"She is a strong woman. For so many years, I have never heard of her getting married. She has always lived alone. It is very dangerous!"

"Old classmate reunions are the most prone to problems. Besides, they still have an agreement from [-] years ago. This is even more dangerous. Xiaolan, we must pay close attention to today, and we must not give them a chance."

Sonoko looked full of fighting spirit, and his volume was not low at all. Kogoro Mori in the driver's seat couldn't help but have black lines all over his head. Is it really okay to plot against him in front of his face?

On the other hand, the Boy Detectives who had finished camping also boarded the car, and the Beetle was heading for Tokyo.

Looking at the passing scenery outside the window, Ayumi asked: "Doctor, are we going to the Gemini skyscrapers we saw yesterday?"

Dr. A Li frowned, and said, "But we will take a long way around this way!"

Mitsuhiko quickly said: "Doctor, that is the tallest Gemini building in Japan. It would be a pity if you don't take a look."

Hearing this, Dr. A Li could only sigh: "Okay then, I'll take you there."

He turned the steering wheel and drove towards the Gemini Tower.

Half an hour later, Dr. Ali's yellow Beetle parked in the parking lot of the Gemini Building.

All the young people looked at the building in amazement.

"so high."

"Hiss, hey, it seems to be on the clouds."

At this moment, another car drove into the parking lot, which was Kogoro Mori's Lexus.

The people on the Beetle and the Lexus got off and saw each other instantly.

Ayumi shouted in surprise: "Uncle Mori!"

And Dr. Ari and Conan were both leaned against the car with terrified faces. Conan's camping was kept from Mori Kogoro and Xiao Ran.

Mori Kogoro came over, and he raised his eyebrows: "Why is Conan here? Didn't uncle enroll you in a training class? Why did you come to camp with him and play truant?" His tone gradually became serious.

"Doctor, please explain, didn't you just promise me not to disturb Conan's study these few days?"

Hearing the question, Dr. A Li lowered his head, and kept pointing the index fingers of both hands together: "Arnuo, this..."

"It was all Conan's idea. He came to my house to ask me for help, and I couldn't refuse."

Dr. Ali sold Conan decisively, and the little ghost's face changed drastically.

Before he had time to defend himself, three chestnuts greeted his head again, and the three familiar big red envelopes swelled up again.

Conan knelt down with his head in his arms and cried bitterly.

Ayumi asked, "Uncle Maori, what are you doing here?"

Yuanzi on the side hurriedly replied: "He is here to meet the college student, and he is the owner of the Gemini Building."

"That's enough!"

When Huiyuan heard this, he rolled his eyes again, and began to curse inwardly: Big pervert, big villain!

At this moment, a working woman came out of the building. She was wearing a lady's suit, gray stockings, double ponytails, and two gold earrings on her earlobes. She was a young and beautiful woman.

As soon as the woman came out, she asked, "Excuse me, is this Mr. Maori?"

Mouri Kogoro nodded.

She continued: "I am the chairman's secretary, named Tomomi Sawaguchi. The chairman is currently in a meeting and specially asked me to entertain Mr. Mori. Please follow me to the exhibition room."

Everyone followed Secretary Sawaguchi into the building.

While walking, the little loli Haibara walked up to Mori Kogoro's side, pinching his thigh with her little hands, but it didn't hurt at all.

It's a pity that there are so many people with mixed eyes, Haibara can't force Kogoro Mouri to question.

Mori Kogoro thought that Haibara didn't want to walk anymore, so he reached out and picked him up, and took the elevator to the exhibition room with his small buttocks.

Huiyuan blushed, but obediently wrapped his arms around Mori Kogoro's neck.

Everyone soon came to the exhibition hall on the second floor.

Sanxiao looked at all kinds of weird games, his eyes brightened suddenly, and he ran around looking at it like he was having fun.

A man in a brown suit greeted him: "Welcome to our group's exhibition room."

Secretary Zeguchi introduced: "Mr. Mori, this is the director and engineer of our group, Yuan Jiaming, Mr. Yuan."

"This is Mr. Mori, the distinguished guest of the chairman."

The engineer named Yuan Jiaming immediately had a smile on his face: "It turns out to be the great detective Maori. I have known him for a long time."

After the two started to exchange pleasantries, they separated.

Mori Kogoro remembered this guy, he was an engineer who cooperated with the dark organization, and he would be silenced by gin later.

Mitsuhiko Motota Ayumi Sanxiao stopped in front of a machine with a curious look on her face.

"What is this for?"

Yuan Jiaming stepped forward and explained: "Using this machine can let you see yourself ten years later!"

Dr. A Li couldn't help but said: "Ten years later, it will be amazing!"

The little loli Ayumi looked eager to try: "Dr. Ali, let's try."

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