The last time Kogoro Mori prepared this gift for Haibara, he spent a lot of effort, energy, and means to reluctantly buy the Prada Group. Now he wants to get another Hermès Group, I’m afraid it’s too much!

Seeing Kogoro Mori's pensive expression, Fujiko laughed lightly, and his red lips touched Kogoro Mori's: "Are you really thinking about how to snatch other people's brands by chance? I'm just joking!"

This woman didn't know how true or false what she said, coupled with her superb acting skills, made Mori Kogoro a little confused.

She grabbed Moori Kogoro's big hand and ran out the door: "Let's go, Kogoro, let's go shopping, watch a movie, soak in a hot spring, I want to make up for everything I haven't done!"

Mori Kogoro faintly felt that something was wrong, but seeing Fujiko so happy, he just let her go.

The two of them were like a couple in love, shopping in the streets and alleys of Tokyo, doing all kinds of interesting things.

At night, in the private pool of the Hongye Hot Spring Bath, Kogoro Mori watched the scene with fiery eyes while bathing.

Fujiko, who was covering the key area with his hands, was blushing all over his face, moving his beautiful legs continuously, slowly walked into the hot spring pool, and sat next to Mori Kogoro.

Chapter 0133

This is simply the most moving scenery, and the place where the hands are covered trembles slightly as they walk.

As soon as the hand was released, it jumped freely, and then half of it fell into the water, and the water light flowed, making people's mind swaying.

The dense water vapor and heat floated from the hot spring, and the heat rose from the hearts of the two of them.

Mori Kogoro stretched out his hand domineeringly, hugged Fujiko's soft waist, pulled him over, and let him sit on his body.

There was a sound of water splashing, and the two were chest to chest, face to face.

Fujiko's wine-red hair was tied up, and her delicate little face was highlighted. At this moment, this little face was blushing, and there was tenderness in those beautiful eyes.

Her slender fingers gently crawled over Mori Kogoro's shoulder, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

Immediately afterwards, Fujiko's red lips kissed Kogoro Mori in one breath, and his nails dug into Kogoro Mori's back unconsciously.

As if a gunpowder keg was ignited, a pair of fiery big hands under the water moved without any scruples, constantly climbing over mountains and ridges and everywhere.

Tianlei stirred the fire on the ground, and the body temperature of the two continued to rise during the deep kiss.

Finally, Fujiko held Mori Kogoro's cheeks in both hands, looked affectionately at the man in front of him, and breathed extremely shortly.

"Xiao Goro, you want me!"

Solid wish also!

The waves of water pile up, and there are stirring movements in this hot spring bath.

Located on the edge of the river in the suburbs of Nishitama City, Ayumi and Haibara are two little girls sitting on a rock and looking at the starry sky.

This is where Dr. Ari and the Detective Boys camped.

Huiyuan looked up at the starry sky, the sky was full of stars, shining brightly, this is a scenery that cannot be seen in the city.

At this moment, Haibara thought of Mori Kogoro, how wonderful it would be to lie in his arms and watch the stars!

Haibara turned to look at Ayumi who lowered her head, and frowned: "Ayumi, you have been depressed all day, what are you thinking?"

"Ah, Xiao Ai, I wasn't thinking about anything!" Ayumi looked a little panicked.

Haibara took a closer look at Ayumi, then turned his head to the starry sky: "Tell me, maybe I can help you!"

Ayumi frowned like a silkworm baby, pondered for a moment, and said, "Xiao Ai, how does it feel to fall in love with someone who is much older than you?"

"It's not surprising. If you are older, you will take care of others more, and it will give you a sense of security."

Haibara thought of Mori Kogoro again, and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

"What, is it a senior senior?"

Ayumi shook her head lightly, then lowered her head: "But the person I like has fallen in love with my mother, and my mother seems to like him very much, so what should I do in this situation?"

As soon as these words came out, Huiyuan was instantly struck by thunder.

Mother-daughter love triangle, is it so bloody!

Haibara turned her head to look at Ayumi who was looking distressed, she also felt a big headache, she hesitated and said: "Ayumi, you may have to learn to persuade your mother that liking child molestation is a crime."

Ayumi shook her head: "The person I like is an adult."

Haibara's face changed again, his pupils kept shrinking, and he looked at Ayumi with a strange gaze, as if marveling at the seriousness of her taste.

An older man still likes Ayumi's mother. Could it be that Ayumi has fallen in love with her stepfather?

Haibara chose his words carefully, and said: "Ayumi, why do you like a man who is so much older than you? This is not right. At your age, you should like people who are similar to you. Conan, Mitsuhiko and the others!"

Ayumi immediately replied: "They are too naive and immature at all. Besides, Xiao Ai, don't you also like people who are much older than you?"

"It's different!" Huiyuan almost revealed his age.

Ayumi suddenly became excited: "What's the difference, don't you also like Uncle Maoli?"

"There is naturally a deeper reason for this," Haibara suddenly felt that there was something wrong with Ayumi's words just now, too?Also like it very much?

She looked suspiciously at the excited little loli, and said, "Ayumi, the man you're talking about is Uncle Maori, right?"

Oops, it's revealed!

Ayumi immediately stood up in panic, laughed twice, and said, "Haha, how is it possible, there are shooting stars!"

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