Iori Wuwo is very smart. Hearing this, he turned his head and understood the cause and effect, and replied: "That's true, the Patriarch has important orders, so I can only leave the young lady alone in Tokyo. Maori-kun, please 'take care of me'."

Iori Muga glared at Mori Kogoro with dissatisfaction, even though he was as smart as him, he still couldn't understand why his eldest lady was so fascinated by this uncle who was so many years older than her.

Xiaolan and Heye looked at each other, and there was no doubt about it. The butler obeyed Ooka Hongye's order and never stayed for a long time. After saying goodbye to everyone, he left again.

Soon, Momiji Ooka, who had changed her clothes, came out of the bedroom.

A light pink coat, a black skirt, and a pair of over-the-knee boots are very delicate and beautiful.

The little loli Huiyuan also changed her clothes and came out, and the two girls also came to the dining table to eat.

Mori Kogoro looked around, the five girls were really orchids, bamboos, chrysanthemums and plums, each with their own beauty, and this is the time to talk about their beauty.

Mori Kogoro suggested: "Kazuba, Hongye, this time when you come to Tokyo, there are so many people here today, it's so lively, let's go out for a stroll after breakfast."

All the girls looked at each other, then nodded and agreed.

Little Lolita Huiyuan said: "I won't follow, Dr. A Li has something to do with me."

Huiyuan is naturally too lazy to get together with so many women, she still has to prepare for tomorrow's plan.

On the other hand, Sonoko proposed with a full face of excitement: "Uncle, why don't you go to the flying ship we just finished to see today, you can overlook the whole Tokyo from above!"

"This is built by our Suzuki family. It is the largest flying ship in the world. It cannot be built by any family."

Sonoko proudly showed off, but Hongye didn't care too much about him.

Mori Kogoro had a thought, the flying boat, he remembered hearing it from Tomoko before, but he didn’t expect it to be built now, so it must be the masterpiece of Sonoko’s uncle, Jikichiro Suzuki.

Sure enough, Yuanzi continued to speak: "My uncle was fainted last time when he failed to beat Kidd head-on. He was very upset, so this time he plans to fight Kidd again during the first flight of the plane. At that time, uncle will come to help."

Sure enough, everything went as Mori Kogoro expected, so the incident of the skyship that died will happen soon.

Everyone quickly agreed to Yuanzi's proposal, and went to the flying boat to have a look after shopping.

Soon after breakfast, the group went downstairs and got in the car to leave. The little loli Huiyuan also followed to the basement of Dr. A Li's house to conduct the final test of the required drugs.

Afterwards, Conan struggled for a long time last night, which led to insomnia, and he woke up faintly. He went up to the third floor, looked at the empty home, and the leftovers on the dining table, and he couldn't help but hang the dead fish eyes again.

Could it be that he was abandoned by Uncle Maori again?

Chapter 0173 Little bitch, draw the knife

In the large shopping mall in Ginza, Kogoro Mori was in pain and happiness.

Surrounded by four young and energetic young girls, it certainly seemed cool to outsiders, and all the men who passed by looked at him with envy and envy.

But only Kogoro Mori knew how tormented it was.

Sword light and sword shadow!Walk on eggshells!

He had to think about every word for a long time before opening his mouth.

Fortunately, Hongye didn't go too far like in the morning, which kept the four girls in a weird balance.

No matter how stupid Xiaolan was, she still sensed that something was wrong. She hadn't dispelled her suspicions about the incident with Ye Yezheng last night, but Hongye showed it very clearly this morning.

Hongye confronted Heye Zhengfeng again, and Xiaolan naturally guessed that Heye also fell in love with her father.

She looked at the three women beside her. These women all wanted to be her father and be her stepmother, and two of them were her girlfriends!

Oh, but still have to keep smiling.

Little bitch, draw your knife, dad is mine, no one can take it away.

Xiaolan hugged the arm of Mori Kogoro, which was exclusive to her, her big eyes were full of fighting spirit.

But she still couldn't help pinching Kogoro Mori's waist, complaining that he attracts so many girls.

When the strange power was displayed, even Kogoro Mori couldn't bear it, he couldn't help but secretly gasped.

But he didn't dare to complain, he could only stroke Xiaolan's soft back with his big hands, trying to comfort his precious daughter.

At this time, the girls saw a beauty shop in front of them holding a lottery, which was the experience shop of the most popular herbal hall in Japan.

The lottery is a chance to draw a lottery just by spending, and the prizes are mostly beauty products.

Seeing this activity, Yuanzi quickly said, "Xiaolan, aren't you lucky? Let's go and try."

Sonoko immediately went into the store to buy a bottle of hand cream, and then came out with a small ticket representing the qualification for the lottery.

She handed the ticket to Xiaolan, and Xiaolan got into the lottery line.

He Ye and Hong Ye looked at this scene quite curiously, while Yuanzi explained: "Since she was a child, Xiao Lan's luck is unparalleled in the world. As long as she participates in the lottery, she has never failed."

"When we had no pocket money before, we relied on Xiaolan's good luck to draw various prizes, and we were able to eat and drink in Tokyo and have a good time."

After listening to Yuanzi's explanation, the two girls became more and more curious. They stared closely at Xiaolan's lottery draw, wondering if she was really so magical.

Mori Kogoro looked at the scene in front of him with a smile on his lips.

Soon, Xiao Lan took out the cards she had drawn.

The card was turned over, and it was written on it - Grand Prize!

The staff immediately came up to greet her, and said with a look of surprise, "Congratulations, lady, you are so lucky to have won the special prize of our store."

"It's almost the deadline, and I thought no one would get it."

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