Only then did I see this explosive scene through the crack of the bedroom door.

Okay, Xiao Ai, I finally know how you made your uncle like you, hum, it's too deceitful, I can also learn it.

Ayumi's face was flushed, her big eyes were focused on the scenes inside, and she was studying hard with her pink tongue sticking out.

After Haibara finished eating the ice cream, he got up to do experiments.

Seeing what happened inside, Ayumi opened her mouth wide and wide, her small face was horrifying, and she looked completely unbelievable.

how is this possible?How could it be successful, it's a lie!This will kill you!It's terrible!

The little loli Ayumi outside the door was in a tangle, but she still focused on watching the scenes inside.

Although Ayumi was also afraid, and felt that Haibara's expression was very hard and the movements were very difficult, she still made up her mind to learn these.

Thirty minutes later, the bedroom returned to calm. Seeing that the people in the room were about to come out, Ayumi got up quickly and tiptoed out of the suite.

After running out of the suite, Ayumi's flushed face could not hide her excitement. She only felt that she had opened the door to a new world. Although she didn't know why, it still felt very exciting.

Ayumi who was trotting all the way soon took the elevator to the [-]th floor, crossed the overpass, and then took the elevator to the swimming pool on the rooftop.

In the ice-blue swimming pool, there are ice-like decorations on the left and right, and the swimming pool is very spacious.

Ran, Sonoko, and Secretary Sawaguchi all put on their swimsuits and swam like three mermaids.

Yuanzi also picked a grape from the floating pad next to it, ate it, and couldn't help but sigh: "This swimming pool is pretty good!"

Seeing Ayumi appear, Xiaolan immediately got up from the water, like a lotus emerging from water, her figure is extremely hot.

"Ayumi, are you coming to swim too?"

Little Lolita nodded obediently, and Xiaolan took Ayumi's little hand and went to the dressing room next to her.

There is a stock of swimsuits of all sizes for sale at the time of opening.

Soon Ayumi changed into a blue swimsuit and came out, very cute and cute.

"Hey, Dad, why are you here too?" As soon as she returned to the pool, Xiaolan said in surprise, there was a man in the shallow water area of ​​the pool, it was Kogoro Mori, and Sonoko swam hard to him.

And Ayumi's expression was a little dazed, and she couldn't help but glanced in the direction of Mori Kogoro's swimming trunks.

"It's nothing, I just want to come here for a swim."

Kogoro Mori, who was soaked in the water, felt transparent. He glanced at Secretary Sawaguchi. Unfortunately, the girl with ponytails has poor breasts and is not worth seeing. She is not at all comparable to his own daughter.

Wearing white swimming trunks and a bikini, Xiaolan showed off her snowy muscles. She was absolutely beautiful, just like a goddess.

Especially when you move your big white legs, it is even more fascinating.

Although Kogoro Mori looked down on the figure of the secretary with twin ponytails, Secretary Sawaguchi glanced at Kogoro Mori's almost perfect figure from time to time, which was as tough as a sculpture and contained explosive power.

The little secretary couldn't help but blushed. She finally understood why the chairman couldn't forget the great Maori detective.

Xiao Lan continued to ask: "Where is Xiao Ai?"

"She fell asleep and rested in the room."

At this time, Sonoko finally swam to Kogoro Mouri's side.

When she turned her head and had an idea, she jumped up within Kogoro Mori's reach, displaying her clumsy acting skills.

"Oh, Uncle Maori, my foot is cramping, help me!"

"I can't, I can't hold it any longer, Uncle Mao Li, please help me."

Yuanzi's little head went in and out of the water, pretending to be drowning. You must know that the two of them are in a shallow water area, and they can emerge from the water when they stand upright. I can't laugh or cry.

In the end, under Yuanzi's repeated urging for help, Mori Kogoro stretched out a hand and grabbed Yuanzi...

Sonoko immediately climbed up the pole, pretending to be a panicked drowning person, and put his arms around Kogoro Mouri's solid back without hesitation, and his two big white legs were wrapped around Kogoro Mouri's waist in an instant, his whole body Clinging tightly to it, the little pigeon leaned on it.

Her little head was leaning on Mori Kogoro's shoulder, and she couldn't help showing a secret joyful expression, while her pair of little hands began to wipe the oil openly on her solid thick back.

Mori Kogoro patted Sonoko's soft thigh: "Okay, Sonoko, you are safe, you can come down."

"No, it's too scary, it's too scary, Uncle Maori, I almost died!"

Hearing this, Ayumi couldn't help but roll her eyes.

And Xiaolan on the shore narrowed her big eyes slightly, radiating a cold light, and immediately ran quickly, jumped up when she came to the water's edge, drew a perfect curve and plunged into the water, and came to the two of them in less than two seconds.

Yuanzi is naturally a tragedy.

In the end, Yuanzi held the big red envelope on his head and looked at Xiaolan with tears in the corners of his eyes, but she didn't dare to use these little tricks anymore.

And Xiaolan clapped her hands, swam arrogantly, and swam far away.

As for Mori Kogoro, he is holding Ayumi in a blue swimsuit, and he is doing his best to teach Ayumi to swim.

Xiaobu Whitening is white and tender, more sensual than Huiyuan.

Mori Kogoro held Ayumi's belly and taught her how to use her hands and feet, and Ayumi followed her obediently.

It's just that there is a blush on Xiaomeng's face that is difficult to fade, so that the learning efficiency is not high, and the movements that have been learned for a long time are forgotten after a short time.

During the break, Mori Kogoro said in a low voice, "Ayumi, can you promise Uncle something?"

Little Lolita had a dazed expression and was at a loss.

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