"Originally, Nishitama City did not allow the construction of such tall skyscrapers, but Oki Iwamatsu and others specially passed the bill, which allowed Tokiwa Mio to build the twin skyscrapers. Their cooperative relationship naturally cannot constitute murder. motivation."

"But if there are other gaps between them, it's hard to say."

"As for the remaining two, Yuan Jiaming and Ruyue Fengshui, after investigation, there was no special discovery."

Police officer Mumu asked, "Brother Maoli, what do you think of this case?"

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "It's a pity that we took a step ahead last night, and I didn't see the scene of the crime. If I have to say something, it's that this small wine glass looks like a small dyed glass commonly used by painters." Bozi, maybe there is some connection with Ruyuefengshui."

Officer Meguro nodded: "Well, I will investigate in this direction."

"Then thank you for cooperating with the investigation this time."

Everyone got up and left immediately. Mori Kogoro watched Haibara being dragged away by Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta also ran away, and immediately understood their intentions.

He shook his head and ignored it, informed Xiaolan and Yuanzi, got into the car by himself, and headed towards Yuan Jiaming's house.

Outside Mihua Station, Mitsuhiko ran over furtively, turned the corner, and saw Genta, Haibara, and Ayumi.

"Great, we weren't discovered by Conan."

Yuan Tai also looked excited: "I feel excited when I think of being one step ahead of Conan. When we solve the case, Conan can only look at us enviously."

"Who is one step ahead of you?"

Behind the tree, a kid in a blue suit came out, San Xiao was startled, Hui Yuan remained indifferent.

Ayumi asked repeatedly: "It appeared, Conan, how did you find out?"

Conan rolled his eyes: "It's too obvious, your thoughts are all hidden on your face, how could I not know."

"Forget it today, you can't act without authorization in the future."

"Hi!" San Xiao hurriedly nodded in agreement.

Haibara was pulled onto the pirate ship by Ayumi, so he could only ask, "Where are you going to start the investigation this time?"

Ayumi opened her mouth and said, "First Kizukimine Mizu and Kazama Hidehiko, and then Hara Yoshiaki and Miss Sawaguchi."

Mitsuhiko reported from the side: "Master Kisaragi bought a house in Asahino three years ago as a residence and studio, and Mr. Kazama has a studio in Nishitama City, and he will wait until the twin skyscrapers are completed. work there."

Haibara and Conan were quite surprised to hear that the arrangement of the two was well organized. Mitsuhiko and Ayumi really grew up.

The five children quickly entered the station to buy tickets, and then headed towards Master Kisaragi's home.

Soon five people came to Master Ruyue's house, Ruyue Fengshui received five people, but didn't say much.

There is a huge curtain in the studio, but it has not been opened.

The old man was kneeling and painting in front of the scroll by himself, leaving the five children behind him, and the painting took more than twenty minutes.

Yuantai couldn't wait any longer, so he elbowed Guangyan who was beside him.

Mitsuhiko said cautiously: "That we are members of the Detective Boys, we would like to ask Mr. Oki who was killed last night..."

Before Guangyan could finish his sentence, he heard Ruyue Fengshui yelling violently: "What don't children learn, how can they learn from the police to handle cases?"

All three of them were frightened by the old man's aura, and looked terrified.

Immediately afterwards, Ru Yuefeng Shui turned around and sighed: "But it doesn't seem too good for you to go back empty-handed."

After a while, the door of Kisaragi's house opened, and Conan and the others walked out with a portrait of themselves.

Yuan Tai frowned and said: "Although I am very happy to receive the painting, it seems that we didn't ask anything."

But soon Ayumi cheered up and encouraged morale: "Let's go, let's go to Mr. Kazama Hidehiko's house to investigate next!"


On the other side, outside the original Garmin's apartment, a black Lexus arrived here.

Kogoro Mori used his index finger to buckle the roof of the car as he got out of the car. After a short while, a mushroom-headed woman wearing sunglasses appeared next to Kogoro Mori and reported respectfully: "Boss, from last night until now, there has been no Found traces of gin, Yuan Jiaming is safe and sound."

This woman in black leather is the successful product of semi-finished brainwashing, Chianti.

Although everything seems to be the same as before, but as long as you hear a special order, you will be like a different person, obeying the orders of Mori Kogoro and let Mori Kogoro manipulate it.

As for the other one, Cohen, who was tall and thin like a skeleton, he was more unlucky. He failed to survive the ravages of brainwashing and went crazy.

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro frowned slightly.

This seems to be different from the original book again. I didn't see Gin's car in the Twin Skyscrapers yesterday, so Mori Kogoro murmured in his heart.

Today, Yuan Jiaming can't keep gin here, so it's possible that gin won't be involved in this case.

It seems that it is really difficult to get rid of this yellow-haired mouse all at once.

Chapter 0147

Mori Kogoro came to the apartment, rang the doorbell, and soon heard Yuan Jiaming's voice.

"Who is it please?"

"I, Mori Kogoro, have something to call on Shimohara-san today."

"Okay, I'll open the door now."

The door of the apartment opened immediately, and Kogoro Mori got on the elevator and came to the residence of Hara Jiaming on the sixth floor.

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