On the other hand, Sonoko, Xiaolan, and Huiyuan all had vigilant eyes in their eyes: Mio Tokiwa has such a heavy heart, it seems that what he wants is not simple.

Secretary Sawaguchi led everyone into room 6801, which was indeed worthy of the presidential suite and fully met everyone's expectations.

Especially in the master bedroom, you can see Mount Fuji when you wake up in the morning, which is very beautiful.

After everyone visited the presidential suite, the people in the living room started to urinate, and Yuan Tai repeatedly shouted: "I'm going to the [-]th floor to have a big meal, a big meal."

Mitsuhiko looked at Yuanta contemptuously: "What's the point of having a big meal, doctor, come with me to the game hall in Building B to play games."

Dr. Ali, who was still childlike, quickly agreed.

Ayumi looked up at Mori Kogoro: "Uncle Mori, you go to the game hall with us too!"

Kogoro Mori was about to nod in agreement, but Haibara in his arms secretly tugged at him.

He instantly understood what Hui Yuan meant, and immediately said softly: "No, Xiao Ai is not feeling well, you go and play, I want to take care of Xiao Ai here."

Ayumi immediately looked disappointed.

Xiaolan on the side wanted to say something, but Yuanzi hugged her arms with an excited face: "Xiaolan, let's go to the swimming pool in Building B. Since there is no one here, let's go for a swim." .”

Secretary Zeguchi also said, "In that case, we have swimsuits for you."

Yuanzi laughed heartily: "That's really great, let's go."

Soon, except for Mori Kogoro and Little Lolita Haibara, everyone in the presidential suite went to their respective destinations one by one.

Yuantai was going to have a big meal on the [-]th floor. Conan worried that he would have problems alone, so he offered to accompany him;

Dr. Ali took Mitsuhiko and Ayumi to the game hall in Building B;

Accompanied by Secretary Sawaguchi, Xiaolan and Sonoko went to swim in the swimming pool on the top floor of Building B.

Everyone soon reached the [-]th floor, and Conan and Genta headed towards the French restaurant.

The rest walked across the overpass and separated again, some went up to the swimming pool, and some went down to the game hall.

Among the group of people down, the little loli Ayumi lowered her head, wondering what she was thinking.

Suddenly, Ayumi stopped, and quickly said: "Doctor, I won't go to the game hall with you, I will go to Sister Xiaolan and the others to swim."

After saying that, Ayumi moved her short legs and ran along the way she came and went.

Mitsuhiko suddenly looked disappointed.

And in the presidential suite on the [-]th floor, Kogoro Mori sat on the bed with a bitter look on his face, looking at the picturesque scenery outside the window also felt boring.

He said slowly: "Xiao Ai, don't be angry, just ask what you want to know, I will tell you everything I know, and I will tell you everything about Qiumei."

Coaxing a little loli is a technical job, Mori Kogoro has already decided, if coaxing fails, he will directly sacrifice the big stick, usually the effect after the experiment is very outstanding.

Haibara really wanted to ask something. The laser trap that Qiangata Koichi was trapped in yesterday was to protect himself.

And the expression of Mori Kogoro she saw while sitting on the camera today was a half-smile, very weird.

Hui originally wanted to ask Moori Kogoro if he already knew her identity, but after thinking about it, Huiyuan felt that it was nothing. She remembered that Moori Kogoro once said a word to her.

'It's okay, I can wait until Xiao Ai is willing to tell uncle all the secrets in his heart. '

It seems that knowing or not knowing is not so important.

When Huiyuan turned around, he saw Uncle Mao Li with a bitter melon look on his face, and a smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

The icy blue eyes flashed, and a woman's style bloomed, which seemed to have a dangerous atmosphere.

That look alone is alluring.

She stretched out her little lotus hand, pushed Kogoro Mori's chest, and pushed him on the soft bed, and then the little loli sat on Kogoro Mori's waist, and quickly pushed his shirt up with a pair of small hands.

The part that was swollen by Huiyuan just now was very obvious.

Mori Kogoro was quite startled, he thought that Haibara left him to ask for more details, but he didn't expect that, with this posture, Little Lolita wanted to push himself against him.

Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but get excited.

Just when Mori Kogoro was caught off guard, Haibara's little pink tongue lightly licked the place that was just swollen by him.

hiss! ! ! ! !

Little Lolita also said: "Uncle, don't think too much, saliva also has the effect of reducing inflammation and swelling, I'm just helping you treat your injuries."

Mori Kogoro gently rubbed Huihara's little head with his big hands, seeing the charming look on his delicate little face, he licked and licked the two wounds.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but said: "Uncle knows that saliva has the effect of reducing inflammation and swelling, but uncle still has another swollen place, Xiao Ai, please help me!"

Haibara's small face turned red instantly, his big eyes rolled his eyes coquettishly at Kogoro Mori, and then he slowly climbed down...

And behind the crack in the bedroom door, seeing what happened inside, one big eye kept shrinking, as if being extremely frightened...

Chapter 0140 studious Ayumi

Ayumi's young heart was greatly shocked. Looking at the scenes in the bedroom, she didn't even know that Huiyuan had such a god-level operation.

Before leaving the suite, Ayumi felt a little strange, Haibara was acting very normally along the way, but she suddenly said that she was not feeling well.

She had already regarded Huiyuan as an imaginary enemy, so she always paid attention to it, deliberately concealed the door of the room before leaving the suite, and then turned back halfway, wanting to find out.

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