"Conan, you let me down so much!"

"You are not allowed to go anywhere today, and the teacher from the training class will pick you up later."

As soon as the words fell, a gentle man in a suit and leather shoes appeared in the stairwell.

He bowed to Mori Kogoro and said, "Your Noda, you are the teacher of Shin-Etsu Group's spring break math assault class. May I ask Detective Mori, were you the one who called to sign up for the assault class last night?"

Mori Kogoro's eyes lit up, while Conan looked terrified.

"That's right, I was the one who signed up last night. This kid is the troublemaker I mentioned. I'll trouble you to take care of it from now on."

After finishing speaking, he handed Conan to this gentle man.

But Noda changed his expression instantly after taking Conan, and his expression was terribly frightening.

He stared at Conan fiercely: "Next, please give me your advice!"

Conan was stunned all of a sudden, and couldn't help but feel cold all over, and his body began to tremble.

Noda turned his head and his expression became gentle again. He said goodbye to Mori Kogoro and Fujiko: "Then I won't bother you two. We have to pick up other students, so we will leave first."

Noda dragged Conan to go downstairs, and Conan suddenly felt something was wrong.

The little ghost looked back at Mori Kogoro with a look of despair, but only saw his uncle with a bright smile on his face, still waving goodbye to him, and couldn't help but become more desperate.

Fujiko felt that Noda-sensei was a little weird, so he couldn't help pulling Kogoro Mori's lapel.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "No problem, this is the devil teacher I specially picked out last night, it is in this style, I hope Conan can practice well there!"

Chapter 0116 Qiumei's big gift of welfare

At Yoshida's house, Ayumi sat in front of the mirror expectantly, and began to change her headband constantly.

Pink, yellow, purple, green...

Little Loli struggled for a long time. She tried all kinds of colors, and finally chose the same color hairband as her dress.

The light green was wearing a small butterfly headband on her hair, and then Ayumi ran into the living room with her short legs.

The mother in the living room, Akimi Yoshida, was kneeling on the floor, wiping the table with a towel.

The temperature is a bit high today, but Qiumei didn't turn on the air conditioner.

She is the only one working in the family, and the economy is quite tight, so her daily life is naturally very frugal.

After working, Qiumei's long hair was tied up, her jade neck was covered with fine sweat, and her body was dripping with sweat. The white shirt and gray shorts on her body were soaked with sweat, and her exquisite curves were looming, which was really beautiful.

There are only mother and daughter in the family, so naturally there is no need to shy away from it.

Qiumei didn't wear underwear if she wanted to work, and she put on the wet white shirt with a good figure, which was self-indulgent, but she didn't care.

Ayumi ran to Yoshida Akimi's side and asked, "Mom, mom, do I look good in this dress?"

Seeing her daughter's innocent appearance, Qiumei immediately showed a smile: "It's very beautiful, is Ayumi going out to play today?"

Little Lolita smiled arrogantly: "Hee hee, I won't tell you."

Qiumei joked: "You are so beautifully dressed. You have worn out the new clothes I bought for you last week. Could it be that you are going on a date?"

Ayumi's little face suddenly turned red. Seeing this expression, Ayumi hurriedly asked: "Could it be Conan? No, Mitsuhiko? Genta?"

"How is it possible? It's Mao..." Little Lolita realized, and immediately covered her mouth with her small hand.

In Qiumei's memory, none of Ayumi's classmates had hair characters. She immediately put down the towel, put her hands on her hips and raised her chest, and asked, "Ayumi, you can't go out with people you don't know. You are still young, and Others have to tell mom when they go out!"

Ayumi clenched her little hands, Xiaomeng wrinkled her face, and was about to speak.

Qiumei said first: "To tell the truth, children who cheat their mothers will grow very long noses in the future."

Known daughter Mo Ruomu, Ayumi has the habit of clasping her little hands when she tells a lie. Qiumei knows it well, because she can easily see through her daughter's lies every time.

Just then, the doorbell rang.

The little loli Ayumi cheered immediately, and she opened the door with her short legs: "Uncle Mori is here! Uncle Mori is here!"

Hearing the person her daughter mentioned, Qiumei suddenly became happy for some reason.

As soon as the door opened, Kogoro Mori saw the adorable Ayumi, wearing a light green dress and a headband, revealing a small white calf, full of vitality, innocent and cute.

Mori Kogoro squatted down: "Wow, Ayumi, you look so beautiful today!"

Ayumi laughed when she heard the praise, and her two big eyes became crescent buds.

Mori Kogoro changed his slippers at the entrance, and led Ayumi to the living room. Not long after, he saw Ayumi's mother, that gentle young woman.

At the first glance, the great visual conflict made Mori Kogoro think he was wrong, and couldn't help blinking.

What's the fuss about giving benefits now, the white shirt is wet, it's no different from a see-through outfit!

There are no small omissions, Mori Kogoro has a panoramic view, this scale must have a D cup, and it is more intuitive than last time.

Mori Kogoro doesn't even know whether Qiumei did it on purpose or not.

Ayumi, who usually lives at home with her mother, saw this scene, but she didn't find it strange, so she didn't ask Qiumei to remind her that she had cheated her mother unknowingly.

As soon as Akimi saw Mori Kogoro, her heart was flustered, and she was a little at a loss, the sweat on her forehead slid down, she wiped off the sweat, and then said: "Mori-kun, so Ayumi wants to go out with you ,I can rest assured that."

Mori Kogoro touched Ayumi's little head: "Yeah, I promised her when I massaged Ayumi last time in Osaka. I want to take her to a tropical paradise and have a big meal. I can't promise my child." Didn't do it."

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