Yuanzi immediately came up to him: "What is the grand prize?"

The staff immediately pointed to the sign beside them, and introduced: "The grand prize is the group youth forever package."

Hearing the words "youth forever", He Ye and Hong Ye also came over.

"This is a group experience project, no more than five people can participate, and go to the main building of our herbal hall to enjoy a whole day of super maintenance care."

"Projects include hair restoration, facial care, line maintenance, body spy, body detoxification... The materials used in the projects in this museum are all natural herbs, which are only beneficial to the human body and not harmful to the human body. In addition, according to statistical analysis , after taking this package treatment, the skin age will be younger by an average of one to three years.”

Hearing this, the eyes of the four girls lit up immediately, and Yuanzi immediately said, "Xiaolan, your luck is really great, you are like a golden hand."

"I've heard of this herbal hall before. My mother's youth seems to be caused by the biological medicine in it. They are only for high-ranking officials and dignitaries. I begged my mother to have no way to buy the biological medicine there. I didn't expect today You win the lottery."

Hearing this, Xiaolan also laughed a little excitedly.

She looked at the specified time on the sign, and it was tomorrow, so she said, "Then let's all go together tomorrow!"

He Ye and Hong Ye also readily agreed.

No woman can resist the temptation to become beautiful.

And Mouri Kogoro naturally smiled and refused: "I'm a big man so I don't need to take care of it, you can go by yourself tomorrow."

The lottery draw this time was of course specially arranged by Mori Kogoro. Tomorrow he will be with Haibara all day, and of course he has to make arrangements for all the girls.

Herbal Hall is a high-end beauty brand established by Rising Beauty, and its core product is the fountain of youth produced in the mysterious well.

After dilution, the Fountain of Youth has the same potency as the Fountain of Life, which is just right for the beauty industry. As soon as Ryo Yue was launched by Mei, it occupied the high-end market of beauty.

The project experience time of the youth experience package this time happens to be the whole day tomorrow, and Kogoro Mori will be able to accompany the little loli with peace of mind.

After Mori Kogoro and the girls finished shopping, they came to Suzuki's house where the skyship was.

The shape of the skyship is extremely large, today is its third test flight, and the location of the test flight is in the open space near the tropical park.

Under Yuanzi's leadership, Maori and his party quickly boarded the skyship.

This height is at least four to five hundred meters, higher than the Ferris wheel in the tropical park.

Looking down from the top, the scenery is amazing, and the tropical paradise has become a small building block.

Not long after Maori and his party came up, Tomoko Suzuki greeted them.

Wearing a black gauze dress, as she kept walking, her white legs were exposed from the hem of the skirt, which looked very attractive. Her hair was coiled up, showing a capable look, and she had a strong aura of a business queen.

When Tomoko saw that Kogoro Mori was surrounded by young girls, her beautiful eyes trembled, but her face was still calm and smiling.

"Xiao Goro, why are you free to come here today?"

Seeing Tomoko's expression, come on, it seems that if you don't pay some public rations on the skyship this time, you may not be able to get off the boat easily.

"I don't have anything to do today, just take two children from Osaka to wander around Tokyo."

Tomoko nodded, frowned, and said rather troubledly: "Yonzi, Uncle Jiro is determined to fight Kidd, you can help persuade him."

Yuanzi immediately waved his hand: "Mom, how can I persuade uncle, you don't know his temperament, he is already seventy-two years old, you just follow his heart."

"I'm afraid he only has the wish to win Kidd. If he doesn't help him realize it, I'm afraid it will become a last wish. That would be worse."

Tomoko immediately patted Yuanzi on the head: "You child, what are you talking about? Isn't this cursing your uncle to die?"

Sonoko stuck out his tongue and stopped talking.

And Tomoko then said: "Xiao Wulang, you haven't come to listen to the company's report these days, it just so happens that you are here today, and you will find me in the conference hall later, and I will tell you about the newly invested project a while ago. The situation of several companies."

After finishing speaking, Tomoko glanced at Mori Kogoro: "Don't make me wait too long!"

Then she turned around and walked away stepping on her high heels, with a graceful figure and brisk steps.

He Ye and Hong Ye looked suspicious, while Xiao Lan explained in a low voice: "Father and Aunt Suzuki have a partnership in business, and they have made quite a lot of money."

Only then did the two women dispel their doubts.

Chapter 0174

In the meeting hall of the skyship, familiar music floats in it, very pleasant to the ear.

Tomoko hugged Mori Kogoro's body tightly, looking at the scenery outside the window with a blushing face, his eyes were full of confusion, like a kitten in heat.

But soon, Tomoko seemed to have remembered something, twitching Kogoro Mori's collarbone and pectoral muscles with his slender index finger, and said with a strange expression: "Kogoro, do you like those young and beautiful girls, who just surrounded you The two Osaka girls are pretty good!"

Mori Kogoro raised his brows, sure enough, the woman's jealousy came for no reason, and Tomoko still hasn't forgotten about it under such circumstances.

He immediately said: "Yes, I like those young and beautiful girls!"

Tomoko frowned when he heard this, and immediately angrily tried to push Kogoro Mori who was close to him, but of course he failed.

Mori Kogoro grabbed Tomoko's buttocks with his big hands, and teased, "But Tomoko, your current skin condition is more delicate than that of an eighteen-year-old girl, isn't it just a young and beautiful girl?"

Tomoko's frowned brows relaxed, and a hint of satisfaction appeared in his purple eyes.

Mori Kogoro then said: "And Tomoko still has a temperament that has been cultivated over the years. The combination of the two is simply fascinating."

There was a smile on Pengzi's bright red face, and he opened his mouth lightly: "Hmph, sweet words, I don't believe you!"

Saying that she didn't believe it, the beautiful mature woman sent her head over instead, and kissed Mouri Kogoro's lips with enthusiasm.

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