Soon, the door of Xiaolan's room opened, and two young girls came out of the bedroom, and saw the two on the sofa.

Xiao Lan then said, "I said Xiao Ai is very clingy to Dad, don't you think so?"

He Ye nodded: "It seems that their relationship is very good. Compared with Xiao Lan, Hui Yuan and Uncle are more like father and daughter."

Hearing this, Xiaolan couldn't help but rolled her eyes, how could anyone else know about her relationship with her father.

And the little loli, who had come back to sleep, frowned slightly, raised her hands, and stretched herself in Kogoro Mouri's arms.

Then she saw her embarrassment of waking up being surrounded by people, she immediately struggled to get up, seemed a little shy, and ran towards her room with a slightly red face.

Xiaolan and Ye laughed lightly.

The two women washed up separately and began to prepare breakfast.

But soon, the doorbell rang, and Xiaolan went to open the door, and Yuanzi, who was wearing knee socks and a short skirt full of vitality, rushed in.

"Xiao Lan, does the Ooka woman you mentioned yesterday still live in your house? Where is that woman?"

"Where's Uncle Maori? Is Uncle Maori okay?"

Sonoko soon saw Kogoro Mouri on the sofa, passed by Xiaolan, and immediately rushed to Kogoro Mouri, put his arm around Kogoro Mouri and said anxiously, "Uncle Mouri, the Ooka family There must be other plans for the woman approaching you, and their Ooka family always wants to enter Tokyo."

"They must know that Uncle Mao Li has a unique investment vision, so they sent this woman to use the beauty trick. Uncle Mao Li, don't be fooled!"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro was a little bit dumbfounded, it was really embarrassing for Sonoko, and he came up with such an excuse to lobby himself.

It's a pity that it's useless, it's already an afterthought, and Yuanzi is a step late.

Last night he ate up all the red leaves.

Besides, Mori Kogoro, who is a master of facial expressions, can't be mistaken. Hongye is very innocent and has no other intentions at all.

Chapter 0172

Recalling the scene of last night, it is really ecstasy!

This girl Hong Ye seems to be a lady of every family, a daughter of a thousand gold, but she never expected that when she was excited, her voice would be so rambunctious, and it was getting louder and louder.

If it wasn't for a formation to absorb the sound, maybe the two buildings on the left and right would know what's going on here.

Under the moonlight, this girl was as crazy as a little wild cat. Fortunately, it was Mori Kogoro who was fighting, so she fell off the horse.

Mori Kogoro shook his head and didn't think about it any further.

At this time, the door in the middle of the bedroom opened, and Momiji Ooka, who was wearing pajamas, ran out of the room with a slightly panicked face.

As soon as she saw Kogoro Mori, she calmed down, walked over quickly, and sat comfortably beside Kogoro Mori, leaning on his shoulder.

"Great, Mori-kun, I thought you left me and left?"

The girl Hongye completely ignored the other people present.

The blue veins on the foreheads of Xiaolan, Heye, and Yuanzi kept jumping up, and Kogoro Moori couldn't help but seep sweat from his forehead.

Sonoko looked at Hongye's big breasts that couldn't fit under the white vest, and felt jealous. She took the lead in attacking: "Hey, Ooka Hongye, you are not in Osaka, what are you doing in Tokyo?"

Ooka Hongye seemed to see Sonoko just now: "So it's the incompetent second lady of the Suzuki family. Of course I'm here to accompany Mori-kun. He is my destined husband."

After saying this, there was a sweet smile on Hongye's face.

Destined husband?Destined husband?

He Ye immediately sneered, while Xiao Lan frowned: "Miss Ooka, how could my father be your destined husband, he has already been married once, could you make a mistake?"

"It's definitely not wrong. This is calculated by the witch for me when I was just born. My future husband must belong to Maori-kun."

Hongye spoke resolutely, and then blushed, "It doesn't matter if I'm wrong, anyway, I'm sure Mao Li-kun."

Hearing this, the other three women couldn't help but narrow their eyes slightly, with a cold look in their eyes.

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Xiaolan and Heye, and saw the half-smile expressions on the faces of the two girls, and felt that something was wrong!

He quickly changed the subject and said, "Is breakfast ready? Let's have breakfast first."

"Hongye, shouldn't you change your clothes, it seems to be a bit worn out!"

Hearing this, Hongye immediately exclaimed, covered her chest and ran into the bedroom.

As soon as Hongye left, the low air pressure eased a little, and Kogoro Mori sighed secretly.

Originally, they lived in peace before, because Heye and Xiaolan hid their concerns one by one, but suddenly there was a proactive Ooka Momiji, a young and beautiful girl with big breasts, who was menacing and threatening .

Rang Heye and Xiaolan were a little upset, so they naturally had to fight, and the atmosphere would naturally become more and more weird.

As for Sonoko, who is also an active type, because the two girls know Kogoro Mori's attitude too well, they don't think there is anything wrong with it.

Therefore, the key to breaking the game fell on the girl Hongye. Mori Kogoro crushed a psychedelic talisman again, and entered the bedroom alone.

He gave Hongye some orders, agreed to several unequal treaties with Hongye, and finally persuaded Hongye to behave so excessively when others were not around.

Afterwards, Mori Kogoro returned to the dining table, removed the psychedelic array, and began to eat breakfast.During breakfast, Ooka's housekeeper, Iori Muga, knocked on the door and came in with a bag. He greeted Mori and his party, put the bag at the door of the bedroom, and left again.

A small hand stuck out from the crack of the door and grabbed the bag back into the room.

Xiaolan called Iori Wuwo: "Butler Iori, may I ask if you have something to go back to Osaka last night?"

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