Little Lolita looked at the two who walked hand in hand without knowing when, and couldn't help being stunned, but quickly chased after them with short legs.

"Uncle Maori, Mom, wait for me!"

Ayumi ran to Mori Kogoro's side, took his other big hand, and the three of them went to the next ride.

Next, they drove a speedboat in the river in the wild Taikoo Island area. Ayumi looked at the huge dinosaurs on the left and right banks and exclaimed repeatedly.

They also saw a musical fountain show in the fountain at Adventure Island.

Little Lolita also led the two of them to chase after the carnival performance team, watching characters in strange costumes parade and perform.

Finally, the three people who were tired from playing came to the Ferris wheel area, and the three were going to take a rest in the cockpit of the Ferris wheel, overlooking the entire tropical paradise.

The three boarded the Ferris wheel, Mori Kogoro and Akimi sat on one side of the cabin, and Little Lori occupied the other side by herself.

Ayumi lay on the glass overlooking the things below: "Everyone has become smaller, even the house has become a small box."

But little Loli soon felt bored, and began to look left and right: "This Ferris wheel turns so slowly!"

Suddenly, Ayumi took out a stopwatch from her pocket: "Uncle Maoli, Mom, let's play a game!"

"Just play the game of guessing thirty seconds, close your eyes and count thirty seconds in your head, then press the stopwatch to see who can guess thirty seconds correctly!"

Mori Kogoro smiled and nodded.

Ayumi then said, "Then I'll start first."

Little Loli closed her eyes, and then began to count: "One, two, three..."

Qiumei was looking at her daughter with a smile on her face. At this moment, a strong force came from her waist, and her body was hugged and fell into the arms of the man beside her. Immediately afterwards, her lips were blocked. Mei's pupils kept shrinking.

Accompanied by the fiery breath, Mori Kogoro kissed him, extremely domineering.

In front of him is his own daughter, how dare he do this?

Chapter 0120 Bullying beautiful young women, my favorite

In front of her own daughter, Qiumei was naturally unwilling.

Although she likes Mori Kogoro, she is even more afraid that her daughter will suddenly open her eyes. When the time comes, her mother's image will collapse, and she doesn't know how to face her daughter.

Therefore, Qiumei's small hands kept pushing Mouri Kogoro's solid chest, and her beautiful eyes were full of prayers.

Seeing this beautiful young woman in such a posture again, Kogoro Mori couldn't stand it.

Qiumei didn't know how amazing the allure was when she looked at the man with a soft posture and begging eyes.

Just now, in the toilet cubicle, it was this expression that made Mori Kogoro suddenly become beastly and extremely tough.

Mori Kogoro glanced at the little loli beside him, Ayumi was shaking her short legs and counting, looking innocent.

With Ayumi here, for some reason, Mori Kogoro became more and more angry, kissing his mother's mouth and refused to let go.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his arms, and directly hugged Akimi into his arms, letting her sit on his lap.

No matter how hard this frail young woman struggled, her fiery right hand continued to walk along the yellow dress and on her delicate body.

Qiu Mei, who turned her back to her daughter, was so anxious that she almost shed tears.

However, Akimi was completely powerless to resist Kogoro Mori's aggressive attack, and she was afraid of making a louder noise as she struggled, so she could only bear it obediently in the end.

The crisp loli voice echoed in the cockpit: "...27, 28, 29, 30"

Ayumi immediately stopped the stopwatch, and when she opened her eyes, she saw the number on the stopwatch, which was exactly thirty seconds.

The little loli laughed immediately, her big eyes turned into crescent moons.

"Mom, I counted correctly, it's exactly thirty seconds, do you think I'm good?"

Ayumi looked up and saw that her mother's face was flushed abnormally, and her hands were still fiddling with the dress on her body. She couldn't help being a little strange: "Mom, are you sick? Why is your face so red?"

Qiumei quickly explained: "It's okay, it's just that the sun is a little hot."

At this moment, Qiumei didn't dare to make too much movement, for fear that her daughter would see the clue, and there was a big hand playing tricks under her seat.

Little Lolita had no doubts about him, and handed the stopwatch in her hand to Qiumei: "Mom, it's your turn to count now!"

Qiumei took the stopwatch, let out a long breath, looked deeply at Kogoro Mori with her beautiful eyes full of water, closed her eyes, and started counting.

"one two Three……"

It's just that the voice sounded a little strange even to Ayumi, her breath was unstable, and it was accompanied by many breath sounds.

After counting to thirty, Qiumei opened her eyes, and the time on the stopwatch barely passed sixteen seconds.

Qiumei just felt that time passed too slowly.

Seeing the time above, Ayumi smiled and clapped her hands: "Haha, mom lost, it was only sixteen seconds, too weak, uncle, now it's your turn to count."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and took the stopwatch with his left hand, closed his eyes and started counting.

Counting the exact time is completely without any challenge for him.

After the intelligence is developed to the extreme, some difficult things become easy, and become his instinct, as simple as eating and drinking.

For example, Kogoro Mori flips through a book casually, and he can know how many pages he has turned;

Pick up a stack of banknotes casually, and you will know how many notes are in it and how much it is;

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