At this moment, Hongye regretted why she came out. It was fine if the night attack failed, and if Heye knew about the failure of the night attack, it would be too embarrassing.

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly: "No one will find out, Hongye, lie down with me for a while, we will chat, talk, I promise, I will do nothing."

No one will find out that nature is real. When Hongye was standing beside her just now, Kogoro Mori crushed a psychedelic talisman and set up a psychedelic formation.

Even if Xiao Lan and He Ye walked out of the bedroom, they would not find anything unusual.

These girls came out of the bedroom one by one to his side, really thought Kogoro Mori was not angry at all.

Anyone who is woken up again and again in the middle of the night may not be able to sleep peacefully.

When Hongye heard this, she asked stupidly: "Really?"

Seeing Kogoro Mori nodding, she thought for a moment, then pursed her lips and agreed.

On the bed in the living room, there was an extra girl with a domineering figure.

After Hongye lay down, she couldn't help but asked, "Maori-kun, why don't you take your hand out?"

"No way, sometimes my hands don't listen to my orders."

Chapter 0171 Failed Night Attack

Sure enough, it is not inferior to Xiaolan's existence, and the touch is perfect.

Kogoro Mori looked at the red leaves beside him, and with his night vision ability, he could see the girl's delicate face and graceful figure in the dark.

Hongye, who was only wearing a vest and shorts, was extremely sultry, with a youthful breath rushing towards her face. Her beautiful legs were restlessly intertwined, and her jade feet couldn't help arching.

Hongye sensed that Kogoro Mori didn’t let go, but got worse, she immediately understood Kogoro Mori’s intentions, and couldn’t help panicking: “Daba, Mr. Mori, you don’t keep your word ?"

"Let go of me, I'm going back to sleep."

Hongye made a gesture and struggled, but was quickly suppressed by Mouri Kogoro's strange power.

But the little sheep that fell into the hands of the big bad wolf couldn't escape easily. Kogoro Mori attacked Hongye's sensitive place, and she lost [-]% of her strength.

Immediately afterwards, Mouri Kogoro kissed Momiji's lips with a wide mouth, showing his proficient kissing skills, and the remaining [-]% of Momiji's resistance strength disappeared.

Just like the previous kiss, the two kissed very deeply.

Mori Kogoro began to climb mountains and mountains with his big hands, leaving his mark inch by inch.

Hongye's heartbeat was getting faster and faster, almost like thunder in the dark, and she could hear it even without paying attention.

In the end, Hongye couldn't bear it anymore, her small hand pushed Kogoro Mori's solid chest, she looked at Kogoro Mori with tears in her eyes: "No, Mori-kun, what if someone comes out later?"

Mori Kogoro, who arranged the psychedelic array, was naturally not worried at all: "Don't worry, everyone is asleep, no one will come out, just keep your voice down and you'll be fine."

Hongye's little head shook like a rattle, but Mori Kogoro's eyes had already turned red, and his heart was constantly burning.

The arrow was on the crossbow and had to be fired.

He ignored Hongye's powerless resistance, and once again pushed himself forward and kissed the girl.

The temperature in the living room kept rising, and under the continuous stimulation, Hongye's watery cat's eyes finally became blurred, and she was still trapped.

Not long after, a forbearing and graceful movement was played in the living room.

At around five o'clock in the morning the next day, in his bedroom, Mori Kogoro woke up from his sleep and felt his soft and delicate body hugged tightly by his side.

He only slept for three hours, and his energy was completely restored.

There are still tears on Hongye's soft and beautiful face, but there is a smile on the corner of her mouth, and she is still sleeping soundly.

Mori Kogoro struggled to pull his arm out of the softness, he bowed his head and kissed her forehead lightly, without waking her up, he got up and went to the living room alone.

He didn't remove the psychedelic array until everything was cleaned up.

Fortunately, there is a formation to isolate the sound, otherwise Conan on the second floor might have heard the movement last night.

Kogoro Moori sat on the sofa alone, making tea in the morning light, which had a special flavor.

After a while, another bedroom door opened, two little feet stepped on the cool floor, curled up, very cute.

It was the little girl who got up early, only wearing a white nightdress, her two short white legs were exposed to the air, she seemed to feel the chill of getting up early, and was still trembling slightly.

As soon as Haibara saw that Mori Kogoro had woken up, her ice blue eyes lit up, her short legs kept moving towards Mori Kogoro, and soon she climbed onto the sofa and slipped into Mori Kogoro's arms , found a comfortable position and lay down in it.

The two of them didn't talk too much, quietly enjoying the beauty of the moment.

After Maoli Kogoro made the tea, he took the teacup and fed it to Huiyuan, and the little Lolita was as obedient as a cat, drinking the tea in small sips.

Mori Kogoro chuckled, and couldn't help rubbing his head against Huiyuan's small head.

"Uncle, do you remember the appointment tomorrow?"

"Of course I remember, tomorrow I will be with Xiao Ai all day."

Hearing this, little Loli rested her head on Mouri Kogoro's chest, closed her eyes, and listened quietly to the powerful heartbeat.

The two sat on the sofa hugging each other for a long time.

The hands on the clock moved quietly, and soon it was past nine o'clock.

Smelling the warm breath, Little Loli fell asleep again in Kogoro Mouri's arms. Kogoro Moori remained motionless, maintaining his original movements, and didn't feel bored at all.

Even letting him look at Huiyuan like a porcelain doll all day long, he would still be content.

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