"Actually, I'm quite surprised. Mr. Fan is obviously the orthodox blood of the Tengzhi family, and he is the eldest son. How could he not inherit the Tengzhi family's property at all."

"All the properties of the Tengzhi family were inherited by the eldest daughter. What's interesting is that one month before your sister got married, Mr. Fan fled to the United States and cut off contact with his family. What's more interesting is that your sister During this month, I met Mr. Tengzhi Qianxiong, and immediately let him marry him."

Hearing this, Teng Zhifan's face became very strange, and there was a look of fear in his eyes looking at Mo Li Kogoro.

"Until your own sister was diagnosed with cancer half a year ago, you rushed back from the United States when you heard the news, and you have been taking care of her in disbelief. It can be called 'sister and brother love'!"

"And during the [-] years from when you went to the United States to half a year ago, you didn't go back to Japan half a time. You didn't come back even when your parents died, and you didn't communicate with your family at all."

"I'm curious about what caused you to be almost kicked out of the house, so I just took advantage of my free time to read your masterpiece of mystery novels published in the United States. It's very interesting!"

Hearing this, Teng Zhifan's face became extremely pale, his eyes fixed on Kogoro Moori, and he was dripping with sweat.

And the old gardener Doi Kozō frowned deeply, and wanted to say something, but quickly shut his mouth.

"The most interesting one is the short story, "A Midsummer Dream"..."

Hearing the name of the novel from Mori Kogoro, Teng Zhifan suddenly collapsed, his legs softened and he sat on the ground directly.

He quickly said: "Detective Maori, please stop talking, please stop talking, I confess, I plead guilty... I ordered the housekeeper to kill."

Chapter 0129

Teng Zhifan was extremely terrified. His novel "A Midsummer Dream" was published in the United States ten years ago, and the circulation was extremely small, equivalent to thousands of copies.

This was originally a summary of his past regrets when he was depressed in a foreign country, and it was also an unforgettable portrayal of the past, entrusting the woman he loved most in his life.

He thought that no one would know the secret, but he didn't expect to be found out by Mori Kogoro at this moment.

Teng Zhifan looked at Mori Kogoro with fear in his eyes: This guy is too scary, he is simply a devil!

However, seeing that Mori Kogoro didn't say any more, he was still faintly grateful.

He had already ruined his sister's life, and he didn't want others to know the past that should have been dusty, and he didn't want to ruin her reputation again.

Looking at Teng Zhifan's distraught expression, Doi Gengzao also recalled the past more than [-] years ago.

In that outrageous scene, he looked at this man with disgust in his eyes, wishing he could kill him to avenge the eldest lady.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

Officer Mumu saw that no one was willing to speak, and Teng Zhifan also pleaded guilty, so he ordered Officer Takagi to go forward and arrest Teng Zhifan and the old housekeeper, and the matter here came to an end.

Reflecting the afterglow of the setting sun, Mori Kogoro carried Yukiko and Miei back home.

You Xizi in the back seat still looked confused, she didn't know why Moori Kogoro mentioned the names of two novels, and that Teng Zhifan obediently confessed.

You Xizi pestered Kogoro and kept asking, "Hey, Kogoro, tell me quickly, what's going on?"

But Fei Yingli, who was sitting next to him, didn't seem to care much about this matter.

You Xizi kept acting coquettishly: "Xiao Wulang, just tell me, what did those two novels say, and why?"

Mori Kogoro asked: "Yukiko, do you know that the deceased Tengzhi Mitsuo was originally a local hooligan?"

"I know, the servants at home have said that that guy has done all kinds of bad things, so he can be regarded as a person who deserves death."

Kogoro Moori continued to ask: "Then do you know why the eldest lady of Tengzhi's family married this local ruffian, and the marriage was confirmed within a short month, and he was called in as a bride?"

"And these two have been married for so many years, but they don't have half a child!"

You Xizi was dumbfounded when he asked these questions.

Looking at Yukiko's expression, Mori Kogoro hated iron and steel, but Eri who was on the side seemed to have guessed it.

Mori Kogoro could only tell his speculation in detail.

Not long after, You Xizi said with disgust on his face: "Hey~~~, they are completely perverted, they are brothers and sisters, how could they do such a thing, no wonder they will obediently admit their guilt."

After speaking, Yukiko shivered with aversion to cold.

Fei Yingli next to her also spoke: "This kind of incest is the most disgusting thing."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro immediately shed a few drops of cold sweat, grinned and wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

You Xizi pursed her mouth: "It's all your fault, why tell me."

"Hey, isn't that what you asked for?"

"I don't care, it's your fault."

Kogoro Mori in the driver's seat rolled his eyes, women are so unreasonable sometimes.

Yukiko, who understood everything, shook her head and stopped thinking about it.

She turned around and smiled triumphantly at Feiyingli, like a little fox: "Yingli, I won the bet this time. You didn't find anything. I should at least find the housekeeper who did the murder." gone."

Fei Yingli glared at You Xizi: "It doesn't matter, you only found one murderer, and no one was found as the mastermind. This is a reasoning competition, how can you count yourself as the winner!"

You Xizi suddenly became disobedient: "Yingli, you are so treacherous, how can you say that, obviously I am smarter, I don't care, this time I won, you lost, you have to be obedient when you go back."

Finally, Fei Yingli snorted coldly, turned her face away, and stopped talking.

"Xiao Goro, tell me, which one of us will win?"

All of a sudden, the firepower was concentrated on Kogoro Mori, and the two girls in the back seat glared at him at the same time.

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