Listening to the laughter around, looking at the happy Ayumi, Mori Kogoro and Akimi looked at each other, both showing smiles.

"Uncle, I want to play pirate ship!"


"Uncle, I want to ride a roller coaster!"


"Uncle, I want to play the Ice Mist Maze!"

Ayumi had a great time today, the three of them didn't have to line up in the amusement park, and they could enjoy the rides as soon as they showed their black cards.

After one project was finished, little Loli pulled the two of them to rush to the next project, with the urge to experience all the projects.

Until the little Lolita pointed to a gloomy building and said, "Uncle, I want to play with this!"

The plaque on it says [Thriller Palace], it's a haunted house.

Ayumi is very courageous, but Mori Kogoro knows it well, after all, he is a master of death and one of the members of the Boy Detective Team.

But her mother was very timid, her face turned pale when she saw the skull decoration outside, and quickly dissuaded her: "Ayumi, why don't we play with other things?"

"No, Mom, you promised me in the car, you will listen to me today, I just want to play with this."

"But..." Qiu Mei had a troubled look on her face.

Mori Kogoro smiled warmly at Qiumei: "Don't worry, Qiumei, there are ghosts and ghosts, I will help you drive them away."

Seeing this smile, Qiu Mei bit her lip, and gritted her teeth to agree.

The three quickly entered the haunted house.

Once in, there was only one dark passage, the wind was overwhelming, the air conditioner was turned on desperately, and it was specially designed to blow on the back of the neck.

Feeling the coolness on the back of her neck, Qiumei immediately exclaimed.

Ayumi couldn't help turning sideways to complain to Kogoro Mori: "Mom is so timid."

Little Lolita walked forward with her head held high, without the two of them holding hands.

On the contrary, it was Qiu Mei who hesitated and dared not go forward, her beautiful eyes were full of fear.

In the end, Qiumei took the courage to grab Moori Kogoro's big hand, and she felt relieved.

Mori Kogoro felt that the little hand was full of nervous sweat, so he patted the back of his hand lightly, and followed Qiumei who was a little stiff.

In the quiet and dark passage, the sound of the ball was soon heard, and it was played extremely slowly.

The passage suddenly narrowed, followed by a bend.

A ball rolled over from the left, and the eyes of the three followed the ball.

Immediately, a pale and naked little boy sat in the depression on the right side of the passage, looking up blankly with his dark and bloody pupils, which made people feel a chill in their hearts.

This is the image of Toshio Saeki, the little boy in The Grudge.

The Trembling Palace deserves to be called the Trembling Palace, as soon as it comes up, it will amplify its moves.

With the scream, Mouri Kogoro immediately felt a soft and delicate body being thrown into his arms, and the pair of soft things leaned against his chest without reservation.

Qiumei closed her eyes tightly, buried her head in her arms, her bare hands tightly wrapped around her waist.

Qiu Mei was so frightened that she kept trembling all over. She was full of rhythm and gave Mori Kogoro a different kind of enjoyment.

Mori Kogoro reached out and stroked Akimi's back, trying to appease the timid young woman.

The little loli Ayumi was not afraid at all, she stepped forward and looked at it, and said, "Is your body covered in flour? It looks like a piece of rice cake! Hehehe, but don't you feel cold without clothes?"

The little boy sitting in the hollow couldn't help but roll his eyes at Ayumi, although he didn't know how his completely black pupils rolled his eyes.

Chapter 0118 Mom is Hanging on Uncle

Ayumi looked at it carefully for a while, and felt that it was not interesting, so she walked directly past the little ghost child.

Akimi was buried in Kogoro Mori's arms, her heart beating faster and faster.

She didn't even dare to open her eyes to look at the cursing little boy, so she walked forward with Kogoro Mori hugging each other.

After crossing the area where the cursed little boy was located, the fear in Qiu Mei's heart gradually dissipated.

Vision is weakened in the dark, but the other five senses are quietly enlarged.

Akimi smelled the masculine breath of Mori Kogoro, his body was like a volcano, containing extremely strong energy;

She heard the majestic and powerful heartbeat, and her heart was beating wildly.

She felt the solid muscles, and the arms around her were so strong and reassuring.

Qiumei's face suddenly turned red, and her body felt a little weak.

She felt that she was too close to Mori Kogoro, she was a little shy, and was about to get out of his arms.

But then, Qiumei's pupils shrank for a while, and she couldn't help but look up at Kogoro Mouri.

Mori Kogoro explained: "Akimi, this is out of my control."


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