"Don't tell others what you saw just now."

Mori Kogoro chased Little Lori to the swimming pool, naturally he wanted to tell her about this matter, if she accidentally told Xiaolan, it would be a big disaster.

Ayumi's face turned red all of a sudden, and she was caught peeping, which is really embarrassing.

She looked at Mori Kogoro's gentle gaze, and nodded obediently: "Okay, uncle, I will never tell anyone."

Chapter 0141

Ayumi raised her head and looked at Kogoro Mouri, then lowered her head, her face was reddish and she spoke, her cute loli voice echoed softly in Kogoro Moori's ears: "Uncle, I will also do what Xiao Ai did. sure."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help but widen his eyes, he didn't expect Ayumi to say such a thing at all.

Originally, he thought that Ayumi was purely out of curiosity, so he took a peek at it, just like the scene where she peeked at herself, Chengzi, and Akimi before.

Who knew that after peeking at Xiao Ai this time, little Lolita would recommend herself.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and rubbed Ayumi's little head: "You can't do this, Ayumi is still young, these things are beyond your reach."

Ayumi pouted immediately: "Then why Xiao Ai is fine, she is also very small, uncle is biased."

Tears welled up in the little Lolita's eyes, which was really lovable.

Mori Kogoro was very distressed immediately, he quickly explained and comforted him: "Xiao Ai and Ayumi are different."

"What's different?" Little Lolita continued to ask, quite determined to break the casserole and ask the end.

This question made Mori Kogoro stunned for a moment, what's the difference?

Mori Kogoro held Ayumi's soft belly with one hand, and gently caressed the little white legs of little Lolita with the other big hand, his gaze was patrolling Ayumi who was wearing a blue swimsuit.What's the difference?

The legs are as white and tender, the skin is as flawless as tender lotus root, and there is a little bit of sensuality. There is a ignorant expression on the cute little face, and even the tears at the corners of the eyes are so cute.

What a difference!The same is a cute little lolita!

Some extremely evil thoughts suddenly appeared in Mori Kogoro's mind, some terrible scenes flashed in his mind, and his breathing became a little heavy.

Under the constant influence of his own Xiao Ai, Mori Kogoro seems to have begun to change from a fake lolicon to a real lolicon.

"Uncle, you scratched me!"

Hearing Ayumi's soft shout, Mori Kogoro woke up suddenly, shook his head quickly, and cleared the thoughts in the back of his head.

Only then did I come to my senses: the difference is naturally the difference between a legal loli and an illegal loli.

He gently opened his big hands, and apologized: "Ayumi, I'm sorry, don't talk about other things, uncle will continue to teach you how to swim."

"Oh!" Ayumi looked a little disappointed, but she was cheering for herself in her heart: I can do what Xiao Ai can do, if you like it, you have to work hard for it.

Mori Kogoro put Ayumi on the water again and began to guide her to swim.

However, it seems that the thoughts that just surfaced in his mind are still left, and when he touches the pink and tender body of little Lolita, there are always ripples in his heart.

After a while, Ayumi was tired from practicing, and Kogoro Mori put her on the big swan-shaped inflatable cushion.

This kind of mat is very well balanced, and children will not fall down when walking on it. Ayumi is lying flat on the mat, and she is still exhaling. It looks so cute.

At this time, Yuanzi, Xiaolan and Secretary Zeguchi also swam over.

Secretary Sawaguchi glanced at Mori Kogoro's figure from time to time, as if he wanted to see but didn't dare.

Fortunately, the swollen place where Huiyuan had pinched it just now had subsided, otherwise there would definitely be some troubles again.

As soon as Sonoko came over, he leaned over to Kogoro Mouri, and suggested, "Uncle Maori, let's play a game of holding your breath, I can hold it for a long time."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and refused. With his inhuman physique, no one could hold his breath better than himself. However, he couldn't hold back Sonoko's constant invitations, so he could only agree in the end.

Sonoko then turned to invite Secretary Sawaguchi: "Miss Sawaguchi, please come along, and Ayumi will be our referee."

Seeing that everyone agreed, Sonoko's big amber eyes became extremely excited.

She proposed so enthusiastically, so she naturally had a plan.

When holding your breath in the water, most people will close their eyes, otherwise the eyes will naturally feel stinging when they touch the water.

This time is naturally a good time.

As long as he can endure the pain and open his eyes underwater, he can naturally swim to Uncle Maori, and then kiss him on the mouth.

When I got up, I said that I wanted my uncle to win, so I just went to pass my breath. It was a perfect strategy plan.

Seeing Kogoro Mori's sexy mustache, Sonoko's eyes became brighter.

"One, two, three, let's start." The little loli on the swan inflatable cushion gave orders, and the four dived at the same time.

Sure enough, as Yuanzi expected, the other three had their eyes closed.

Seeing Kogoro Mori underwater, Sonoko immediately dived over.

When Sonoko was less than ten centimeters away from Kogoro Mori's face, Kogoro Mori opened his eyes, and he instantly understood Sonoko's intentions.

Yuanzi was a little panicked, but instead increased his speed, wanting to make a quick decision.

But she soon saw a pitiful expression on Mori Kogoro's face. Before Sonoko could understand the meaning of this expression, she felt her calf being bound by a small hand.

Yuanzi under the water turned her head to look, and saw Xiaolan sneering behind her, with a cold light in her eyes, she instantly despaired.

The poor Yuanzi has no idea how amazing the perception of the father and daughter who have practiced channeling is. Just by sensing the water flow, Yuanzi knows that Yuanzi is diving underwater.

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