At this moment, Ayumi screamed, and immediately ran forward with her short legs.

Countless corpses poured out of a hole next to the passage, and the scale was enough to scare the dense phobia patients to death.

The corpse weeters looked like big cockroaches with fangs, with bloody mouths wide open, exuding a strange smell, gushing out in groups.

The insects looked terrifying, no wonder it frightened Ayumi.

Mori Kogoro recognized these things as electronic toys at a glance, but Nakaakimi couldn't recognize them at all.

His pretty face suddenly turned pale, and his legs jumped up as soon as he exerted his strength. His extremely elastic legs wrapped tightly around Kogoro Moori's waist, and Kogoro Moori's neck was wrapped around his neck with his bare hands.

Qiumei shouted loudly: "Mr. Mao Li, run!"


Before he had time to give his thanks, Mori Kogoro ran towards Ayumi with his hands on Ayumi's buttocks.

Its speed was almost as fast as lightning, three steps and two steps in parallel, the two of them were not overtaken by any corpse beetle, and they quickly crossed the area and caught up with Ayumi in front of them.

It has to be said that not only the horror films in Japan are made at a high level, but people's research on fear is also getting more and more in-depth.

Therefore, this haunted house is made very scary, and even corpses are made out.

Leaving the passage where the corpse was located, there is a clean school corridor next, where Ayumi is waiting for the two of them.

Little Lolita's expression was still very normal, she just kept rubbing her shoes, she pouted and said, "These bugs are so dirty, hey, Mom, why are you hanging on Uncle?"

Qiu Mei hadn't gotten rid of her fear, so she couldn't answer at all.

She was sweating all over, panting heavily, her body trembling and trembling constantly, which gave Mori Kogoro a strong stimulation and enjoyment.

Hearing Ayumi's question, Mori Kogoro helped explain: "Your mother was also afraid of getting her shoes dirty, so she jumped on uncle."

But Ayumi didn't believe it at all, and circled around the two of them, and then complained: "Mom obviously jumped on uncle because she was timid."

Fortunately, Ayumi didn't find anything else in the dark.

Qiumei gradually regained her senses, and her fear was replaced by shyness. Her small face turned from pale to bright red, and there were ripples in her beautiful eyes. She looked at Kogoro Mori begging for mercy, and said, "Mr. Mori, we Stop playing, okay? Go out and change to other projects."

Ayumi suddenly became reluctant: "No! Mom, we only walked a short distance, I want to continue playing!"

Little Loli hugged Moli Kogoro's thigh and acted coquettishly, and Xiao Meng's voice kept shooting out, it was really killing me.

Mori Kogoro persuaded: "Ayumi, you see your mother is really scared, do you have the heart to make your mother so frightened?"

Ayumi frowned, looking confused again.

Mori Kogoro looked at the mother and daughter, and was also amazed.

The roles of the two seemed to be reversed. The mother was so frightened that she hung on to herself, but the daughter was bold and eager to try.

Mori Kogoro saw Ayumi pouted and seemed not to give in, so he turned his head to look at Akimi in his arms, and said softly, "Why don't you close your eyes, Ayumi, and I'll just hold you like this, with you Ayumi walked through this haunted house quickly, and I'll tell you at the end, how about you open your eyes again?"

The water in Qiu Meimei's eyes turned around, seeing the gentle gaze of the man in front of her, Qianshou finally nodded.

Akimi closed her eyes gently, and leaned her little head on Kogoro Mori's shoulder.

The curved eyelashes were still trembling uncontrollably, and his delicate body was pressed against Mori Kogoro's body in an intimate gesture.


Although it is a bit difficult, it is still possible to move forward.

Mori Kogoro then followed little Lolita forward.

There are classrooms on the left and right sides of the corridor. This area is themed on female high school ghost stories. There are female ghost high school students in school uniforms in the classrooms.

There are faceless female high school students playing in front of the piano;

There are female dancers dancing ballet in red high heels in the dance studio;

There is a girl who keeps counting the fox steps on the stairs;

There is a weird scene where all the female high school students in the whole classroom hang themselves in class;

There is also a long-haired female ghost who keeps crying in the corridor, and when she approaches, she raises the face of a girl with a gap.

But what is surprising is that along the way, Ayumi was not frightened at all.

As for Mori Kogoro, not to mention, his mind has been in this haunted house while holding Qiumei.

And these fake tricks can't fool him, so naturally he won't be afraid.

The two walked past calmly, making these staff members feel no sense of accomplishment at all.

Mori Kogoro asked, "Ayumi, aren't you afraid at all?"

Little Lolita laughed: "Don't be afraid, Mr. Xiao Lin has taught me that there are no ghosts in this world."

"I was a little scared at first, but with my uncle by my side, I'm not scared at all!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro didn't know what to say.

Soon, the two arrived at the last area, which was a corridor overgrown with weeds, with dilapidated prisons on the left and right.

But the prison was empty, and there was no one there.

Suddenly, the sound of iron chains sliding across the floor came from behind, and the jingling of bells rang together!

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