Conan was the only person in the cockpit who was trembling, and he quickly said, "I don't want to play this game either, I'm afraid too!"

It's a pity that no one paid attention to him, Yuantai and Mitsuhiko pressed him in place and didn't let him get up.

The hood was lowered to cover Conan's face, and the scanning began.

Suddenly, a row of red characters 'ERROR' lights up on the screen of the instrument.

The entire instrument stopped working, and Conan was able to escape.

Both Yuantai and Mitsuhiko looked disappointed.

"What are you doing, why is it suddenly not working?"

"I also want to see what Conan looks like, maybe he is the worst-looking among the three of us!"

The two of them laughed while talking, and Conan, who was wiping away his sweat, couldn't help but roll his eyes at the two of them.

At this moment, Secretary Sawaguchi answered the phone and said, "Mr. Mori, the chairman has finished the meeting. She invited everyone to the banquet hall on the [-]th floor. Everyone, please come with me."

Everyone followed Secretary Sawaguchi to the direction of the outdoor elevator.

This is an exclusive elevator for VIPs. Even the elevator frame is golden, and you can enjoy the beautiful and empty scenery while ascending.

Xiaolan asked, "Miss Sawaguchi, can this lead directly to the banquet hall on the seventy-fifth floor?"

Tomomi Sawaguchi nodded: "Yes, this is a VIP elevator that can reach all floors, but if you want to take it, you can only open it in the concert hall on the [-]th floor and the lobby on the first floor."

The three little ones all looked amazed, and Ayumi exclaimed even more: "Hiss, it's like a ladder leading to heaven."

Soon, the outdoor elevator arrived at the banquet hall on the seventy-fifth floor.

There are still workers working inside, and Secretary Sawaguchi said, "Because we have to prepare for the opening banquet later, it will be a little messy, please don't mind."

At this time, a female voice rang out: "Senior Maori."

An extremely flamboyantly dressed woman walked up to meet her. It was Mio Tokiwa, the head of the Tokiwa Consortium.

She was wearing a bright red lady's suit, dyed blond hair, and her hair was tied up. She was full of heroism, and her eyes were full of joy when she looked at Mori Kogoro.

"Mio, speaking of it, we haven't seen each other for many years."

A hint of resentment appeared in Tokiwa Mio's eyes: "It's been three years, two months and fourteen days in total. We haven't seen each other since the last class reunion."

Hearing such an accurate timing, a drop of cold sweat broke out on the back of Mori Kogoro's forehead.

And all the girls beside him looked at the female head of the consortium with cold eyes.

Chapter 0138 The rooms are ready, why refuse

Tokiwa Mio, who is both gorgeous and heroic, is indeed the head of the Tokiwa Consortium. She is keenly aware of the strange atmosphere.

But she didn't mind at all, instead she said: "Xiao Wulang, is this girl in your arms your daughter? She looks so cute!"

Huiyuan replied coldly: "You are wrong, I am not his daughter."

Just his lover.

Xiaolan on the side hurried forward and saluted: "I am his daughter Mao Lilan, and this is the girl Haibara Ai who lives in my house. Ms. Tokiwa, my mother asked me to say hello to you."

Tokiwa Mio's small face froze, but Sonoko's eyes lit up behind Xiaolan: Lan, well done!

Xiaolan continued to introduce to everyone: "This is my friend Suzuki Sonoko, this is..."

After listening to Xiaolan's introduction, Tokiwa Mio also introduced the people beside her.

The white-haired old man in a kimono is Mio Tokiwa's painting teacher and a master of Japanese traditional Chinese painting, Kizukimine!

His paintings of Mount Fuji can be described as unique in Japan, and his paintings often sell for high prices.

And the bald man in a suit, smelling of alcohol and impolite is the councilor of Nishitama City, Oki Iwamatsu!

There is also a middle-aged man with a square face, who is the architect of the Gemini Building, Hidehiko Kazama!

Hidehiko Kazama looked at Mori Kogoro with an inexplicable hostility in his eyes: "Detective Mori, speaking of which, I have a relationship with you, but I am actually Moriya Teiji's apprentice."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro frowned.

That Teiji Moritani who was tortured to death by himself, that perverted demolition man who married his own building.

I didn't expect this perverted figure to have an apprentice.

Mori Kogoro then laughed lightly: "I almost forgot that Nishitama City is considered the place where Teiji Moritani rose, so we do have some connections. Why, is there a deep relationship between master and apprentice?"

Hidehiko Kazama's face immediately cooled down, and the hostility in his eyes just now disappeared instantly: "Detective Maori was joking, I'm not as paranoid as the teacher, and doing something like blowing up my own building is simply an insult to the dignity of an architect."

Mori Kogoro nodded: "This is the best."

At this time, Mitsuhiko in front of the French window on the left called out to the others: "Hey, come and see!"

Genta and Ayumi trotted over, and everyone's gazes followed. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, they could have a panoramic view of Mount Fuji.

"The jade fan hangs upside down in the East China Sea and the sky, Fuji's white snow reflects the morning sun" This is the holy peak of Japan.

Looking at this Mount Fuji from the height of seventy-five floors, all the beautiful views are indeed breathtaking.

"It's so beautiful, like a big ice cream."

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