Seeing Mori Kogoro appearing when she needed it most, all the resentment in Fujiko's heart dissipated, and her eyes were full of tenderness at this moment.

If it wasn't for the presence of others, she would have wished to push Mori Kogoro onto the sofa and have a good time.

"This is the protection system I designed before. You know that I am a detective. I have many enemies. In order to protect Xiaolan and Xiaoai, I have remodeled the whole house. It is very safe."

Huiyuan fell into deep thought when he heard this, as if he remembered something, the cold light in his eyes gradually dissipated.

Qian Xingxing, who was trapped, looked at Maoli and his party who were about to chat, and felt like crying.

The laser column cage made it difficult for him to move an inch, and the high temperature emitted made him smell the barbecue on his shoulder.

If he had known this was the ending, he would never have come here to trouble Fujiko.

Qian Xingxing, who was trembling constantly, bumped his upper and lower teeth: "Detective Maori, please, please, please let me go."

Mori Kogoro was happy to let Qian Xingxing be abused for a longer time, this old guy just owed a lesson.

He said: "This laser beam has a duration. Officer Qian Xing, if you persist for another five minutes, you will be fine."

Five minutes!At least five minutes have become five mature!

Hearing this, Qiangata Koichi's tears flowed down suddenly, and Da Ma's face turned into a bitter face.

"Detective Maori, are you assaulting the police by doing this?"

"No, who told you to break into a private house first and take out a gun to do something wrong, which triggered the agency. My artificial intelligence protection system operates in accordance with the law. I'm afraid you will have to sue at that time!"

When Qian Xingxing thought that Mori Kogoro's wife was the strongest lawyer in Japan, he cried even more terribly. He didn't dare to bring up this issue again, but instead said: "Detective Mori, you are protecting Fujiko, and there is nothing good for you. .”

"You are a famous detective all over the world. If the world knows that you are collaborating with an internationally wanted criminal, what will everyone think of you?"

Mine Fujiko's face changed suddenly, she was dazzled by love, she didn't expect this at all.

As long as he still keeps Kogoro Mori by his side, it is no different from ruining Kogoro Mori.

The reputation that Mori Kogoro has worked so hard to accumulate will also disappear, and he may become a person who is cast aside by everyone.

Thinking of this, Fujiko's face became more and more ugly.

At this moment, Mori Kogoro sneered: "What do other people think of me? I've been doing things all my life, so why do I need to explain to others!"

Hearing these majestic words, coupled with the full masculine breath pouring into his nose, Fujiko's beautiful eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but use them to hug Mori Kogoro tightly, with a bright smile on his small face.

Mori Kogoro continued: "And Police Officer Zenigata, you haven't received the notice from ICPO (Interpol), have you?"

"What notice?"

Mori Kogoro laughed: "You don't pay attention to current affairs too much. Yesterday afternoon, a total of 126 cases committed by Fujiko in [-] countries were all dismissed. In other words, the woman next to me is no longer He is no longer an internationally wanted criminal."

Hearing this, Qian Xingxing laughed loudly: "This is absolutely impossible, Detective Maori, if you want to lie to me, you have to make up a better lie, I don't believe it!"

This is what Fujiko himself doesn't believe.

Mori Kogoro clicked on the global web page of the ICPO (Interpol) on his mobile phone, and the first scrolling message on the top was about Mine Fujiko. He clicked on this message to show Qian Xingxing.

When Xingxing saw this interface, his pupils burst instantly. This webpage is indeed the Interpol webpage.

Mori Kogoro took out a piece of golden paper from his pocket: "If you don't believe the web page, you can go back and confirm it yourself, but you should know this amnesty order!"

Qian Xingxing's eyes were a little distracted, and when he saw the purple cherry blossom stamped official seal, he couldn't help but blinked, and then he had a hellish expression.

This is the amnesty order issued by the cabinet, the highest political body in Japan. The person above the amnesty is obviously Fujiko Mine, and he is pardoned for all the crimes he has committed in the past.

That is to say, Mine Fujiko is still pursuing her even if other countries are still hunting her, but as long as she is in Japan, she can be a legal citizen.

Fujiko grabbed the amnesty order, read it carefully, and immediately cheered and screamed.

She kept bouncing around with Kogoro Moori in her arms, and the pair of proud people with arms wrapped in waves suddenly became choppy, giving Kogoro Moori a different kind of enjoyment.

Fujiko excitedly kissed Mori Kogoro's left cheek, then kissed his right cheek, then kissed his mustache, and finally kissed him directly on his lips.

"Xiao Wulang, I really love you to death!"

"Great, I finally don't have to live in hiding."

"You must have been busy with my business when you weren't home all day yesterday, Kogoro, thank you for your hard work."

Fujiko misunderstood logically, and she leaned on Mori Kogoro's arms, showing a bright smile.

"Uh... how do you know." Mori Kogoro responded brazenly.

Although the little loli Haibara on the side watched with eager eyes, she was still very happy for Fujiko.

And Qian Xingxing, who was in the laser cage, looked deeply shocked, with a distraught face, and muttered to himself: "Why is this?"


When five minutes were up, Mori Kogoro dissipated the laser light, and the probe was hidden on the ceiling again.

Qian Xingxing suddenly collapsed to the ground, and there was a coin-sized, red and black hole on his right palm, which was the wound pierced by the laser.

With such an injury, this hand is no different from a cripple, and he will be no different from a cripple in the future.

Mori Kogoro let go of Fujiko's delicate body, and said, "Officer Qiangata, you also know the meaning of this amnesty order. From now on, I don't want you to appear in front of Fujiko again, otherwise it won't just be the result next time." gone."

Qian Xingxing nodded with a wry smile, he got nothing and became a half useless person, how dare he come to find Fujiko.

Whether he can continue to hunt Lupine is a big question for him now!

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