Not long after, gorgeous movements resounded in the living room of this mansion.

This ridiculous war went on for a long, long time.

The next morning, in the Mori Detective Agency, Fujiko sat on an office chair bored, twirling a pen with his fingers.

But the most eye-catching thing is that his proud chest can be placed on the desk, which can be described as full of lust.

Fujiko looked melancholy: "Hey, why hasn't Kogoro come back?"

"Hmph, men are like this, they don't cherish what they get easily."

"Could it be that you want to eat it and run away?"

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have given it to him so soon?"

Falling into self-pity, Fujiko held his chin and muttered to himself, while the little loli Huiyuan, who was sitting on the sofa in front of him, kept twitching veins on his forehead.

She squeezed the magazine in her hand and said to herself: I will bear it!

At this moment, the sound of a leather shoe stepping on the corridor sounded.

Fujiko and Haibara couldn't help but look sideways at the entrance of the office.

A man with a big horse face in a yellow windbreaker and a felt hat appeared at the door.

Seeing that it wasn't Mori Kogoro, the two women turned their heads at the same time, completely ignoring this guy.

Qian Xingxing kept twitching his eyebrows and eyes, did he really have no sense of existence at all?

Only then did Feng Fuerzi react, and said, "Officer Qian Xing, what's your business here?"

Qian Xingxing grinned, showing two rows of big yellow teeth, he took out the handcuffs from his arms, and the handcuffs kept spinning.

"Miss Fujiko, don't you understand? I'm here to arrest you."

Hearing this, Fujiko's face changed drastically, and he got up instantly.

These days, she has been with Mori Kogoro and under his protection, she almost forgot that she is a wanted international female snitch.

Fujiko became extremely dull, without the slightest alertness of danger.

Coupled with Lupine III and his group attracting firepower in front, Kengata Koichi didn't dare to provoke Mori Kogoro easily, so he put him down temporarily.

Now Qiangata Koichi has lost the news of Lupine III, but on the surface he knows that Fujiko is in the Mori Detective Agency.

Therefore, after confirming that Mori Kogoro was not here, he came without hesitation, wanting to make a quick decision and arrest Fujiko Mine.

Seeing this scene, Huiyuan didn't want the subordinate he had subdued to die so young, so he quietly took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Mori Kogoro...

It has to be said that Huiyuan is still a qualified protagonist.

Mine Fujiko glanced sideways at the back, behind it was the glass signboard of the office, this is the second floor, and jumping out from here would not hurt you.

Although she was still very reluctant to leave, but things had come to this, and she could only hide for a while.

As soon as Qian Xingxing saw Fujiko's eyes, he knew his intentions, and immediately took out a pistol from his arms and pointed it at Fujiko.

"Don't try to escape, you can't outrun my bullets."

The majestic Qiangata Xingyi didn't know what kind of terrifying place he was in.

This is Kogoro Mori's old lair, the home of a super human being who has traveled through the system, and an office full of countless black technologies.

Since Kogoro Mori's system awakened, in order to protect Ran and Haibara, he quietly built it into a steel barrier.

Now, for the first time, this steel barrier is shown in front of the world.

Right above where Koichi Zenigata was, the ceiling moved quietly, and a probe aimed at Koichi Zenigata instantly.

"Zi! Zi! Zi!"

In an instant, a coin-thick crimson laser shot out from the probe, instantly piercing through the back of Zenigata Koichi's hand holding the gun, and the pistol fell to the ground.

Unspeakable pain swept through Kengata Koichi's whole body, he was trembling constantly, but he didn't dare to move his hands at all.

Koichi Qiangata was quite smart, he knew that the intensity of the laser light was too high, it could instantly erode through the back of his hand, and burn through all the flesh and bones the size of a coin on the back of his hand.

If he breaks free, the injury will definitely be pulled out, and the whole hand will be useless at that time.

At this time, the other four probes continued to protrude, and the four laser beams formed a laser cage two fronts and two backs, completely trapping Qian Xingxing in place.

Qian Xingxing could only maintain this movement, the pain was so painful that he was trembling and sweating all over, and he dared not move even a little bit. If he moved casually, he would definitely die.

Seeing this scene, Huiyuan was stunned. She had lived in this office for so long and didn't know that there was such a black technology in this office.

A familiar male voice rang out: "Hey, isn't this Police Officer Qian Xing? What's the matter, are you doing performance art?"

Kogoro Mori came in, and Fujiko saw that Kogoro Mori immediately calmed down, and quickly got up and came to Kogoro Mori's side, wrapped his arm around him proudly, "I thought you didn't want me gone?"

Chapter 0131 Excited Fujiko

Fujiko acted like a little woman, and Mori Kogoro was about to respond, but he felt two laser-like eyes on his back, and he couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring.

This is Xiao Ai's!

Fuji continued to act coquettishly: "This guy scared me to death. Fortunately, you are back, Kogoro, otherwise he will be arrested. What kind of mechanism is this?"

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