When she opened her eyes, a purple gift box appeared in front of her eyes, which was just brought by Kogoro Mori when he got off the car.

Ayumi held the gift box in surprise, turned around and put it on the table and unpacked it. The box opened.

bring! bring! bring!The light flickered.


Little Loli held up the pink diamond headband in the gift box with both hands, as if she was holding a treasure, and countless little stars appeared in her big eyes.

This headband is inlaid with a dozen pink diamonds of the same color family, which shines brightly but is not aggressive. It looks very beautiful, like a princess's laurel crown.

Mori Kogoro said softly: "I remember that Ayumi likes to wear all kinds of headbands and headbands, so it took a long time for uncle to choose this gift. Do you like it?"

Ayumi nodded heavily, then turned around and climbed onto the sofa, onto Kogoro Mori.


Little Lolita took the initiative to kiss Mori Kogoro on the cheek, and then her little face flushed slightly, and Ayumi was still shy.

Then she smiled into a crescent with her big eyes, twisted her body in Kogoro Mouri's arms, and said, "I like uncle the most!"

This appearance is so adorable, Mori Kogoro's heart seemed to be hit hard, and some evil thoughts that shouldn't have appeared in his mind instantly, and they intensified.

Mori Kogoro soon realized that something was wrong with him, forcibly suppressed his evil thoughts, quickly picked up Ayumi and put him on the sofa next to him, and then walked towards the kitchen, his back was a bit flustered when he was running away.

"Ayumi, it's lunch time. Are you hungry? Uncle will make you lunch."

Mori Kogoro felt that he should calm down, there is still a difference between fake lolicon and real lolicon.

Yoshida Akimi in the bedroom was lying on the bed, recalling everything that happened in the morning, her mind was agitated, and she couldn't calm down for a long time.

This feeling is the first time in her life that she has experienced such a strong stimulation, which is addictive like a drug.

Qiumei let out a long breath. She took off her yellow dress and underwear, changed into home clothes, opened the door, and walked into the living room.

Akimi saw that in the living room, Mori Kogoro and Ayumi were sitting on the tatami, and there were three servings of udon noodles on the table.

From a distance, they look like a father and daughter.

The sharp-eyed Ayumi immediately greeted her mother: "Mom, come and have lunch, the udon noodles made by Uncle Mori are delicious."

Qiu Mei stepped forward, frowned and said: "How can I let Mao Li-kun cook? Last time Mao Li-kun saved Ayumi, I said that I would invite Mao Li-kun to eat as a thank you. I should cook this meal." right."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "It's okay, I still owe Ayumi a big meal!"

The little clever Ayumi poked her head out and said, "Uncle's cooking is even more delicious than the big meals outside."

Mori Kogoro immediately laughed heartily, and then blinked at Qiumei: "How is it? Qiumei, are you okay?"

Qiumei blushed, bowed her head and said, "It's all right!"

"It's good if it's okay, otherwise my crime will be serious." Qiumei's little face blushed a little.

"Come and try my craft, this is yours, as for the thank you feast you said, enjoy it next time I come over!" Mori Kogoro smiled maliciously at Qiumei, It seems to mean something.

The young woman seemed to understand, and her little face blushed again.

Akimi sat beside Mori Kogoro, picked up the chopsticks and ate gracefully, her eyes brightened immediately.

"Hey, Maori-kun's cooking skills are so good, it's really delicious!"

Seeing the adoring eyes of this beautiful young woman, Mori Kogoro was very proud, and said: "If it tastes good, eat more, there is still in the pot, your body is too weak, you need to take good care of it."

After lunch, Ayumi took out the pink diamond headband from Mori Kogoro out of the gift box and showed it off to her mother.

As soon as Qiumei saw the shining diamonds on it, she quickly said: "Mr. Mao Li, this is too expensive, how can you give such an expensive gift to a child."

"Ayumi, return the present to your Uncle Mori."

Little Lolita had a look of reluctance, but she was still obedient, put the pink diamond headband back into the box, and returned it to Kogoro Mouri.

Mori Kogoro didn't accept it, and said, "Gifts don't matter how expensive they are. The important thing is that I like Ayumi. My uncle gave it to me. Take it obediently, Ayumi, and don't listen to your mother."

"Maori-kun, children can't have such precious things, otherwise what will they do if they are snatched by bad guys?"

"Then wear it at home."

It is impossible for the bad guys to snatch them away. The mother and daughter are protected by the Ant-Man robot, so this situation will naturally not happen.

"No, Mao Li-kun..." Qiumei wanted to speak again, but seeing Mao Li Kogoro's face stiffen, her voice dropped instantly, like a mosquito silk, just like a bullied little wife .

Mori Kogoro found that to deal with Akimi is to be tough.

He said domineeringly: "The gift I gave has never been taken back, so this matter is settled."

Seeing Kogoro Mori's attitude, Akimi didn't dare to say anything.

Mori Kogoro then said, "I haven't said anything about you, Akimi!"

Qiumei's expression was a little confused, she pointed to herself and said, "What's wrong with me? Mr. Mao Li."

"You're still pretending to be stupid. You're so weak that you don't even pay attention. You just went to the tropical park for two or three hours in the morning and you can't stand it. How can you be so weak?"

Akimi stared at Mori Kogoro with wide eyes, full of disbelief.

This is a blow!This villain is the first to sue!It's too bullying!

Why did Kogoro Mori not know why he came back?

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