Ru Yuefeng Shui turned her head away, snorted, but did not speak.

Mori Kogoro explained softly: "I think it's because of the skyscraper where it sits."

"Senator Oki is constantly running for this skyscraper, and Hidehiko Kazama is the architect of this skyscraper, and you want to build this skyscraper wholeheartedly, so Master Kisaragi wants to kill you."

"Actually, from the beginning, when I saw the small wine glass broken in half from the middle, I suspected that Master Kisaragi did it. Later, I looked at the map and found that Master Kisaragi's studio, the twin skyscrapers and Mount Fuji were actually in a line. It was established that he was the murderer."

"In other words, the completion of this skyscraper happened to split Mount Fuji in half from the middle. How could Master Kisaragi, who has been painting Mount Fuji for [-] years, be able to bear it? That's why he wanted to kill people, and kill you who worked for the skyscraper. overworked people."

Chapter 0155 bully like Kogoro

Conan at the bottom only reacted after hearing this, and it turned out that the broken wine glass represented this meaning.

Conan felt annoyed again, and couldn't help but patted his head. He should have thought of it when he saw the tightly drawn black curtains in Master Kisaragi's studio.

The restrained Ruyue Fengshui laughed loudly, and took a deep look at Mori Kogoro with his cloudy old eyes: "Detective Maori, I underestimated you! The famous detective really lives up to his reputation, even my old thoughts are guessing." Be clear."

He sighed a long way: "I found a small hill at the end of Nishitama City, and the view of Mount Fuji from there is unparalleled in the world. For so many years, I have been going back and forth to that hill to paint on it."

"As I got older, it became more and more difficult for me to climb that mountain. Three years ago, I simply bought that hill, built a house on it, and chose the best location as my studio."

Kizuki Mine drank water violently, and pointed at Mio Tokiwa with a hideous face: "But, this stupid woman built a skyscraper right in front of my view of Mount Fuji, splitting Mount Fuji in half!"

"This makes me how to paint in the future, how to paint?"

"Do you think she should die? Should she die?"

Police officer Mu Mu quickly exerted his strength to control the old man.

Mio Tokiwa couldn't help shaking her body, looking at the mad teacher with horror on her face, mist appeared in her eyes: Did I really do something wrong?

Mori Kogoro stepped forward to put his arms around Mio Tokiwa, and gently comforted her shoulders, he turned to look at Kizuki Mine.

"Meo, of course she doesn't deserve to die. What's wrong with her working hard for her dream? On the contrary, it's you, a murderous villain, who should receive the due punishment."

"Skyscrapers can't be built in a day, and you and Mio have a mentor-student relationship. If you have an opinion, why don't you raise it early in the early stage of construction. It may not be impossible to relocate the building at that time."

"But you didn't say anything, just sat and watched the building continue to be built for several years until it was completed, and then began to commit murder."

"It was not enough to kill Mr. Oki, but he also killed Hidehiko Kazama, the architect who built the building. In the end, he even wanted to kill his own apprentice. He was insane. How can he dare to call himself a master?"

"What you have done has tarnished this snow-capped Mt. Fuji, it is shameful!"

Kisaragi Minesui's old face flushed red when he heard Mori Kogoro's reprimand.

And the guests below all felt extremely relieved, and looked at Ruyue Fengshui with contemptuous eyes.

Ruyue Fengshui wanted to struggle again to escape Police Officer Mumu's capture, with a furious look on his face: "How dare you insult me, I'm right, it's you who are wrong."

"Ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

The crazy old man laughed wildly: "Anyway, I'm already over sixty, and I don't have many years left to live. Today I want all of you to be buried with me and this skyscraper."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes were shocked, and the guests below were all a little commotion.

Mori Kogoro suddenly realized that the working computer in Hidehiko Kazama's studio was destroyed.

It must be that Ruyue Fengshui didn't want people to know that he had stolen the design of the Twin Towers, combined with this crazy old man's words, no way! ! !

At this moment, there was a sudden 'bang' from below, and everyone felt that the floor was a little unstable.

All the lights at the banquet were dimmed, and the women at the venue couldn't help screaming.

In the power generation room on the second basement floor and the central control room on the fifty floor, they had already been swept away by the explosion. They were in a mess, and the flames continued to rise and spread to the upper and lower floors.

Mori Kogoro's face became extremely ugly.

Too bad, I didn't expect that Gin didn't appear here to plant the bomb. Instead, this old guy made the bomb and wanted to blow up the skyscrapers. Art people are so fucking unreasonable!

Mouri Kogoro had a thought, and more than [-] Ant-Man robots he carried flew out like bees, and started to search for bombs towards the two buildings.

He picked up the microphone and began to preside over the overall situation: "Everyone, calm down. Those who are near the VIP elevator can see if the elevator can be opened. Officer Mumu, call the fire and explosion protection team immediately."

Soon, the observation elevator with a golden frame came up, and appeared in front of everyone like a door of hope, and the eyes of all the guests lit up.

Mori Kogoro continued: "Emergency evacuation is now underway. Ladies, old people, and children will take the lookout elevator down first. Others will follow Mr. Hara Jiaming down the stairs to the [-]th floor and arrive at Building B through the overpass. There is still electricity on the side, and everyone can take the elevator down to the downstairs."

Yuan Jiaming, who was on the side, was stunned when he heard Kogoro Mouri mentioning himself, but quickly nodded, picked up the flashlight, came to the front of the crowd and began to lead the way.

And Mio Tokiwa looked at Kogoro Mori obsessively, still looking like a general...

Ruyue Fengshui, who was being detained, laughed wildly again: "If you can't escape, you will all die, you will all die!"

Mori Kogoro slapped the old face without hesitation, and showed his Beng Jin.

"Wow!" The old guy's mouth spurted out several broken teeth, and his mouth was full of blood.

"You feel like a puppet!" As a master, he has never encountered such treatment.

Mori Kogoro shouted arrogantly: "So what if I hit you, did anyone see it?"

Officer Shiratori and Officer Mumu touched their noses, turned their heads, and remained silent.

Ru Yuefeng Shui looked left and right, eyes full of disbelief.

"You old man wants to commit suicide, go to Mt. Fuji, jump down the crater, blow up buildings, do what you can, you really think you are a terrorist."

"Let me tell you, I slapped Mei Xu for this slap. If you dare to say a word, I'll slap you again, and you won't be able to speak for the rest of your life."

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