Mori Kogoro and Ayumi turned their heads and saw a ragged clown on the road.

The clown holds a sickle in his hand, the sickle is bleeding, and the iron chain is connected to the tail handle to hang to the ground.

A cold and strange atmosphere permeated in an instant, and Ayumi's face was pale.

The clown laughed, and rushed towards the two of them: "Go to hell!"

Jie's laughter merged with the sound of the iron chain grinding the ground, and the little Lolita screamed, running forward with her short legs.

Mori Kogoro was taken aback suddenly, Ayumi, who is not afraid of ghosts, was afraid of this.

He also spread his legs, hugged Qiumei's tender body and ran forward following Ayumi's pace.

Chapter 0119

In the last area of ​​the haunted house—the execution passage, the clown holding a sickle is chasing after him, and the running Mouri Kogoro feels like a pikeman, constantly sprinting.

And in the empty prison, there suddenly appeared one after another vicious murderers, holding all kinds of weapons, roaring at the three of them, and the three of them seemed to have entered purgatory in an instant.

The clown behind him was not running fast, but his laughter and the sound of chains kept amplifying.

The murderers who appeared around this time finally scared Ayumi, her cute face turned pale, she didn't dare to turn her head, and ran forward desperately with her short legs.

And the beautiful young woman hanging on Mori Kogoro hugged the majestic man in front of her tightly, her eyes were closed tightly, the temperature of her whole body kept rising, sweat dripped down, and her face was flushed.

In this terrible environment, Qiumei's panting sound became louder and louder in Mouri Kogoro's ears, and became more and more urgent.

Finally, in this [Thrilling Palace], Qiumei snorted softly, and her whole delicate body trembled uncontrollably, shaking continuously as if being shocked by an electric shock.

The soft and delicate body clings to Mori Kogoro, giving him the ultimate enjoyment.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but stare at the young woman in amazement.


Soon, in the constant running, they finally escaped from the last area of ​​this dark haunted house.

Ayumi pushed open the wooden door, and her eyes felt the light.

The staff on the side looked at this bold little girl with a smile on their faces, and their eyes were full of praise.

Little Loli leaned on the wall panting, and was about to look up for Kogoro Mori, but only heard a sound.

"Ayumi, wait for uncle at the exit, uncle will come back after going to the bathroom!"

A figure swept past like a gust of wind, and soon disappeared from everyone's sight, rushing towards the toilet.

A staff member murmured, "Did you see what that was just now?"

The other person shook his head: "It's too fast, it seems to be a person."

Ayumi nodded in confusion, but soon frowned like a baby silkworm.

Uncle Mao Li went to the toilet, why did he hug his mother?

Ayumi is guarded by an ant-man robot arranged by Mori Kogoro, so she is not in danger of any danger.

After a long time, in the empty men's toilet cubicle, Akimi Yoshida's face was blushing while sitting on the toilet.

She opened her eyes to see everything in front of her, then immediately closed her eyes, Qiu Mei's heart became more and more flustered.

A pair of bare hands pressed the hem of his skirt uneasily, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Yoshida Akimi stammered a little: "Mao, Mao Li-kun, you, why did you take me into the men's room?"

The condescending Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, stroked Qiumei's Guishou with his fiery big hand, stroked her slightly curly black hair, and said softly:

"It would be too bad if I didn't bring Ms. Qiumei here just now and was discovered outside."

"Qiu Mei, this is your fault, shouldn't you be responsible?"

Kogoro Moori's big hand gently stroked Qiumei's small face, of course Qiumei knew what this meant, and she was immediately upset.

In the end, she supported Qiumei's chin with her big hand, and lifted her small face. The pretty face of this young woman was already flushed with countless heat.

She opened her eyes, her beautiful eyes full of water ripples looked at Mori Kogoro imploringly, I felt pity for her.

Mori Kogoro shook his head slightly, his eyes were firm and domineering: "Open your mouth, Akimi."

In desperation, Qiumei could only open her mouth obediently, and after a while her brows furrowed, and the water in her beautiful eyes became even more turbulent.

Thirty minutes later, Ayumi, who was bored waiting, kicked stones aside.

When she heard the familiar footsteps, she quickly raised her head and saw Uncle Mao Li and her mother coming out from the toilet, and immediately greeted them happily: "Mom, uncle, why have you been here for so long?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "The toilet in this haunted house is a bit difficult to find, and I almost lost my way, so I wasted so much time."

"Oh, I thought my mother was so scared that she peed her pants, that's why she let my uncle carry her to the toilet? So it's not waiting for the pants to dry!"

When Qiumei heard this, her pretty face flushed immediately: "Ayumi, what are you talking about!"

She raised her hand and wanted to teach her daughter a lesson, but Mori Kogoro grabbed her little hand: "Tong Yan Wuji, don't take it too seriously, Qiumei, we should go."


Like a little wife being reprimanded by her husband, Qiumei was subdued in an instant, obediently following Mori Kogoro forward.

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