Chapter 0122 Qiumei's Bottom Line

It is obvious that he did such an excessive thing to himself, which made him unable to continue walking, but now he is blaming himself instead.

It is unbearable for even a gentle woman to be slandered like this.

Akimi looked at Kogoro Mori with thin eyes and anger, her small face bulged slightly, which was somewhat similar to when Ayumi was angry, she really deserved to be a mother and daughter.

But for a gentle young woman like Qiumei, she feels cute when she is angry, and others can't see that she is really angry.

That is Moli Kogoro, who is a master of expressions, saw through his emotions, sat up, looked at Qiumei seriously, and said, "Qiumei, you have three part-time jobs in total, one is a painting training for Xinde Education Teacher, one is a part-time job in a convenience store, and the other is a puppet performer at Dongdu Comic Exhibition."

Qiu Mei frowned suddenly: "Are you investigating me?"

Mori Kogoro retorted: "No, I just want to know more about you. You know that I am a detective, and this information is easy to know."

Putting it another way, Akimi accepted it easily, and Kogoro Mori continued to speak.

"The intensity of these three jobs is too great. I heard from Ayumi that you often can't rest for a month, and you often have to stay up until midnight to go home. Do you know that your body has become Very weak."

"What happened this morning is proof!"

Qiumei's face turned red slightly, her nose snorted slightly, and she felt a little dissatisfied, how could such a thing be used as evidence?

"With such a weak body, you may be destroyed by an illness. Ayumi has only you as a mother. Have you considered what she will do then?"

Mori Kogoro was not alarmist, he detected the weakness of Qiumei's body, if not, he would have taken down this beautiful young woman in one fell swoop today.

And this weakness is not an injury, even healing techniques can't improve it.

Hearing Mori Kogoro say this, Ayumi looked at Akimi worriedly: "Mom?"

Qiu Mei lowered her head, in fact, she agreed after hearing it.

She also knew that she was not in good health, but there was nothing she could do about it.

The Japanese workplace is not friendly to women. Under the same conditions, women's income is much lower than that of men.

And the pressure of life in Tokyo is too great, and the salary is not high, so I can only work a few more jobs to barely make ends meet.

Mori Kogoro said, "It's better to resign, let's resign from these three jobs!"

Hearing this, Qiu Mei's pupils shrank a little, she couldn't believe it.

Seemingly hearing the meaning behind the words, Qiumei's face immediately became ugly, and she shouted: "Ayumi, go back to the room!"

Seeing such a serious mother, Ayumi couldn't help being stunned. Before she got up, Qiumei urged again: "Be obedient and go back to the room."

Little Lolita felt the weirdness of the atmosphere, but got up obediently, and walked back to her room step by step.

In the living room, Akimi was sitting in front of Mori Kogoro, her back was very straight, and her soft and pretty face was full of firmness at the moment.

There was a ray of disappointment in her eyes looking at Kogoro Mori.

Such words, with Qiu Mei's appearance, naturally heard it countless times.

Next, you don't need to guess, it means that you want to keep her as a mistress!

For those lustful men who covet her, Qiumei usually keeps her distance.

But she never expected that the Moori Kogoro she liked was the same as these men.

Qiumei was extremely disappointed in her heart, her face gradually turned cold, and she opened her mouth lightly: "Detective Maori, I appreciate your kindness, but I will not resign. It is getting late, and I will not keep you."

Before stepping on the bottom line, due to her personality, the weak Qiumei couldn't resist the domineering attack of the man she liked;

But as long as she steps on the bottom line, Qiumei will not back down even half a step.

Obviously, this is Qiumei's bottom line!

Kogoro Mori saw such a change in this beautiful young woman, and his favorability continued to plummet, and he was a little confused.

But after turning his brain around, he quickly figured out what the reason was, and immediately burst out laughing: "Qiu Mei, don't you think I want to keep you?"

Is not it?

Qiu Mei was stunned for a while, with a little doubt on her small face.

"Of course not." Kogoro Mori replied as if he had heard what Akimi was saying.

"In fact, I recently acquired an animation company, and there is a lack of management talents. I have investigated Qiumei you. You majored in management at Dongdu University, and you joined a comic club during college, so I want to let you I resign because I want to hire you as the director of my company."

Hearing that the information was consistent with her, Qiumei immediately knew that she had misunderstood.

The Maori detective is not that kind of man.

Qiu Mei breathed a sigh of relief, the chill on her face dissipated immediately, and her little face softened.

But soon she pointed at herself suspiciously, me?Be a director?It's not a joke, is it?

And isn't Mori Kogoro a detective?How did you acquire an animation company?

Mori Kogoro saw through Qiumei's doubts, and explained with a light smile: "Why? Can't detectives invest in business? I also need to manage money. In fact, I have invested in many companies, so I won't go into details one by one. said."

"It's just that I bought Silver Star Animation Company, but I couldn't find anyone who can help me, so I've been a little distressed recently, and I didn't know what to do until I saw you Qiumei."

"You are a top student at Dongdu University, and you know a lot about comics, and now you have a part-time job at the comic exhibition, so you are absolutely the best candidate."

Mori Kogoro stepped forward and held Qiumei's little hand, his acting skills exploded, and he said sincerely: "Qiumei, I need a trustworthy person to help me now, so you quit your three jobs and come help me." ?"

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