As soon as the deep kiss was over, both of them were gasping for breath. Kogoro Mori stroked Tomoko's soft back with his fiery hands, and he said with a light smile, "Okay, Tomoko, let's go to the conference table. I want to 'report' the situation of the company to you!"

Tomoko glanced at Mori Kogoro: "Shouldn't I 'report'?"

"Okay, okay, okay, then I'll listen to your 'report'." Mori Kogoro chuckled immediately, picked up a beautiful leg covered in brown stockings in one hand, picked up Tomoko and walked towards the conference table.

More than two hours later, Mori Kogoro came out of the conference hall alone. Tomoko was too ignorant to fight Mori Kogoro, and he was lying on the conference table resting at the moment.

Mori Kogoro is in high spirits.

As the saying goes, the sea was once too difficult, except that Wushan was not a cloud. After the training and training of Angel Juicing Ji, his combat power continued to soar, and he became more and more comfortable dealing with ordinary women. He could call himself a perpetual pile driver.

As soon as Mori Kogoro came to the viewing platform, he saw the girls who were drinking afternoon tea and enjoying the sunset in Tokyo.

Among them, the old man Suzuki Jikichiro was also here. When Suzuki Jikichiro saw Kogoro Mori, he snorted and turned his head away.

Old children, old children, say nothing more than that.

Suzuki Jikichiro must be complaining in his heart that Mori Kogoro stole his limelight last time.

Obviously the venue was provided by himself, the invitation to the battle was also sent by himself, and the manpower plane was also his own.

In the end, I could only feed the mosquitoes in the park, and I didn't get involved in the sky war at all.

The old man made him envious when he read the newspaper the next day, so he naturally blamed Kogoro Mori.

And Sonoko quickly waved to Kogoro Maoli: "Uncle Maoli, sit here."

She saw Mori Kogoro approaching, and in a blink of an eye, she sold her uncle and told him all about his plan.

"Uncle Maori, my uncle plans to buy the front page of the news again, and fight against Kidd, and fight Kidd again on the way from Tokyo to Osaka on the first trial flight of the skyship next Saturday."

"When the time comes, I will catch Kidd in this skyship. Uncle Maori, you must come to help when the time comes!"

The old Tsundere Suzuki Jikichiro said: "Hmph, it's enough for Detective Maori to watch on the boat and see how the net I set up catches Kidd."

He glanced at the high platform in the middle of the viewing platform and the glass cabinet inside, and laughed wildly again when he thought of his pride.

Xiaolan said, "Dad, it's getting late, we should go home."

When the daughter gave the order, Kogoro Mori naturally had no objection.

Seeing that Hongye didn't intend to leave at all, Yuanzi quickly followed Mao Li and his party off the skyship, and followed in the car to go home.

Back in the office, Mori Kogoro saw Conan with a resentful face again.

Conan watched the four girls come back surrounded by Kogoro Mori, and his veins jumped.

Go out three times, and come back with an extra garden, this ability is also extremely strong.

It was hard for him to suppress the idea of ​​reporting to Hattori Heiji, but he didn't expect that he would be abandoned by Uncle Mori again in a blink of an eye, and instead he would follow a group of young girls to have a good time.

If it weren't for the Western food provided in the Polo Cafe below, Conan might have fainted from hunger in the office.

But Conan was not idle. He spent the whole day in the Boro Cafe downstairs, investigating the barman named Toru Amuro, and found that the man was not simple.

Not only is his reasoning ability top-notch, but his skills are even more extraordinary, and he doesn't look like an ordinary person no matter what.

Conan originally planned to tell Kogoro Mori about these discoveries, but seeing Kogoro Mori's appearance, he didn't intend to share information.

At this time, Xiaolan picked up her mobile phone, frowned and said, "Father, Xiao Ai said that she will not be coming back tonight. She said that the doctor asked her to help with something. She will have dinner and spend the night over there."

Mori Kogoro nodded, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, it seems that this little loli is for real this time.

Yuanzi on the side said, "Xiaolan, let's go out to buy vegetables. Let's cook a delicious meal for everyone tonight."

Xiaolan frowned slightly: "That's no problem, but it's so late, don't you need to go home, Yuanzi?"

Yuanzi laughed loudly: "It's okay, if it's too late, I'll stay with you for one night."

Then Yuanzi pulled Xiaolan over, and said in a low voice, "Lan, are we best friends? Both Ye and Ye can spend the night at your house, so can't I?"

She glanced at Hongye, and then said: "And look at that woman from Ooka's family, she looks alluring. With my help to watch tonight, she must not be able to do anything to uncle."

Hearing this, Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Seeing Xiaolan agreeing, Yuanzi suddenly had a strange look in his eyes, as if he was planning something.

Chapter 0175

Sonoko really stayed at Maori's house in the evening, after dinner was ready.

At the dining table, Sonoko continued to add her dishes to Kogoro Mori's bowl, causing Kazuba and Hongye to add vegetables one after another, and Kogoro Mori's bowl was full after a while.

Xiaolan couldn't help but patted herself on the head: I really lost my mind. I thought Yuanzi could help deal with Hongye, but I didn't expect that it would also lure wolves into the house. Now the family has become three wolves, and it has become even more difficult.

On the other hand, Conan looked at the deserted scene on his side, and the scene of Uncle Maori surrounded by all the girls on the opposite side felt upset for a while.

He picked up a bowl of rice and went downstairs directly, and it was a sight to see.

At the dinner table, Yuanzi's behavior became more and more excessive, and Xiaolan couldn't help pinching his thigh.

Under the pain, she restrained herself a little.

As for Kogoro Mori, looking at the small tower-like food in front of him, he felt like crying without tears, and he would be full after eating one bowl.

The hard-fought dinner was over, and the group returned to the living room.

Hongye, Heye, and Yuanzi looked at each other from time to time, but none of them said they wanted to leave.

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