At that scene, it was as if he was in a small boat in the magnificent sea.

Ten-meter-high waves like raging waves kept coming, knocking the small boat into the bottom of the sea, or rising to the top of the waves, turning over and over again.

Especially in the last [-] minutes of rapid combo attacks, the stimulation continued to bombard like shock waves, and the boat was directly blasted to pieces.

Qiumei felt that she was too useless, and she was knocked unconscious in such a tense situation.

It was really trembling all over, rolled his eyes and screamed and passed out.

As a result, she couldn't help anything, and when she woke up, her body echoed with warm energy, and she sat on the toilet in the bathroom.

Fortunately, the two children didn't seem to notice any abnormalities. Qiumei also felt strange that she screamed so loudly at the end that the two children didn't seem suspicious.

No matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't figure it out, so she ignored it.

Qiumei slumped quietly on the sofa in a daze, and time flowed slowly.

The next day, Wednesday, at the unveiling ceremony of the twin skyscrapers in Nishitama City, Kogoro Mori showed up with a large family and members of the Detective Boys.

Xiaolan was wearing a gorgeous dress and became the focus of the audience as soon as she appeared. She walked forward gracefully with her arms around Kogoro Mori.

Sonoko was also dressed very gorgeously. The light blue dress made her look a bit ladylike. She was determined to protect Kogoro Mori today, so she had to be fully armed.

Conan still looked pensive. Yesterday he saw two crime scenes, but the murderer did not leave any extra evidence, which made him quite at a loss.

As soon as Tokiwa Mio saw Mori Kogoro and his party coming out of the VIP elevator, she rushed up to meet them, followed by Secretary Sawaguchi with two ponytails.

Mio Tokiwa, who presided over the opening ceremony, wore a black dress, making the skin on her arms look fairer and more glamorous.

Mingyan's face was full of smiles, and she seemed not at all affected by the deaths of Oki Iwamatsu and Kazama Hidehiko.

She came in front of Kogoro Mori, slowly raised her right hand in the long black glove, and said softly, "Senior Mori, I am really glad that you can come today."

Mori Kogoro held Mio Tokiwa's right hand, kissed his hand, and then gave out the gift in his hand: "Mio, congratulations on finally realizing your dream, this is my gift."

Mio Tokiwa received the gift box with a look of surprise on her face, holding the gift box with both hands, feeling very cherished.

"Senior Maori, you have a heart."

Seeing this, Yuanzi couldn't help but roll his eyes, looking impatient.

At this moment, Secretary Zeguchi said, "Chairman, the mayor is here."

Mio Tokiwa frowned slightly, and then said softly: "Senior Maori, then I will excuse you first, and I will come to you later"

"Go and do your thing."

Mio Tokiwa and Secretary Sawaguchi went in the other direction.

Mori Kogoro stretched his waist. He had inspected these two buildings just now, and Gin and Wine did not appear at all, and none of the people in the dark organization appeared.

In other words, today's case is very simple, and the murderer who killed Oki Iwamatsu and Kazama Hidehiko will be found out later, and there will be nothing else.

Mori Kogoro walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling windows and watched the beautiful scenery of Mount Fuji with Xiaolan. It was really pleasant.

And Dr. A Li and Yuan Tai happily ate the delicacies at the banquet, looking very happy.

Soon, Tokiwa Mio came to the stage of the banquet, picked up the microphone and said, "Everyone, thank you very much for taking the time to attend the opening ceremony of the Tokiwa Group's skyscraper today."

"I thought of a fun show, and I would like to invite everyone to play a small game."

"To celebrate the [-]th anniversary of the Tokiwa Group, let's play a [-]-second guessing game."

Hearing this, Ayumi's eyes lit up immediately, she moved her short legs to the side of Mori Kogoro, and grabbed the hem of his clothes: "Uncle Mouri, let's participate in this game together, with you here, I will be able to guess That's right."

Tokiwa Mio continued to talk about the rules: "There is no error in the thirty seconds, or the person who guesses the closest, this latest Ford convertible sports car will be given to him."

"If there are two guesses that are equally close, then you can only rely on finger-guessing. The loser can only feel wronged and take the mountain bike on the side as a gift."

"Those who want to participate in the game, please hand over the watch first, and we will give you gems of equal value according to the value of the watch later."

Everyone couldn't help but marvel at the greatness of the Tokiwa Consortium.

Ayumi took Mori Kogoro and ran forward, and Xiaolan followed. Except for Conan and Haibara, everyone else participated in the game.

The staff came up, took the bamboo baskets and put everyone's watches in, and distributed a small flag that only represented the participation in the game.

Tokiwa Mio continued to speak: "You can start counting when you hear Secretary Sawaguchi calling for start."

Tomomi Sawaguchi nodded, picked up the stopwatch and said, "Get ready, start."

Everyone closed their eyes and began to silently count the numbers.

"1, 2, 3..."

When the thirty seconds were up, Mori Kogoro reached out and pinched Xiaolan's buttocks.

Xiaolan, who was attacked at the vital point, immediately raised the flag, blushing and glaring at Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro smirked back, he was so fast that no one saw his small movements.

Xiaolan raised the flag at the same time as the little loli Ayumi beside her.

Secretary Sawaguchi on the stage said, "That lady and the little girl next to her, please come on stage."

Xiaolan and Ayumi suddenly looked surprised, and went up to the high platform hand in hand.

The people around were also happy for the two of them.

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