As soon as dozens of needles fell on the ground, he knew how many needles were inside;

These ordinary people need to bother to calculate, calculate, and count things.

For Mori Kogoro, there is no need for the complicated process in the middle, and the result can be obtained directly.

This is a spike on the intellectual level.

Accompanied by Mori Kogoro's counting, Qiumei couldn't help lowering her head, her body trembling slightly.

In the end, Mori Kogoro deliberately counted one second less, and opened his eyes at twenty-nine seconds, and Ayumi laughed happily after seeing the result.

"Uncle also lost, and I won alone!"

Mori Kogoro also laughed softly: "Ayumi is very good, so how about a challenge of [-] seconds this time, as long as the error does not exceed five seconds, uncle will give you a gift."

Hearing the word "gift", Ayumi's big eyes immediately lit up, and she nodded in agreement, her face full of fighting spirit.

Qiu Mei wanted to stop her, she knew what would happen after Ayumi closed her eyes.

But when Kogoro Moori raised his eyebrows, Qiumei didn't dare to speak, like an angry little daughter-in-law.

Little Lolita's crisp counting sounds sounded again, Mouri Kogoro put on an evil smile, mouthed Qiumei, and said something in colloquial language...

Qiu Mei quickly understood, her little face became more and more rosy.

After hesitating for a second, she stood up and turned over to sit on Mori Kogoro's lap.

Then pink lips kissed him slowly.

Mori Kogoro smiled triumphantly, bullying this beautiful young woman, I like it the most!

Its fiery hands walked up and down Qiumei's tender body presumptuously.

It's a pity that good times are always short-lived, and one hundred seconds are still counted in Ayumi's mouth.

Ayumi pressed the stopwatch and saw that the time on it was ninety-nine seconds, she couldn't help pouting, feeling a little pity.

"Ayumi is really good, it's just a little bit short, then uncle wants to give Ayumi a gift."

After hearing this, Ayumi became happy again, but when she looked up and saw her mother sitting next to Mori Kogoro, she became worried again.

At this moment, Qiumei's state was very wrong. She leaned on the sofa in the cockpit, staring blankly at the blue sky and white clouds outside. With the sound of breathing, her chest rose and fell sharply, feeling quite spoiled.

One hundred seconds is enough for many things to happen.

"Mom, are you feeling unwell?"

"Uncle Mao Li, Mom seems to be sick, let's take her to the doctor!"

Ayumi came to her mother and looked at her worriedly.

But soon Ayumi wrinkled her nose: "Hey, what's the smell, it's weird!"

Qiumei regained some energy, and stroked Ayumi's small head: "Don't worry, Ayumi, mom is just a little uncomfortable, it's okay."

At this time, the cockpit where the three people were in finally returned to the ground.

Ayumi then said: "Uncle, let's not play anymore, let's go home, mom needs to rest."

Seeing Little Lolita's worried appearance, the instigator, Mori Kogoro, felt a little guilty, so he nodded.

He helped Qiumei out of the Ferris wheel, and then the three of them left the tropical paradise and returned to Kogoro Mori's car.

The car started and drove to Yoshida's house.

Mori Kogoro still felt a little pity, originally there was a surprise prepared for the little loli Ayumi in the tropical paradise this time, it seems that I can only give it to her next time.

Chapter 0121 Too bullying

In the end, Kogoro Mori agreed to Ayumi's big meal but failed to eat it. It was almost twelve o'clock at noon, and the three returned to Yoshida's house.

Qiumei's spirit was rather sluggish, as soon as she got home, she rushed to her bedroom and closed the door.

This can only show that in the ferris wheel, Mori Kogoro's God's hand was too heaven-defying, and completely defeated Akimi in just a hundred seconds.

But on the other hand, it also shows that Qiumei, a beautiful young woman, is too weak, and she is the weakest of all the women Mori Kogoro has ever seen.

In other words, she didn't dare to use too much force even today!

After all, she is a hard-working single mother who works three jobs at the same time, and is sick from overwork, so she is not in good health, which is understandable.

But it is precisely because of this that it makes people feel more distressed.

Ayumi looked worriedly at the closed bedroom door, Mouri Kogoro touched his nose, feeling a little guilty, and pulled little Lolita towards the sofa.

He was sitting on the sofa, and Ayumi was standing in front of him, frowning like a silkworm baby.

Mori Kogoro said in relief: "Ayumi, your mother is fine. Speaking of which, Ayumi guessed it ninety-nine seconds ago. Uncle promised to give Ayumi a gift."

Hearing this, Ayumi was distracted, and her cute big eyes showed anticipation.

Mori Kogoro reached out and scratched Ayumi's nose, and said, "Ayumi, as long as you close your eyes and count to three, the gift will appear!"

There was excitement in Ayumi's eyes, and she obediently closed her eyes.

"one two Three!"

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