"Qiu Mei, turn your head around!"

She turned her head obediently, and her pink lips were instantly kissed.

Mori Kogoro showed his kissing skills, kissing Qiumei almost out of her body.

When she regained consciousness, she had already sat down on the ground, with her soft back leaning against the kitchen cabinet, staring at the scene in front of her absently.

Qiumei raised the head of Guizhou, and saw Mouri Kogoro's warm eyes full of encouragement.

Gentle and domineering, irresistible like a god.

Qiu Mei, who had no way to retreat, licked her lips, looked at Kogoro Mouri with her tender eyes, and obeyed Kogoro Mouri's will.

hiss! ! !

And in Ayumi's bedroom, the scene of Haibara's tongue-in-cheek battle with Ayumi is still going on, Haibara's mouth is almost dry, but Ayumi still looks unmoved.

No matter what Haibara said about the gap between Ayumi and Mori Kogoro, Ayumi always responded with "Aren't you the same, Xiao Ai!"

Haibara had a thought, changed his mind, and asked, "Ayumi, do you like your mother?"

"Of course, mom is the best mom in the world, but she wants to snatch my favorite Uncle Mouri." Ayumi pouted again.

Huiyuan continued: "Since you also know that your mother is a good mother, why did you destroy the happiness that your mother encountered?"

Ayumi's cute face froze, and she didn't speak again, listening to Haibara's continuous narration.

"You must be aware that since your father passed away, your mother has taken on the responsibility of raising you..."

"I've heard from you before that your mother usually has to work three jobs alone to maintain the family, and often falls asleep when she gets home tired."

"Your mother works so hard to let you live a good life, but now she has met a man she likes, and she is likely to live a happy life. Do you really have the heart to destroy it?"

Hearing these words, Ayumi's eyebrows frowned again, she couldn't help but speak, but her voice became smaller and smaller: "But, but, I was the one who met Uncle Mao Li first!"

Seeing that Ayumi was shaken by this statement, Haibara continued to speak while the iron was hot.

"Yes, you are Uncle Maori who I knew before your mother."

"In all fairness, isn't your mother more worthy of Uncle Maori?"

"Uncle is only in his thirties, and your mother is in her twenties. There is not much difference in age. The two of them look pretty good together."

"Even I have to admit that your mother is more suitable for Uncle Maori than us!" These words were naturally Hui Yuan's words against his will.

"Do you really want to destroy the happiness your mother met? You may miss it, and you will never meet the right person again in your life. In the end, your mother can only live a lonely life. What do you think of this ending? okay?"

As he talked, Haibara seemed to be convinced even by this statement.

She froze for a moment, didn't she want to correct Ayumi's wrong view of love?Why did I suddenly become somewhat in favor of the relationship between Mori Kogoro and Akimi?

At this time, Ayumi clenched her fists and stood up from the bed: "Xiao Ai, you are right, I can't destroy the happiness that my mother encountered."

"I've decided, from now on, Uncle Maori will be my mom's and my boyfriend!"

Hearing this, Huiyuan felt that the thunder was rolling towards her, and she collapsed on the bed powerlessly in an instant.

Come on, Ayumi's condition is getting worse and worse. It turned out that it was only controlled by the uncle, but now it has evolved into a mother and daughter serving a husband together. What a crime!

Little girls are illogical, and Haibara was completely defeated by Ayumi's divine logic.

Chapter 0151 Broken Little Lolita

The water of the washbasin in the kitchen was constantly flowing, and there was a sound of splashing.

The bowls and dishes just now were scattered in it, splashing water continuously.

And Qiumei had already been hugged by Kogoro Mouri, and she was sitting on the kitchen counter, with her beautiful legs wrapped around Kogoro Moori's waist.

The two embraced and kissed indulgently, Mouri Kogoro's fiery big hands had already been wandering around Qiumei's soft body, covering the brown stockings, caressing Qiumei's calves.

Qiumei's eyes were full of mist, and she looked pitiful about to cry, she pushed Kogoro Mori's solid chest with her small hands: "Mori Mouri, don't continue, it's too dangerous, what if you are seen? "

It's a pity that the door of this kitchen can be pushed open by anyone, the beautiful young woman glanced at the door from time to time, she was so frightened that she almost cried.

The exquisite little face looked at Mori Kogoro pitifully, and this look of being bullied was even more unbearable.

Mori Kogoro's eyes continued to shoot up flames, he leaned towards his ears, and said softly: "Qiumei, don't be afraid, I promise no one will see it, then you don't care about anything, just listen to me gone."

Hearing this, Qiumei knew what was going to happen next, she was powerless to refuse Mouri Kogoro's overbearing, so she could only raise her plain hand to cover her small mouth.

All the rest will be handed over to Mori Kogoro.

Not long after, a forbearable and exciting movement began to sound in the kitchen, which was integrated with the sound of running water, which was really pleasant to the ear.

In Ayumi's bedroom, Haibara finally lay powerlessly on the bed, looking rather hopeless.

She tried her best but failed to push Ayumi to the right path. This little lolita is really broken.

The main reason is that there is his own precedent, so no matter what Huiyuan says, it seems not convincing at all.

After Haibara stopped talking, Ayumi let out a silver bell-like laugh instead, and she said energetically: "I see, Xiao Ai, you must be afraid that I will snatch Uncle Mao Li away! After all, Xiao Ai, you and Mao Li I have discovered all of Uncle's secrets!"

Speaking of this, Ayumi's big eyes were full of excitement, and she couldn't help waving her two little hands.

Haibara's expression didn't change at all, and she was indifferent. She didn't believe that Ayumi could discover any big secrets.

Seeing Haibara's expression, Ayumi was unconvinced.

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