Tokiwa Mio couldn't help feeling a little sweet in her heart when she heard this, and her gaze at Mori Kogoro became softer.

Seeing this bully-like Mori Kogoro, Ruyue Fengshui whimpered, but dared not speak again.

The 'boom' sounded again, the fourth floor began to explode, and flames vacated the building.


Soon, Mori Kogoro came to the lookout elevator, and the lookout elevator had transported two groups of children and women down.

Looking at the girls beside him, the boys and Dr. Ali, Mouri Kogoro said, "Xiaolan, Sonoko, Doctor, and you children, now it's your turn."

Xiaolan knows how powerful her father is, and she jumped off the building without any damage, so naturally she doesn't worry about him.

Yuanzi started acting like a demon again, with a look of affection on his face, he grabbed the door frame of the elevator and shouted: "No, uncle, I won't leave, I want to live and die with you!"

It wasn't until she was hit by Xiaolan that she shuddered, and then she honestly got on the elevator.

The little loli Huiyuan said, "Uncle, be careful."

Not to be outdone, Ayumi said, "Uncle, I'll wait for you below, you must come down."

Chapter 0156

Mori Kogoro turned to look at the glamorous junior beside him: "Mio, you should take refuge too!"

Tokiwa Mio shook her head, and said firmly: "No, I have an unshirkable responsibility for such a thing to happen, as the organizer of this opening ceremony, I will not evacuate until all the guests have left. "

Seeing Mio Tokiwa insisting so much, Kogoro Mori didn't say much.

The golden observation elevator carried all the girls and children down, and Kogoro Mori felt a little more at ease.

Officer Megure also stood up and began to direct the on-site personnel to evacuate, while Officer Shiratori escorted Mine Kisaragi, whose mouth was full of blood, and followed Secretary Sawaguchi to evacuate from the stairs.

Then Kogoro Mori turned around and walked to the edge of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking quietly at the building B opposite, the images from more than [-] Ant-Man robots intertwined in his mind.

This old guy really wants to blow up these two buildings. Building B has also installed many bombs.

Fortunately, the Ant-Man robot was very powerful. It dismantled the bombs on the load-bearing pillars of Building B one by one, and sent them to a distant open space. Under the cover of night, this scene was naturally not seen by anyone.

Fortunately, the twin towers are not in the urban area, and there are many undeveloped lands on the left and right, which are enough for these bombs to explode.

But building A is a bit difficult to deal with. In the previous two explosions, the fire spread between the first and fourth floors. Before the firefighters arrived, even the Ant-Man robot could not fly in.

Three robots have lost contact due to the high temperature, but all the bombs above the fourth floor have been dismantled by the Ant-Man robot and sent to a distant open space.

After a while, there were only police officer Shiratori, Kisaragi Mine, and Secretary Sawaguchi in the elevator on Building B, and the elevator kept going down.

Ru Yuefeng Shui, whose mouth was full of blood, grinned grimly: "Do you think you escaped? Impossible, oh, there is also a bomb installed here, let's all die together!"

Tomomi Sawaguchi looked at this so-called master painter with disgust, Rensaburo Shiratori couldn't help imitating Kogoro Mori when he heard Kizukiminesui's ambiguous words, and slapped Kizukiminesui's cheek hard .

He immediately felt happy physically and mentally.

The embarrassed Ruyue Fengshui whimpered a few times, and he looked at his watch, his eyes gleaming with hatred: "You guys are dead, five, four, three, goose, one."

At the end of the countdown, Secretary Sawaguchi was a little nervous.

But nothing happened in Building B.

However, in the open space in the distance, a series of loud noises continued to rumble, and the flames continued to rise, burning a cloud of fire.

Police officer Shiratori and Master Kisaragi met each other in the elevator, and the scene seemed a bit awkward.

Secretary Sawaguchi turned sideways slowly, looked at the wall of the elevator, and remained silent.

Not long after, there was the sound of exploding hammers in the elevator, as well as an old man begging for mercy.

"Ouch, don't hit me, don't hit me!"

"Officer, I've hired you, don't hit me."

"Old bones don't need to be beaten!"

It wasn't until the elevator door opened that Police Officer Bai Niao came out happily dragging Ru Yuefeng Shui, with a strange smile on his face.

Sometimes this violent law enforcement is quite cool!

Outside the two buildings, the evacuees stayed away from the two buildings, watching the explosion and flames in the open space in the distance.

Conan couldn't help muttering in his heart, what happened to the explosion.

And Xiaolan, Sonoko, Haibara, and Ayumi all looked at the Building A with worried faces, and Mori Kogoro hadn't come down yet.

In the banquet hall of Building A, Kogoro Mori looked around and didn't see Mio Tokiwa, so he quickly contacted the Ant-Man robot who was just guarding her side in his mind, and only then did he know her location.

Then he walked to the stage, raised the black curtain, and walked in.

Mio Tokiwa stared at the Haruyuki of Mt. Fuji absent-mindedly, while Kogoro Mori stood behind her.

Police officer Mumu, who was directing the retreat in the banquet hall, saw that there was no one else in the hall, so he held a flashlight, pressed his hat, and evacuated.

Covered by the black curtain, Officer Megure did not see Mori Kogoro and Tokiwa Mio behind.

Tokiwa Mio said: "Senior, did I really do something wrong?"

"Maybe I shouldn't have thought about it. For so many years, I have worked hard to save funds, bribed the parliament, and passed special laws to allow this skyscraper to be built, but in the end, this is the result."

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