She put aside her previous promise to Kogoro Mori to keep the secret, and said easily: "Xiao Ai, I saw what you and Uncle Mori did in the suite bedroom of the Twin Towers yesterday afternoon."

Twin Towers?Suite bedroom? ? ?

Huiyuan's pupils kept shrinking, and he straightened up and sat up again.

Then she saw the little loli Ayumi swinging back and forth on a big pillow, smiling smugly, as if saying 'I can do it too! '

Haibara's Xiaomoe's face flushed red immediately, and he ran away, flew up, and pressed Ayumi under him.

To deal with the bear child Ayumi, Haibara finally couldn't help using violence to suppress it.

She sat on Ayumi's chest, with her legs and knees pressing Ayumi's hands, and asked with a face of embarrassment: "Ayumi, have you told anyone about this? Mitsuhiko, Yuanta, have you told them?" ever?"

If it really gets out, it will be terrible, and I don't know how to solve it.

Ayumi didn't care how anxious Huiyuan was, she said to herself: "Xiao Ai, you are so despicable, you actually used a sneak attack."

"You let me go, let's start again, I won't lose."

Ayumi struggled for a long time but still couldn't break free, and finally she could only answer obediently: "Hmph, how could I tell them this kind of thing, and I promised Uncle Maori that I would not reveal it."

Speaking of this step, the United States covered her mouth belatedly, and then she reacted: "Hey, telling Xiao Ai anyway is not considered revealing."

"Xiao Ai is relying on these to win uncle's favor, and I will do it too!"

Ayumi looked embarrassed again, but was hit by Hui Yuan, and Xiao Ayumi was immediately stunned.

Haibara said with a serious face: "Absolutely not, this is against the law, Ayumi, you will cause uncle to violate the criminal law by doing this. Three years of blood, the death penalty is not worth it!"

Hearing this, Ayumi was dumbfounded again.

Huiyuan quickly explained: "It means that if uncle does something like that with you, he will be sentenced to three years in prison at the minimum, and at the maximum he will be sentenced to death directly."

"It's a lie!" Ayumi was immediately frightened.

The bold Ayumi still didn't dare to touch the law, her pupils kept shrinking, and she quickly asked: "Then Xiaoai, you..."

Huiyuan immediately shouted: "I have said that I am different from Ayumi, and it is not illegal for me and my uncle to do this."

"I can't explain it to you in detail, but Ayumi, you must not do such a thing with your uncle."

"And what we talked about today, and what you saw yesterday, you'd better forget about it."

"If you dare to reveal it, you will die."

Haibara, who has always been calm and calm, clenched his fists, with a vicious look on his face, and made a threatening gesture to scare Ayumi.

Ayumi was really shocked, and nodded in a daze.

Only then did Huiyuan get off the bed and walk towards the living room.

The conversation with Ayumi today was really ups and downs, wave after wave, which made Haibara feel a bit exhausted.

Little Loli Huiyuan went to the living room, but found that the living room was empty and there was no one there, so she couldn't help frowning.

Immediately afterwards, she seemed to hear a small voice, and Hui Yuan's small ears moved slightly, looking for the sound, she slowly moved her short legs and walked in one direction.

The little short legs moved lightly, stepping on the floor and making a 'squeak' sound.

The more you walked in that direction, the small voice seemed to become louder, and it seemed a little familiar.

Haibara wrinkled his nose, as if he smelled something weird.

She was about to move forward, when suddenly, the document on the table caught Haibara's attention, it was the document that Akimi Yoshida was looking at just now.

Huiyuan turned around and sat on the sofa, then flipped through the animation company's profile report.

Chapter 0152

Hearing the sound of footsteps gradually receding, Qiu Mei, who was biting her arm and not daring to make any sound, breathed a sigh of relief.

It was really scary just now, she thought she would be discovered, but she really couldn't tell with ten mouths.

At this moment, the pores of the gentle young woman are all open, crystal clear sweat spreads all over her body, and the brown stockings on her beautiful legs are all wet.

But his top has long been missing, and his bare upper body is like a piece of warm jade, dotted with sweat, shining continuously, like a radiant work of art, it is truly moving.

Qiumei supported the counter with one hand, and she bit the other hand, not daring to make any sound.

And her slender right leg in brown stockings stepped on the counter, looking as coquettish as a flower.

The temperament of the gentle young woman is very different at the moment, like a goblin, she is touching people's hearts, her body is trembling slightly, she is extremely touching!

The beautiful eyes on the pretty red face have long been blurred, and tears dripped from the corners of the eyes from time to time, dripping down from the two tear stains, which made me feel pitiful.

She seems to have seen the Kingdom of God and Wonderland.

However, the little loli Huiyuan couldn't appreciate Qiumei's intoxicating posture. At the moment, she was sitting on the sofa and focusing on the animation company's materials.

The president of this company has Yoshida Akimi's name written on it, and when she saw the name of the chairman of the company, Haibara frowned slightly, and the name in it was Kogoro Mori.

Seeing this posture, Hui Yuan also understood in his heart.

It seems that the deal is done, I am afraid there is no way to destroy it.

Thinking of this, Hui Yuan secretly changed his mind.

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