to the family consortium, and started working towards her goals.

During this period, Kogoro Mori got married, and an invitation letter was sent to this girl, who also attended.

Kogoro Mori thought Tokiwa Mio had given up on this idea!

Now that I saw the invitation, I knew it was not.

I'm not a good person, so why bother to waste your life!

This is the same love debt as Yumi Horikoshi, and Yumi Horikoshi's debt was repaid by Kogoro Mori.

The Yumeitang makeup company he invested and established has already achieved the top three market share. As the chairman of this company, Yumi Rieyue, who has a tendency to be a strong woman, is getting busier and busier now, but she always has a way to spare Time to find Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro revisited the memories of the first half of his life, and suddenly realized that he secretly carried a lot of love debts.

This is also the sequelae of that backtracking mission. Mori Kogoro in high school suddenly transformed into a very attractive and handsome man, and women always swooped up like moths to a flame.

But his soul was not awakened in his previous life, so he rejected countless women during this period.

This is all caused by myself, what else can I do, I can only go.

Chapter 0114 'Misguided'

It was past five o'clock the next morning, and the sun had not yet dawned. Kogoro Mori felt as if his soul was wrapped in warmth in his sleep. When he woke up with his eyes open, he saw the arched quilt.

As soon as the quilt was lifted, the cute little loli was looking at herself with sweet eyes, and she seemed to be saying: Uncle, are you satisfied?

Xiaomeng's face was full of obsequiousness, and when combined with the little girl's innocent temperament, it was almost fatal.

Mori Kogoro's heart blazed up instantly, his big hand was about to grab the little loli's calf, but he slapped it back.

"Uncle, don't move, just lie down obediently."

Mori Kogoro closed his eyes contentedly, returned his head heavily to the pillow, and enjoyed it quietly. This is called life!

Little Lolita is already very proficient in her technique, and she started experimenting after eating the ice cream. Soon, soft music resounded throughout the room.

After more than an hour, the smell came out of the kitchen, and Mori Kogoro cooked the kitchen himself, rewarding the little loli who had just been extremely brave.

It's just that this little loli is lying on the dining table with her face sideways, seeming a little tired.

His icy blue eyes closely follow Kogoro Mori's back, full of love.

The aroma in the steamer keeps coming out, this time Kogoro Mori made Cantonese-style morning tea in Huaguo, which can be described as fragrant.

Seeing that the heat was almost ready, he turned off the fire, and then opened the first floor of the steamer. A variety of exquisite dishes were placed on the assortment of small drawers, which made people salivate.

Crystal clear shrimp dumplings, golden belly with marinade, bright red chicken feet in black bean sauce, shrimp meat with thin skin like cicada wings, steamed taro pork ribs, glutinous rice chicken wrapped in lotus leaves ...

There are also all kinds of naive buns and pastries, barbecued pork buns, custard buns, egg yolk cakes, horseshoe cakes...

All kinds of scents suddenly aroused the glutton in Hui Yuan's stomach.

Mori Kogoro stacked the drawers of delicacies on the plate, and then brought them to the dining table to arrange them.

He took out a pot of warm coconut milk and poured out two cups, the fragrance of coconut overflowed.

Little Lolita's big eyes lit up.

"Uncle, you are really amazing!"

Little Loli raised her head and pouted her mouth to invite a kiss.

Mori Kogoro pecked on her pink lips, and then he hugged Huiyuan in his arms, and began to feed the little loli which he loved.

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