Once you bite down, the crystal shrimp dumplings are extremely springy;

Delicious char siew that smells hot when it is torn open;

The yellow custard that flows out as soon as you poke it in;

There is also spicy and refreshing chicken feet, so delicious that Huiyuan wants to eat the plate too.

At the end of the meal, Xiaomeng's face was so dirty that he turned into a little tabby cat.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and carefully wiped Haibara's small face with a paper towel until it was clean before kissing him in satisfaction.

A strange look flashed in the little loli's ice-blue eyes, her white teeth slowly bit her lower lip, and she smirked: "Uncle, I feel that my strength has recovered after eating, we can do another experiment!"

Mori Kogoro patted Huiyuan's little head, rubbed his little head: "I'm afraid you'll be in bed all day if you do it again."

He put the little girl down and patted her little butt: "Go ahead, just leave the dining table to uncle to clean up."

Huiyuan turned his head: "Hmph, don't think I don't know, you want to leave it to that big cow."

Mori Kogoro couldn't help being overwhelmed by it, and smiled wryly, Little Lori ran away after saying this, and Mori Xiaowu started to clean up the table.

In Haihara's room, Fujiko is still asleep.

She dreamed of herself standing on the wing of an airplane.

Those firm and powerful hands controlled his own abundance, and the violent combos that were separated from death by a thin line, the endless waves engulfed fear and completely sank his soul.

Fujiko's face was flushed, and the corners of his mouth curled up. He clamped the pillow between his legs tightly, indulging in this beautiful dream, unwilling to wake up.

However, Fujiko in his sleep suddenly felt something was wrong, as if a pair of small hands were grabbing his sensitive and proud place.

The dream was instantly shattered, and Fujiko pouted and said, "Xiao Wulang, stop messing around!"

It's okay not to say this, but as soon as Fujiko said this, she felt her chest was pulled hard, and she immediately opened her eyes.

There was only a little loli standing by the bed in the room, looking at a document to herself.

Fujiko rubbed his chest and asked, "Xue Li, did you catch me just now?"

The little loli glanced at Fujiko, and pretended to be indifferent: "Of course not, I'm not that boring. It must be some mosquito that bit you on behalf of the sky."

Fujiko picked up the black underwear, glanced at the marks left on it, and immediately stretched out his hand to grab Huiyuan: "I knew it was you who did it."


Upon hearing this word, Fujiko's hands froze and stopped in mid-air.

Haibara closed the contract in his hand, turned around, looked at Fujiko coldly with ice blue eyes.

Little loli, the queen's aura burst out completely, and Fujiko couldn't help being a little nervous.

"Fuji Mine, you are so brave. You know that Uncle Mao Li is mine, yet you dare to snatch my man."

Fuji suddenly felt a little guilty, and said in panic, "How do you know?"

Huiyuan glanced at her black leather pants and snorted coldly.

Seeing the leather pants that hadn't been changed, Fuji's face turned red immediately, and he quickly explained: "Xue Li, I didn't do this on my own initiative, I was forced to do it, and there is nothing I can do about it!"

But the little Lolita didn't believe it at all, with a playful smile on her face: "Oh, the dignified international female snitch, there is still someone who can force you, I don't believe it!"

"If you hadn't been willing to keep seducing Uncle, how could Uncle 'go astray'!"

Fuji's forehead is suddenly full of black lines, it seems that being with you is called "going astray"!

However, Haibara's guess is quite accurate. In fact, when he was stuck on the wire rack of the plane, Fujiko had other ways to get out of trouble.

It's just that later, I became obsessed with ghosts for some reason, and it became a good thing with him half-heartedly.

Fujiko finally regained some composure, folded her hands on her chest, and her proud place became more and more plump, she smiled coquettishly: "Even if I seduced you, Shirley, your Uncle Maori has been wiped out by me, why don't you What do you want to do?"

After all, she raised her eyebrows triumphantly, showing her provocative gesture at a glance.

Huiyuan's eyes became colder and colder, and he took out his mobile phone with his small hand, found Fujiko's nude photos and wanted to upload them.

Seeing this scene, Fujiko rushed over, snatched the phone away, and laughed dryly: "Xue Li, don't be so serious, I'm just joking, tell me your plan, as long as it doesn't go too far I promise you all."

Fuji's confession was very fluent, and little Lolita snorted out of anger, and then said: "Everything must come first, first come first, from now on I will be the big one, and you will be the young one."

"Listen to me obediently, or you will be rewarded!"

The cute little loli is clenching her fists and seriously threatening a big sister, wanting to make her a little girl. This scene is full of joy.

Fuji wanted to laugh, but he could only hold back desperately, and then nodded suddenly, and the tense atmosphere in the room dissipated.

Chapter 0115

After getting a satisfactory answer, the little loli Huihara had a very satisfied expression, like a lord who has subdued a general.

She is also planning ahead, Haibara has long known that there are many women around Mori Kogoro, especially his wife, Concubine Eri, who is an insurmountable peak.

She herself has physical defects and cannot become an adult. Of course, she must unite some available forces.

And Fuji, who is domineering in figure, is naturally the best candidate, who just happens to learn from each other's strengths and make up for each other's weaknesses.

The little loli Huiyuan deliberately flipped through the contract in her hand, and said, "Oh, I told Uncle Mao Li not to waste it so much, why did you spend so much money to buy Prada Group as a gift for me? Those who don’t want this group don’t have time to manage it.”

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