Hearing this, Doi Gengzao pointed at Tengzhi Suhua and cursed: "It's all caused by you, a bad woman. Why did you encourage the master to destroy our home?"

The old butler shouted: "Fat!"

Doi Kozo was stunned for a moment, then sat back heavily on the sofa, and let out a long sigh.

Officer Takagi was holding handcuffs and was about to handcuff the old housekeeper.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro said: "Mr. Ueki, although you are loyal, you are willing to bear this crime alone."

"But it's still wrong to do so. You are just an assigned perpetrator. The real mastermind is someone else, right?"

Hearing this, everyone's expression changed immediately.

The old butler immediately waved his hand and denied it.

You Xizi pursed her mouth: "Why is this so? Kogoro, it's so disgusting that he still has a hand."

Fei Yingli looked at Yukiko gloatingly, and smiled triumphantly.

Chapter 0128 Maid Costume Bet

Kogoro Mori blinked at Yukiko, although Yukiko's bet was very attractive.

Let the queen concubine Eri of the legal and political circles put on a half-naked maid outfit, and serve herself and Yukiko respectfully.

When the time comes to let her lie down, she will lie down, and her buttocks will be poked out. It feels very touching to think about it.

However, under Fei Yingli's constant staring offensive, Mori Kogoro finally failed to stand up and could only stand up and tell the truth.

"Steward Ueki, although loyalty is a good thing, if you work for a tiger. It's not so beautiful."

Tengzhi Suhua quickly asked: "Detective Maori, what do you mean by that? Is the housekeeper ordered by someone? Who is behind the scenes?"

The old housekeeper trembled and said, he didn't dare to look directly at Kogoro Mouri: "No, there is no mastermind behind the scenes, I did it all by myself?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Oh, so you bought the May [-]th pistol? Did you also get the isopropyl ketone? Old butler, you have a strong network, and you can get these things through channels. Tell me who you bought it from!"

Hearing such a pressing question, Ueki Caoba was stunned for a while, but couldn't answer, and his eyes could not help but drift to the person next to him.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Actually, do you know that even if you follow his orders to kill people, he will not be able to inherit the property of Teng Zhi's family."

"Because there is another obstacle here, which is Tengzhi Qianxiong's newly married wife Tengzhi Suhua."

"Once Teng Zhiqianxiong dies, his next successor will be his wife. If she doesn't die, the property will never fall into the hands of others."

"Steward Ueki, I know you watched him grow up, and he begged you to help, but you couldn't refuse."

"And you know that you are too old and don't have many years to live. Even if you go to jail because of this, you can easily be released on bail because of your old age, so you are willing to take risks for him."

"However, if you cover him like this, Tengzhi Suhua will be killed. This mastermind has already started planning to kill the next person."

A smile appeared on Mori Kogoro's face, and he said, "Am I right? Mr. Fan?"

This statement instantly stirred up waves!

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, among which Teng Zhi Suhua's complexion changed the most.

Her eyes were filled with disbelief, the finger pointing at Teng Zhifan was still trembling, and her face turned blue and pale.

"A Fan, is this true? Are you really the one who instructed the housekeeper? Are you really going to kill me?"

Teng Zhifan with a full beard immediately opened his mouth and shouted: "Blood, Maori Detective, if there is no evidence, I can sue you for defamation!"

His shadowy eyes looked at Kogoro Mouri, and Kogoro Moori looked at Teng Zhifan who was pretending to be calm, and couldn't help but chuckled.

"Mr. Fan, you seem very confident. Do you think I can't find evidence of your crime?"


"You came back to this villa just before your sister died. You used to live in the United States. You played with guns in the United States, and you also have a gun license. After returning to China, you will naturally know how to do it in Japan. Buy guns."

Teng Zhifan frowned, and said, "So what, even if I like shooting, there is no way to prove that I am related to this case."

Mori Kogoro nodded, and continued to speak: "I heard that you were admitted to Los Angeles Institute of Technology in the United States, majoring in chemistry. If you want to synthesize isopropyl ketone, you also know the method?"

Teng Zhifan sneered: "Detective Maori, what exactly do you want to lead me to say? I have studied chemistry, but I only learned about it for the purpose of writing mystery novels. It was more than ten years ago. What I learned I've long since forgotten."

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Really, then I have something to ask, why in your unpublished mystery novel [Once Upon a Time in the Castle], the words and today's words appeared in the article." What about cases where the case is exactly the same?"

"In your mystery novel, the method of murder is exactly the same as what Yukiko said just now, but what is surprising is that you are the author of this method, and when you see the same case in reality, you don't even think about it. , are you pretending to be stupid?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Teng Zhifan with more suspicion.

Teng Zhifan's pupils kept shrinking. He clearly remembered that he encrypted and stored those drafts in a hidden folder. How did Kogoro Moori know.

"Sorry, I'm still a bit proficient in computers. The asymmetric function encryption method is quite good, but the algorithm is too simple."

Even after hearing these words, Teng Zhifan stared deeply at Kogoro Moori with eyes as deep as ink, and cold sweat slowly dripped from the back of his head.

He continued: "I don't know what you're talking about. Although my mystery novel hasn't been published, maybe there will be someone like a Maori detective who ignores other people's right to privacy and reads it without asking. It is possible to imitate my writing method to kill people, that guy may have a grudge against me and wants to blame me."

"Or it's pure coincidence, which proves nothing."

Teng Zhifan looked like he was not making any progress and resisting to the death. He was sure that all his evidence had been wiped out.

Mori Kogoro did not find enough evidence to prove that he was the instigator behind the scenes, but this does not mean that he has no way to make him plead guilty.

Kogoro Moori looked at Teng Zhifan who was already sweating on his forehead, and continued to speak: "Relax, Mr. Fan, the next thing I want to talk about is the main harvest."

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