Ayumi also returned to her futon and began to sleep, she turned her small face to look at Huiyuan, her eyes were full of fighting spirit.

In the middle of the night, when the Lexus parked in front of Mori's house, Kogoro Mori got out of the car and picked up Fujiko who passed out in the passenger seat.

Smelling Kogoro Mori's breath, Fujiko unconsciously hugged Kogoro Mori tightly.

This woman is too crazy, she doesn't know how much she weighs, so she keeps regrouping and fighting fiercely again and again.

During the battle, she was very heroic. She galloped around as a female rider, and the scene was out of control for a while, which was very explosive.

I think Kogoro Mori will never forget that scene.

Mori Kogoro passed through Fujiko's leg with his big hand, and recalled the scene of being on the silky water bed again.

Holding Fujiko's snow-white calf with both hands, he slowly lifted it up...

ah!Unable to think about it any more, Mori Kogoro shook his head, feeling a little sore in his lower back.

This time I stayed in the hot spring bath for too long, nearly five hours, so there will naturally be some sequelae.

Mori Kogoro walked up the stairs with Fujiko in his arms, and soon arrived at the home on the third floor. He drove the Ant-Man robot to open the door, and then walked in.

Xiaolan at home came out when she heard the movement, and seeing the same scene as the night before, Fujiko was carried in by his father unconsciously, and couldn't help frowning.

Suddenly, Xiaolan remembered Huiyuan's words the night before yesterday, "I'm afraid I fainted!" ' Xiaolan murmured in her heart.

Xiaolan took a careful look at Fujiko's appearance, with an intoxicating blush on her face, her eyes became more suspicious.

She seemed to be very familiar with this posture.

"Father, what happened to Miss Fujiko?"

Mori Kogoro hurriedly said, "She, knowing that all her cases have been dismissed today, she's just so happy and drunk!"

"Oh, that's right!" Xiaolan nodded meaningfully.

Mori Kogoro hurriedly sent Fujiko to Haibara's room, and he was relieved, now his daughter is getting harder and harder to fool.

Looking at Fujiko's soft little face, he couldn't help stroking his cheek with his big hand, and then kissed her red lips lightly, then got up and left the room.

As soon as she came to the living room, Xiaolan greeted Kogoro Mori to sit beside her. She hugged Kogoro Mori's arm and rubbed her head against Kogoro Mori's chest, like a kitten.

Kogoro Maoli said softly, "Lan, where did you go today? Why haven't I seen you all day?"

Xiaolan laughed softly, her big eyes fluttered, and she looked at Mouri Kogoro tenderly: "Today, Sonoko and I went shopping again, and bought a lot of interesting clothes."

Xiaolan raised her head and blew lightly into her ear: "Dad, I'll show you how to wear it next time!"

Seeing Mori Kogoro's ears turn red, Xiao Ran smiled contentedly.

This girl is almost turning into a little fairy.

"Hey, by the way, Sonoko heard that we are going to Nishitama City tomorrow, and she also said that she would go to see the Twin Towers with us, Dad, let Sonoko go together!"

This is no problem, Mori Kogoro nodded.

"Okay, it's getting late, we should also rest, we have to drive tomorrow!"

"Great, Xiao Ai is not here, Dad is mine!"

The voices of the father and daughter gradually drifted away, and the night gradually deepened...

Chapter 0135

It was another night of fierce fighting, Mori Kogoro was really squeezed out, and finally he fell asleep with the little angel in his arms.

The little angel slept peacefully on his body, with a happy smile on his face.

Early the next morning, Mori Kogoro woke up from his sleep when he heard Xiaolan's exclamation.

"Dad, Dad, look quickly, Miss Fujiko is gone, she left this letter and left."

Mori Kogoro opened his eyes, and Ran was leaning over him in a nightgown, holding a letter in his little hand.

Mori Kogoro took the letter and opened it to see the text inside.

"Xiao Goro: Forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye, when you read this letter, I will already be on the plane.

If I say goodbye to you face to face, I'm afraid I'll be reluctant to leave.

What you said is really touching, but I'm sorry, there is one very important, very important matter waiting for me to solve.

When I settle this matter, I will obediently come back and be your little secretary!

——Love your Fujiko"

And finally a red lip imprint!

Although it was expected, Mouri Kogoro frowned slightly when he saw this letter.

Everything that happened yesterday foreshadowed the present scene.

The sudden appearance of Zenigata, the departure of Huiyuan, the gag made by Fujiko when making promises, and the crazy indulgence in the hot spring pool.

Mori Kogoro was faintly aware of what Fujiko was carrying, knowing that he couldn't stop her, so he could only pretend not to know and let her go.

Like a messenger of the north wind, this woman arrived quietly, and then disappeared without leaving any trace.

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