"What?" Fujiko, who had the attributes of a money fan, looked surprised.

She quickly snatched the contract away, and carefully looked through the text and official seal, as well as the name of the owner of the equity, and it was indeed Hui Yuan's name.

Fujiko confirmed that the contract was genuine, that is to say, the world's top luxury group worth trillions of yen really belonged to the little girl in front of her.

This is the wealth that Fuji has stolen for so many years, and she can't help but look at the little girl in front of her with envy.

Huiyuan continued to speak: "It's really annoying. This year's summer exhibition also has a series of 'The Story of Sorrow' specially designed for me. I have to bother to watch it."

"The group of designers below know how to flatter. Hey, I still have to continue to study the antidote. Really, I can only make time when the time comes."

Kogoro Mori's special order became a sycophant in Huiyuan's mouth.

Little Lolita's pretentious effect is outstanding, and it's so exciting that the second child doesn't want it.

Women are like this. They know that others say this on purpose, but they can't control their reason if they want to compare themselves.

Fujiko scolded mmp a lot in his heart, but he still had a smile on his face.

Seeing Fujiko's appearance, Haibara calmed down, and happily left with the contract in his arms.

Mori Kogoro opened letters alone in the office on the second floor. Xiaolan opened a small part last night, and now there is still a small mountain of letters piled up on the table.

Those who went abroad and returned to China this week missed all commissions.

It's a pity that there is no way to earn points, but with limited manpower, this is the only way to go.

At this moment, the cell phone rang, and Kogoro Mori answered the call.

"Oh, it's Ayumi, what's the matter, what's the matter with calling uncle?"

A cute loli voice came from the phone: "Uncle Mao Li, today is Saturday, my mother doesn't have to go to work today!"

Kogoro Mori was a little dazed by what he said: "Then what's wrong?"

The little loli Ayumi suddenly became anxious: "Uncle is a big villain, he doesn't keep his word."

Mori Kogoro realized this, and chuckled lightly: "Ayumi, uncle was teasing you just now, of course I remember to take you to play, take you to a big meal!"

"Well, I'll pick you up at nine o'clock later, let's go to the tropical park first, how about it?"

"Hooray! Hooray!"

Ayumi, who was in the bedroom at home, jumped up excitedly on the bed, and immediately heard her mother's scolding outside the room.

"Ayumi, don't jump around on the bed!"

Little Lolita hung up the phone immediately, she couldn't tell her mother about this in advance.

Kogoro Mori hung up the phone and continued to open the letters. In the end, he found that all the entrustment letters here had missed the date, so he threw them all away.

At this time, Fujiko appeared at the door of the office. Wearing a red leather jacket and leather pants, Fujiko Mine's figure can be described as extremely sexy.

Today's Fujiko exudes femininity that can be called touching.

She couldn't help but blushed when she saw Kogoro Moori, but she pretended to be nonchalant and walked to his side, and said, "Xiaogoro, are you working?"

His burgundy eyes fell on Kogoro Mori uncontrollably.

Mori Kogoro took Fujiko's small hand with his big hand, and pulled him into his arms, his arms filled with tenderness instantly.

The chair underneath turned around, and Fujiko lowered his head shyly.

Mori Kogoro raised Fujiko's head with his fingertips, and said with a smile, "Fujiko, weren't you very courageous before? Why are you so shy now?"

Before Fujiko could answer, Mori Kogoro kissed his red lips, while his big hands skillfully penetrated into the lapel of the leather jacket, grasping a lump of softness.

Fujiko was immediately lost in this passionate offensive.

The two are talking with each other on the revolving chair.

At this time, the door of Conan's room opened, and the little devil immediately retreated back when he saw the scene outside, closing the door.

Another big beauty was taken down by Uncle Maori, and Conan was full of jealousy.

However, Conan soon realized that this was a great opportunity.

As long as I escape, at least I don't have to go to any math cram school today, maybe my uncle will forget about it tomorrow...

So, Conan opened the door again, and then tiptoed out, still thinking silently in his heart: Can't see me!can not see me!

He leaned against the wall and walked forward slowly, taking every step extremely cautiously, without making a sound.

He walked a short distance for a full minute.

Finally, the gate of the office appeared in front of his eyes, as long as he stepped through the gate, he would be free.

But the last step never fell, Conan was grabbed by the back collar of his suit, and the little devil's head was picked up.

Mori Kogoro appeared behind him silently, while Fufuzi snuggled up beside him like a bird.

"Conan, what are you trying to do furtively?"

Conan touched the back of his head and laughed dryly: "Uncle Maori, Dr. Li has something to do with me, I want to go to him."

As soon as the words fell, three freshly baked big red envelopes appeared in Conan's head.

"Last night, I told Dr. A Li about letting you go to the training class. Dr. A Li also promised not to disturb you these days. Obviously, you are lying."

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