Yuan Jiaming said, "Just sit in the cockpit."

Ayumi and Dr. Ali sat in the cockpit, a hood covered their heads, and the scanning light flashed.

Not long after, two photos appeared on the console.

Mitsuhiko and Genta looked at Dr. Ali's photo, and couldn't help but said, "What are you doing! The doctor hasn't changed at all, this machine is a lie!"

Conan said, "No, Ayumi's photo has changed."

The little loli Ayumi looked at the girl with bright eyes and bright teeth in the photo, her face was flushed, she was very satisfied with her changes, Ayumi really wanted to grow up soon.

Yuantai and Mitsuhiko hurried over to look at it, and immediately showed Brother Pig's face: "It's so cute!"

Ayumi turned around and ran towards Mori Kogoro holding the photo: "Uncle Mori, look, this is me ten years later."

Mori Kogoro praised: "It's so beautiful. As expected, Ayumi is a beauty embryo. She has been cute since she was a child."

As soon as these words came out, Mori Kogoro felt that his chest was pinched by a small hand, twisting it fiercely, and when he looked down, there was a cold light in the eyes of Haibara in his arms.

Ayumi's face flushed, and she said softly, "Uncle, you must wait for me to grow up!"

After saying that, little Loli ran away with short legs.

It exploded in an instant, without such a trick, Ayumi!

Haibara in his arms sneered, pinched the top of Mori Kogoro's big pectoral muscles with two fingers, and twisted hard.

This is so sour, I can't believe it!

Mori Kogoro's body couldn't help shaking, the steel and iron bones didn't reach the nipples!

Chapter 0137 is swollen

Mori Kogoro gasped, looking at the smug Huihara, he couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Xiao Ai, what are you doing?"

Little Lolita smiled at Yan Yan, but her eyes were full of coldness: "Last night, Ayumi told me everything when I was camping. I didn't know that you even attacked Ayumi's mother?"

"Hmph, big carrot, big pervert, big pervert."

Hearing this accusation, Mori Kogoro couldn't defend himself, he could only smile back wryly, enduring the cruelty of Haibara Xiaoshou.

Although little Lolita is angry now, as long as she is allowed to vent, she will be fine.

Just like Fujiko before, it's okay to experiment in the bathroom.

It's not a big problem, it's just that the sour taste keeps coming back and forth. Haibara didn't get discouraged after twisting one, and twisted another one. As a result, Kogoro Mori knew without even looking that it must be swollen.

And when Haibara lost his temper, Mitsuhiko, Genta, Sonoko, and Xiaolan took turns to sit on the camera to see his appearance ten years later.

Yuantai and Mitsuhiko looked at their photos in a sullen mood. In the photos, one had a pie-faced face and the other had a pockmarked face, both of which were crippled, which did not meet their expectations at all.

Yuanzi couldn't help laughing and said: "I have seen such high school students, and we caught a lot of them in our school."

Yuan Tai responded immediately, pointing to Yuanzi's photo and said, "I've seen old women like this before."

Hearing this, Yuanzi's veins bulged in an instant, and all her internal organs were burned. She suddenly stood up and shouted: "What old woman, this is a noble lady, a rich and noble lady! Are you blind, little fat man? "

After finishing speaking, she smashed Yuantai's head with her fist without hesitation, and several big bumps grew in an instant, and Yuantai fled away in a hurry.

Sonoko didn't chase after her, but instead looked at her photo with a blank expression. Does she really look like an old woman?

Sonoko didn't dare to show the photo to Mori Kogoro, so he quickly put it away.

And Dr. A Li looked at Xiaolan's photo and couldn't help exclaiming: "Ah, it's exactly the same as Yingli when he was young!"

Xiaolan blushed and looked at her photo, Yuanzi leaned closer, seeing Xiaolan's face in the photo, couldn't help being deeply shocked, as expected, it was still incomparable.

Conan the Devil kept jumping up to see it, but he was too short to see it.

Mori Kogoro was also very curious, so he hugged the little Lolita and moved closer, mainly because he wanted to restrain Hui Yuan, who was still violent.

When he saw Xiaolan in the photo, he couldn't help but be amazed. She really became more and more beautiful.

If there is still a bit of childishness on Xiaolan's face now, Xiaolan in the photo is fully mature and a super beauty.

"Lan, you really deserve to be my father's daughter, she really is becoming more and more beautiful."

Hearing Kogoro Mori's praise, Xiaolan blushed even more, she hugged Kogoro Mori's arm and said coquettishly, "No way, Dad!"

Xiaolan put the photo in her handbag, but Conan still didn't see half of it in the end.

Immediately after, Xiaolan said, "Next it's Xiaoai and Conan's turn to take pictures."

While talking, she picked up Haibara in Kogoro Mouri's arms, and Haibara quickly refused, "I'll forget it, I don't want to play this boring game anymore."

Xiao Lan chuckled: "But I want to see what Xiao Ai will look like when she grows up?"

She put Huiyuan on the seat and left.

Conan was pushed up by Mitsuhiko Motota with a panicked face, and pressed on the seat.

shit!Now it's time to reveal your identity.

The little loli turned pale, she was afraid that the photo would come out, and Kogoro Mori would see her true face as Miyano Shiho, and Kogoro Mori couldn't help but look at Kogoro Mori with icy blue eyes in panic.

Seeing the terrified look of the little loli up there, Mori Kogoro stepped forward and hugged her down: "Since Xiao Ai is afraid of this instrument, then don't do it, maybe the results won't be accurate. "

Haibara, who fell into Kogoro Mouri's arms again, heaved a long sigh of relief, and the eyes looking at Kogoro Mouri softened.

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