Seeing Kogoro Mori's smirk, Akimi became more and more panicked. After clearing away the bowls and plates, she hurried towards the kitchen.

Mori Kogoro hesitated for a moment, and directed V to reflect the monitoring of Haibara in his mind, and then he also got up and followed.

In Ayumi's bedroom, two pink little lolis lay side by side on a soft bed, with four short legs dangling by the bed, it was really cute.

Ayumi had a troubled look on her face, while Hui Principle quietly observed Ayumi's bedroom.

The little guy is very smart. Today, she saw Bumi's house, and she was keenly aware of the situation of Bumi's family.

She knew it was not easy being a single mother, so her original plan was gradually cancelled.

Ayumi, who struggled for a long time, still spoke: "Xiao Ai, I still have the same problem as before, and I have never been able to think of a solution. Can you help me?"

"Mom wants to snatch Uncle Maori from me, what should I do?"

Huiyuan couldn't help rolling his eyes: "No, it's you mother and daughter who want to snatch 'my' Uncle Maoli from me, right?" Huiyuan declared his sovereignty with an accent on purpose.

Ayumi clenched her fists and said with fixed eyes, "Let's settle my mother's matter first, and then I will compete fairly with you."

Ayumi's wishful thinking played extremely loudly, and Haibara couldn't help but sighed with his hands on his forehead.

Today's elementary school students are too precocious! ! !

She straightened her back and stood up directly, looking at Ayumi with icy blue eyes: "Ayumi, why didn't you think that this is actually your own problem? You are only seven years old now, and you still don't understand many things. Not old enough to fall in love."

"Besides, it's understandable that you like people who are older than you, but Uncle Mao Li is already more than [-] years older than you. The age gap between you is too big. You can get married when you grow up. Uncle Mao Li is five years older than you. You are more than ten years old, and it will be too late for you to regret it." Hui Yuan tried his best to persuade him.

Ke Ayumi didn't listen at all, instead she rolled her eyes at Huiyuan: "But Xiao Ai, don't you also like this? I have always liked Uncle Maoli."

These words made Hui Yuan almost out of breath, and almost ran away and yelled angrily: My mother is actually eighteen years old, you little brat wants to grab a man from me before you have even grown hair.

Huiyuan managed to suppress the anger in his heart, and continued to persuade the lost lamb earnestly.

But in the kitchen of Yoshida's house, it was a different scene.

Qiumei put all the dishes into the washbasin and began to wash them. The water flow from her hands made her calm down a little, but the sound of footsteps behind her made Qiumei panic again.

She picked up a plastic bowl and cleaned it countless times without putting it down. Her mind had already been captured by the man behind her.

Akimi could feel Mori Kogoro standing behind her, very close to her, and could feel the amazing heat radiating from his body, and couldn't help but feel nervous.

Mori-kun, what are you trying to do?

Soon, Qiumei felt two fiery big hands protruding from the hem of her beige sweater, and those two big hands kept probing upwards.

Then a solid body leaned against it, very thick and warm.

Her heartbeat suddenly doubled.

This made Qiumei not panic, the sweater was very comfortable to wear, but it was at home, so it was empty inside, she didn't wear underwear.

Chapter 0150

Sure enough, those hands had a clear goal, and quickly climbed to the key point, and then stopped.

The plastic bowl in Qiumei's hand couldn't hold it for a while, and fell into the washbasin, splashing countless water, and her breathing became short of breath.

Qiumei propped her hands weakly on the edge of the washbasin, her face turned red, and she opened her mouth lightly: "Daba! Mr. Mao Li, don't do this, the two children are still at home? The influence is too bad."

"The last time our affairs were seen by Ayumi, she ignored me for a whole day!"

Mori Kogoro comforted her with a gentle and magnetic voice, piercing into Qiumei's heart.

"Don't worry, the two children are in the bedroom. I will be very careful this time, and I will be careful not to let them see it."

"Qiu Mei, you trust me."

He rested his head lightly on Qiumei's soft shoulder and took a breath.

Immediately, I feel the fragrance is tangy and refreshing, this gentle young woman is really ripe.

Mori Kogoro moved very slowly, enjoying this moment very much, and the corners of his lips curled into a beautiful arc.

"Qiu Mei is very obedient. It looks like you have been drinking the potions I gave you honestly."

Hearing the mention of the Fountain of Youth, Qiu Mei said with a blushing face, "Maori-san, it's amazing. I drank the drink you gave me these two days, and my energy has improved a lot, and my skin has become smoother all of a sudden. A lot, like being younger."

Mori Kogoro smirked: "I know this too, am I just helping you to test the effect? ​​The effect is outstanding!"

Hearing these brazen words, Qiu Mei blushed again.

Surrounded by Mori Kogoro in such a way, she felt a sense of security and masculinity that she had never had before. Akimi gritted her teeth, her face flushed, and her body gradually became weak.

Mori Kogoro gently rubbed his head against Akimi's pretty face, pecking Akimi's cheek from time to time, with an extremely intimate gesture.

He was reluctant to leave with one hand, while the other fiery right hand began to slowly swim away.

Winding downwards, it covered Qiumei's brown stockings in a short while, and it was really smooth and smooth.

Qiumei's dress is really suitable today. The beige jumper with stockings is completely amazing in allure.

There was mist in the extremely gentle Qiu Meimei's eyes, she was extremely panicked, she glanced towards the door, for fear that a child's head would suddenly poke out.

But in the face of Mori Kogoro's continuous attacks, the soft-tempered Akimi couldn't say anything to refuse, so she could only bear it passively.

No, I heard Mori Kogoro's domineering words.

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