Ayumi's mother can't help it, but Ayumi, the lost lamb Huibara, is determined to come back.

The little loli Huiyuan was still flipping through the materials, quietly leaving time for the people in the kitchen, but there was no movement inside!

After more than [-] minutes, Ayumi came out of the bedroom, and said with a confused face: "Hey, where are Mom and Uncle Mouri?"

While talking, she began to search with her short legs, and walked towards the most likely location - the kitchen.

Huiyuan, who was on the sofa, was startled, and quickly chased after her: "Ayumi, don't push the door, are they not inside?"

Haibara's yelling was still slow, Ayumi had already pushed open the wooden door of the kitchen.

But the kitchen was empty, there was no one there, only the sound of running water on the sink.

Huiyuan, who was chasing after him, saw the clean kitchen passage, and couldn't help being stunned, his big eyes blinked, and he looked dazed.

This is naturally the magical effect of the psychedelic array!

Ayumi immediately pursed her mouth, with a dissatisfied look on her face: "It's really not here, they won't leave us on a date, right?"

Little Lolita shouted immediately: "Mom? Uncle Maori? Where are you?"

"Mom? Uncle Maori? Where are you?"

The sound of toilet flushing came from the closed toilet, and then the toilet door was opened.

Qiu Mei, who was dressed in neat clothes, came out from inside. She was filled with warm energy, and her pretty face was still a little reddish and panicked.

Qiumei quickly asked: "Bumei, what's the matter? What are you calling mom for?"

And the sliding door of the balcony was also opened, Mori Kogoro came in with the phone in hand, and asked, "Nothing happened, right?"

Seeing two people walking in from one left and one right, Hui Yuan was stunned.

So her judgment just now was wrong, and she misunderstood? ? ?

The little loli Ayumi immediately said: "It's okay, it's okay, I thought Uncle Maoli went back?"

Mori Kogoro picked up the little loli Haibara, held Haibara's little buttocks and said, "Today, Xiao Ai has seen Ayumi's house, and it's time for us to go back."

Ayumi suddenly became a little unhappy, and Kogoro Mori patted her head: "Okay, Ayumi, see you tomorrow." Little Lolita became happy again.

Mori Kogoro looked at Qiumei softly with his eyes, and said with a light smile: "Qiumei, thank you for your hospitality today, you must take care of yourself!"

Qiumei's little face turned red, like autumn leaves on the western mountains, Qianshou nodded, and said softly, "Hi!"

The two boys looked around them strangely again.

Mori Kogoro didn't dare to stay too long, he immediately left after putting on his shoes with Hui Yuan in his arms.

Once downstairs, he got into the car and headed towards his home.

In the car, Haibara in the passenger seat was still looking at Kogoro Mori with strange eyes.

Not long after, the tip of her nose twitched slightly, she unbuckled her seat belt, climbed onto Kogoro Mori's body and sniffed around.

Like a little milk dog, it is really cute.

"Xiao Ai, what are you doing, uncle is still driving? Don't make trouble."

Haibara smelled it for a long time and still didn't smell any peculiar smell. Finally, she sat in Kogoro Mori's arms, with a nice curve on the corner of her mouth.

"Hmph, uncle is doing well today, he's quite honest."

Mori Kogoro's acting skills exploded, and he quickly pretended to be stupid and said, "Xiao Ai, why don't I understand what you are talking about?"

Little Loli didn't speak any more, she rested her head on Kogoro Mouri's chest and closed her eyes in peace.

The old driver's smile appeared on Mori Kogoro's face, and everything was under control.

After a while, Hui Yuan whispered, "Uncle, do you have time this Saturday?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "If it's Xiao Ai, uncle will find time to come if he doesn't have time."

"What I want is the whole day of Saturday, give me the whole day, I, I have something I want to tell my uncle."

Huiyuan finally made up her mind and wanted to tell the whole story. Although she didn't know what fate she would face, she still wanted to take this step bravely.

The smile on Mori Kogoro's face became kind and warm, he gently stroked Haibara's small head with his big hand, bowed his head and kissed it lightly.

"As long as it is Xiao Ai's request, there is no problem for the whole day. It just so happens that Uncle wants to tell Xiao Ai something. Don't be too surprised then."

Haibara didn't hear the words behind, and when Kogoro Mori agreed, she got up and kissed Kogoro Mori instead of kissing him deeply.

The owner of the Toyota car passing by saw the scene here, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

what's the situation?An uncle and a little girl tongue kissed in the car, this is too outrageous!

The owner of the Toyota car lost his mind and forgot to step on the brakes and hit the vehicle in front of him directly.

Mori Kogoro, on the other hand, was distracted, kissing Haibara while driving away.

Chapter 0153

At Yoshida's house, Ayumi, who managed to coax Ayumi back to her room, couldn't hold on any longer. She slumped on the sofa and didn't want to move for a moment.

The scene just now flashed back in Qiumei's mind. Before the aftertaste subsided, her heart couldn't help but tremble.

So shocking, so vast, so powerful, it is convincing.

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