She trotted to Kogoro Mouri's side, hugged his thigh directly, raised her head, blinked at Kogoro Moori with big eyes, full of attachment, and looked a little pitiful.

Seeing this scene, Mitsuhiko and Yuanta on the side couldn't help but widen their eyes and couldn't help getting angry.

But even if the two children are angry, they dare not show up in front of Kogoro Mouri.

Mori Kogoro rubbed Ayumi's little head, and comforted the little loli with a gentle voice: "Ayumi, it's not that I won't see my uncle anymore, maybe we will meet again tomorrow."

"Okay, go back to Tokyo with the doctor obediently, don't let your mother worry, and wait for uncle to come to you when he is free."

Little Lolita nodded, followed Dr. A Li and left with three steps.

Soon it was past seven o'clock in the evening, and the secretary Sawaguchi with the twin tails appeared in the suite. When she saw Kogoro Mori, she bowed and saluted.

"Mr. Mori, the chairman asked me to invite you to have a meal on the terrace on the top floor."

Yuanzi quickly asked, "Should I only invite Uncle?"

Secretary Zeguchi smiled lightly: "The chairman also ordered the chefs on the [-]th floor to prepare exquisite dishes. Miss Xiaolan and Miss Yuanzi can go there to enjoy."

Hearing this, Xiaolan and Yuanzi frowned at the same time.

Mori Kogoro patted Xiaolan's little hand lightly, and set off with Secretary Sawaguchi.

After the two left, Xiaolan and Yuanzi immediately got together and started plotting.

Meanwhile, the little Lolita Hui principle put her backpack on her back, dressed neatly, and came to the door to put on her shoes.

Xiaolan said in a daze: "Xiao Ai, what are you doing?"

Huiyuan said calmly: "Of course it's to cause damage. I won't let that woman do whatever she wants. Of course uncle wants me to protect it."

Yuanzi asked, "Then why are you carrying a bag?"

Little Lolita immediately rolled her eyes speechlessly: "Stupid you, this is Mio Tokiwa's territory, if her good deed is ruined, naturally we must evacuate as soon as possible."

"Makes sense."

The two girls nodded, and quickly packed up their respective luggage, as well as Moori Kogoro's luggage, and followed Hui Yuan to the top floor.

It's just that the three women seem to have forgotten something.

After a while, Conan, who came out of the suite bedroom, looked at the empty living room, and couldn't help being stunned: Uncle Maori and the others ran to eat?Why did they all disappear all of a sudden?

Mori Kogoro followed Secretary Sawaguchi to the terrace on the top floor, and Secretary Sawaguchi left at the top of the stairs.

There are pink cherry trees transplanted on the left and right sides of the top floor terrace, as well as various flowers competing for beauty under the lights, like a garden in the sky, with a romantic atmosphere under the moonlight.

As soon as he came to the terrace, Mori Kogoro saw Mio Tokiwa in a dress and high heels.

After changing her suit, she wore a red evening dress with a backless back, and her pair of jade hands were also exposed. Instead of the strong woman style before, she was more feminine.

She smiled when she saw Kogoro Mori, and stretched out her hand to invite Kogoro Mori to sit down.

"Mori-senpai, in fact, the scenery here is the best in the evening. You can see the setting sun on Mount Fuji. Unfortunately, I have too many things to deal with today. I have postponed until now, and now I have nothing."

Mori Kogoro laughed softly, looked around and praised: "Even if there is no Mount Fuji, here is a rare beauty, Mio, you have a heart."

The face of this former school girl, today's head of the consortium immediately showed resentment, and her voice became softer and softer: "Senior, don't you understand my feelings?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro didn't know how to answer, but the three girls hiding behind the cherry tree all spit at the same time and cursed secretly: "Fox!"

"Hehehe," Tokiwa Mio chuckled lightly: "I'm just kidding, senior, it's time for us to eat, this is a dish I prepared for you, although it was under the guidance of chef Bernard , but it should be pretty good."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help being interested, and opened the lid. It was a steak. It looked good and was steaming hot.

"Then I have to give it a try."

Chapter 0145

The three girls hiding behind the cherry blossom tree peeked at the two people at the table in front of them talking and laughing. The atmosphere was harmonious, and they couldn't help frowning.

Xiaolan couldn't help asking Yuanzi: "Yuanzi, what should we do?"

Yuanzi also looked distressed: "Why don't we run out and take uncle to leave directly."

The little loli Huiyuan immediately sneered: "Such a rash behavior is really rude."

"Hey, it sounds like you have a solution." Sonoko rolled a blank look at Huiyuan.

Hui Yuan said: "That depends on whether you want to treat the symptoms or the root cause?"

"Treating the symptoms? Treating the root cause?" The two girls looked at the little Lolita in bewilderment, and Huiyuan suddenly looked like he hated iron for nothing.

Her Gongdou skills are all on point, but the two on the left and right are pig teammates.

"It's easy to treat the symptoms. Later, we will go out and say that there is an urgent case in Tokyo. Officer Megure called and asked Uncle Mori to rush there immediately, and just destroy their date."

"It's simpler and rude to treat the root cause. After a while, sister Xiaolan ran out and told Uncle Mao Li that Aunt Concubine called and said that she had a physical examination today and found that she was pregnant with his child. Uncle Mao Li was going to be a father again. Hearing such words , I believe this woman will retreat in the face of difficulties."

Hearing what Huiyuan said, the eyes of the two women lit up.

Sonoko stretched out his hand and rubbed Hui Yuan's head: "As expected, he is the child next to Uncle Mao Li, there are so many evil ideas."

Huiyuan shook his head and broke away from Sonoko's little hand, and couldn't help but give her a blank look.

Yuanzi looked excited: "Xiao Lan, we will use the second statement later, that is, your mother is pregnant with the second child, and we will drag uncle away. This plan is perfect."

Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, then agreed.

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