Kogoro Mori, who was drinking red wine in the front, couldn't help but feel a little bit pained when he saw the image of the three women discussing in the monitor in his mind.

"Maori senior, Maori senior."

Kogoro Mori came back to his senses, and saw Mio Tokiwa waving at him.

Tokiwa Mio pursed her lips, Mingyan's face was full of dissatisfaction: "Senior Maori, is it boring to be with me, that's why senior is so easy to be in a daze."

"Of course not. I just remembered some past events. In my memory, Mio, you inherited the family business before finishing your studies."

Mio Tokiwa held her chin and said, "Isn't it? Back then, my father died suddenly and the group had no leader. I had no choice but to leave without saying goodbye."

The color of reminiscence appeared in her eyes: "Speaking of it, it has been more than [-] years, and the time in college is the best day of my life in memory, where I met a guy who I have missed for many years. "

"Mei Ou!"

Mio Tokiwa stared at Kogoro Mori with fixed eyes.

Seeing the eyes of the two intertwined and sparks radiating, the three girls behind couldn't hold back.

The three quickly got up and ran towards the dining table.

But before Xiaolan could say anything, Mori Kogoro stood up and said first: "Okay, Mio, thank you for your hospitality today, I had a great time, but I have something important to do in Tokyo, I need Go back and deal with it."

"Let's go first!"

Tokiwa Mio was stunned, and when she saw Xiaolan and the others who suddenly appeared, she also reacted.

But she hurriedly asked: "Senior, do you have time to come over for the opening ceremony of our Tokipan Building the day after tomorrow?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Of course I have time, I will definitely come to join you when the time comes."

"Then I'll see you off."

"No, it's not convenient for you to wear an evening dress, just stop here and see you later."

Mori Kogoro waved his hand and led Xiaolan and the three daughters away.

The strategy that the three women had discussed for a long time ended up in vain before being used, and they couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay.

Soon the four of them took the elevator to the parking lot of the skyscraper, got in the car and drove towards Tokyo.

In the middle of the night, a little boy's wailing came from the skyscraper: Uncle Maori, you dropped me again, ahhhhh! ! !

Early the next morning, Kogoro Mori, Ran, Dr. Ari, Sonoko, and the Detective Boys were welcomed in the conference room of the Metropolitan Police Department, all of whom had been to the Tokiwa Building yesterday.

As soon as Mori Kogoro entered the conference room, Conan, who was sitting next to Police Officer Takagi, looked over with resentment.

Last night, he was dropped by Mori Kogoro again, and he was forgotten in that building.

It wasn't until the homicide happened, someone called the police in the morning, and Officer Megure and others led the team there, he followed Officer Takagi back to Tokyo...

Running back and forth early in the morning made him almost catch a cold.

But thanks to this, Conan has seen the scene of the crime with his own eyes, and he has more clues: Uncle Maori, it seems that I have taken the lead this time.

Everyone was seated quickly, and Dr. Ali asked, "Officer Mumu, why did you call us here early in the morning?"

Police officer Mu Mu said with a serious face: "I have brought you here for no other reason. In the hotel room of the twin skyscrapers, the body of Damu Yansong, who was assassinated to death, was found."

"He's a member of Nishitama City Councilor. When I heard that he asked Mio Tokiwa for accommodation, you all happened to be there, Chiba."

The Chiba police officer on the side opened the file and said: "The time of Councilor Oki's death was between ten o'clock last night and twelve o'clock in the morning. The murder weapon may be a knife, but it was not found at the scene."

"However, in the hands of Mr. Oki, he is holding a small wine glass that has been divided into two."

The small white wine glass was broken from the middle and split into two.

Police officer Mu Mu then said: "We analyze that this information is likely to be intentionally left by the murderer."

Officer Shiratori pointed to a few photos stuck on the whiteboard: "Because the crime scene is a skyscraper that has not yet opened, we suspect that the murderer is among these five people."

These photos are of people I saw yesterday.

Genius programmer Yuan Jiaming, head of the consortium Mio Tokiwa, old painter Ruyue Fengshui, architect Hidehiko Kazama, secretary of the two ponytails Tomi Sawaguchi.

Officer Shiratori held his chin, and said with a gloomy face: "From the perspective of the possibility of committing the crime, the most likely to commit the crime among these five people is Miss Mio who also lived in the skyscraper last night. The eighteenth floor is only one floor away from Mr. Oki's sixty-seventh floor."

When they heard the [-]th floor, Xiaolan and Huiyuan were stunned for a moment. This woman herself lived on the same floor as Kogoro Mori, so she really had other plans.

And Yuanzi laughed loudly: "If you say that, Conan is also suspicious. This little devil also lived on the [-]th floor last night. Is it possible that this little devil ran to kill people? I said that your police are too serious in handling the case." It’s not rigorous, how can the suspect be let in for discussion!”

"Hey, how could it be me, if you didn't leave me behind, I would have gone back to Tokyo with you a long time ago." The little devil quickly argued, and the dead fish stared fiercely at Sonoko.

Chapter 0146 Brainwashing Results

At this time, Police Officer Shiratori said righteously: "Conan will not be a murderer. He is too short to reach Mr. Oki's fatal wound. Besides, children don't have the strength to kill people."

Although there was no suspicion, Conan was very happy, but when Officer Shiratori said that he was short and weak, a pair of dead fish eyes appeared on Conan's face again.

And the young people on the side were whispering, as if they were planning something secretly.

Dr. A Li asked: "Have you found anything from the motive?"

Police Officer Shiratori said: "According to the investigation, Secretary Sawaguchi has no relatives. Her father was a reporter. However, when she was in her senior year, his father died in the line of duty. It seems that he was killed for exposing corruption. revenge."

"As for Kazama Hidehiko, although he is a disciple of Moriya Teiji, he is different from Moriya Teiji's artistic paranoia. He is sent by reason, and he is more philistine."

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