After she pointed to a peaceful sky, she immediately turned around and ran towards the tent with her short legs.

Haibara watched Ayumi run away, not knowing that the man was Kogoro Mori, and stomped his feet angrily.

If Kogoro Mori was in front of her, Haibara would definitely pounce on her and bite her hard.

Very good!He even attacked Ayumi's mother!Is it possible that you still want to accept both mother and daughter?No, you have to ask clearly!

The little loli Haibara, who was covered in black flames, walked towards the tent where Ayumi was.

In the tent next to him, Dr. A Li had already fallen asleep soundly, falling asleep everywhere.

Three little boys, Conan, Genta, and Mitsuhiko, were lying on the quilt and talking.

Motota Mitsuhiko looked terrified.

Yuan Tai said: "Conan, is your training class really that scary? Is it true that you will be punished if you can't answer the questions? Or will you be spanked on the podium?"

Conan nodded: "Of course, do you think what I said is false? They just want to motivate students to study with shame. There are two special teachers, one is in charge of taking off pants, and the other is in charge of beating. I remember a little The fat man was beaten until his shit came out!"

Yuantai looked disgusted: "Hey~~~Conan, you are so dirty, why are you talking about this?"

And Mitsuhiko looked excited: "Then Conan, are there any girls in your training class?"

Hearing this, both Genta and Conan looked at Mitsuhiko with contempt.

But Yuan Tai quickly joined forces: "Are there any girls?"

"No, it's all a bunch of little boys!"

"Boring!" X2

Hearing this, Conan couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Mitsuhiko said: "That is to say, in order to avoid being caught and spanked in the training class again, that's why you encouraged the doctor to ask us to come out to camp. No wonder this time is so urgent."

Yuan Tai laughed and reached out to grab Conan's ass: "Conan, how many times were you beaten yesterday?"


As if the sore spot had been touched, Conan immediately exclaimed, twisting his buttocks and running away.

Too shameful!

At this moment, Conan's expression was ashamed, and he clenched his fists and wanted to beat Yuanta. Suddenly, the tent jumped up and down, and even the doctor woke up...

Chapter 0134 Dad is mine

In the girl's tent, Ayumi lay on the quilt pretending to sleep, with the quilt covering her head, and Ayumi closed her eyes tightly.

Haibara with a strong aura walked into the tent, threw off the quilt, lay down on his stomach and stretched his fingers, and opened Ayumi's eyelids.

"Ayumi, what's going on, tell me!"

Unavoidable, Ayumi saw such a terrifying Huibara, struggled to get up, curled up in the corner with her pillow in her arms, and said in a low voice, "Xiao Ai is so scary!"

"I don't even know what you're talking about, I want to sleep."

"Ayumi, lying is not a child's character. Tell me what happened to your mother and Uncle Maori."

Ayumi pursed her mouth and said, "Isn't Xiao Ai a child too?"

Seeing the cold light in Haibara's eyes, Ayumi still couldn't bear the gaze, hesitated for a moment, and could only speak obediently.

She told all about the robbers in the house, about Kogoro Mori's visit, and about taking them to the amusement park yesterday.

Huiyuan looked shocked: "What, you said you saw Uncle Maoli and your mother kissing through the crack of the door, and his big hands were still scratching around?"

Ayumi nodded earnestly: "I'm not mistaken, I also saw my uncle grabbing and kneading my mother's breasts, as if he liked it very much." Then she looked down at her breasts: "I'm fine too. I want to grow up!"

Haibara, who heard this, couldn't help being anxious, and murmured to himself: "Big pervert, big pervert, big pervert, how could this be possible, just now she got hooked up with Fujiko, and all of a sudden got mixed up with Ayumi's mother , ahhh!!!”

Haibara rubbed his brown hair, looking crazy.

And Xiaobumei looked at Huiyuan timidly, and comforted in a low voice: "Xiao Ai, don't be angry, in fact, I should be more angry, that woman is my mother!"

Little Loli pouted again: "Hmph, bad mother."

Hearing this, Haibara's complexion improved a bit, people are out of comparison, although he suddenly has two more rivals in love, but it seems that Ayumi is worse, wanting to compete with his mother for the man he likes.

Ayumi had good eyesight, and seeing Haibara's face turned better, she said timidly, "Xiao Ai, I'm sorry, I also fell in love with Uncle Mouri, you don't mind?"

Huiyuan, who folded his hands on his chest, rolled his eyes angrily: "Excuse me!"

Ayumi immediately lowered her head and apologized in a low voice: "I'm sorry!"

But she quickly raised her head and looked at Huiyuan firmly with her eyes: "But even if Xiao Ai minds, there is nothing I can do. If you like it, you just like it, and you can't deceive yourself."

"I will compete fairly with you Xiaoai!"

Hearing this, Hui Yuan didn't fluctuate in his heart, and even wanted to laugh: Little girl, fair competition?You don't even know how many opponents there are, what you see is just the tip of the iceberg!

Nasty Uncle Maori, I want you to look good when I get back.

Huiyuan gritted his teeth again.

Then she shook her head, returned to her quilt, and said, "Guys with no hair yet, go to bed early!"

Ayumi blushed immediately: "Ah, Xiao Ai, how can you say such vulgar words, is your hair all grown? Hmph! I'll ignore you!"

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