Although Mori Kogoro was affected by it, he didn't feel too disappointed.

The left and right are just a transfer talisman, and there are three opportunities to transfer it in a month. If you exchange it for [-] points, it is still affordable.

In addition, the ant-man robot is attached to Fujiko, and the ant-man robot is always telling him the situation.

The monitoring on the robot can also clearly see what Fujiko is doing. Kogoro Mori found her easily, so naturally he didn't feel that she had gone far.

I just don't know what is the important thing that Fujiko is going to do, but don't let this letter set a flag!

Mori Kogoro reached out and tore the letter to pieces.

Xiaolan immediately exclaimed: "Father, how could you do this, this is the farewell letter left by Miss Fuji, don't tear it up if you don't want to treasure it."

Xiaolan collected the scraps of paper while pretending to complain, but she was actually very happy in her heart.

Now that Fuji is gone, I don't have to worry about what happened to my father and the female snitch with a good figure.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "We'll meet again anyway, it's useless to keep this letter!"

"Father!" Xiao Lan suddenly became dissatisfied and coquettish.


Xiaolan looked up and saw Mori Kogoro's half-smile expression.

Immediately afterwards, Kogoro Mouri flew forward and threw Xiaolan onto him, and the father and daughter on the bed were in a mess instantly.

On the plane from Tokyo to Paris, Fujiko, wearing a red lady's suit and a lady's hat, folded her legs elegantly, resting her chin on her plain hand, and stared absently at the wing of the plane.

Fujiko shook his head, and took off the lady's hat on his head.

Suddenly, a piece of paper quietly floated out from the hat, and slowly fell to the ground.

Fujiko leaned over and picked up the note, with a line written on it.

"Fuji, you can't escape my palm. —— Kogoro"

There is also a Wuzhishan painted on the back of the note.

Seeing this note, Fujiko instantly had a bright smile on his face, and a beautiful laugh came from his mouth.

Passengers on the left and right looked sideways, seeing that it was a beautiful woman, and they were all lost in thought.

Fujiko laughed for a long time before gently folding the note and putting it in the pocket of the suit lining. She turned to look at the blue sky and white clouds outside the window, with a faint smile on her lips.

If you can't escape, you can't escape, and you never thought about escaping!

Kogoro, wait for me to come back!

"Wow, Uncle Mao Li, Xiao Lan, you father and daughter are so close, you can still fight like this!"

Suddenly, Yuanzi's voice sounded from the door, and Xiaolan, who was suppressed underneath, was taken aback, her face flushed, and she pushed Moori Kogoro up with all her strength...

"Yuanzi, how did you get in here?"

"The door was unlocked, I pushed it in and came in, and then I heard your voice and came over."

Wearing a short white skirt and a small pink waistcoat, Sonoko walked in with long legs without any scruples, sat on the bed, and looked fieryly at Kogoro Mori's muscular thighs.

Mori Kogoro sleeps in loose shorts and a T-shirt, but without underwear, which is usually more convenient and easier to cooperate with.

Sonoko started without hesitation, patted Mori Kogoro's muscular thighs with his small hands, and praised: "Uncle, your thigh muscles are so well-shaped, so beautiful, it's like a work of art."

Yuanzi pretended to be dabbing on the oil as if nothing had happened, but she couldn't hide her joy at all.

Seeing this scene, the veins on her forehead kept jumping up, Xiaolan slapped Yuanzi's little hand away, and then pulled Yuanzi to get up and walk outside.

"Let's go out first, don't delay Dad changing clothes."

Sonoko immediately looked disappointed, turned his head three times at every step, and wanted to have a panoramic view of Mori Kogoro's perfect figure, but Xiaolan got a chestnut.

"Xiao Lan, you are really getting more and more violent now."

The two walked out and closed the door.

Not long after, the bedroom door opened again, and the neatly dressed and handsome Mori Kogoro walked out of the bedroom.

When he came to the living room, he saw that Xiao Lan had already changed her clothes.

It was a light white dress with a golden waist, revealing the proud chest, soft waist and slender waist, very delicate and beautiful.

"Dad, it's time for breakfast!"

Yuanzi complained again: "Hey, it's rare for me to come here so early. I thought I could taste Uncle Maoli's food, but I didn't expect it was you, Xiaolan."

Xiaolan stared at Yuanzi, raised her brows with a threatening meaning: "Yuanzi, do you have any comments?"

Yuanzi instantly conceded: "How is it possible, Xiaolan's cooking is also delicious, completely in line with my taste, I really have no opinion at all."

Seeing the energetic appearance of the two girls, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but chuckled.

Chapter 0136 uncle, wait for me to grow up


After breakfast, the three of them got into the car. Facing the cool wind in the early morning, the car drove towards Nishitama City. Mori Kogoro was about to go to an appointment with his old classmate.

The two girls sat in the back seat, Sonoko took Xiaolan's arm, and said in a low voice, "Xiaolan, I have already investigated, this Tokiwa Mio is the head of the Tokiwa Consortium, and the Tokiwa Consortium is the leader of Nishitama City. The consortium is mainly engaged in the computer industry and the game industry."

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