It was also the reason why Xiaolan invited them to go to the main building of Herbal Hall tomorrow, so the three girls borrowed this saying, saying that they wanted to gather and set off early tomorrow, so they all stayed at Mao Li's house.

Finally, at the suggestion of Mori Kogoro, the girls started playing card games to pass the time.

Xiaolan has learned the lesson from Fujiko last time, that there is no bet in the card game, and the four of them had a great time playing it.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, Mori Kogoro was taking a bath in the bathroom, quite physically and mentally exhausted.

Today is more tiring than solving a dozen cases.

He really wanted to cut through the mess quickly, but with his precious daughter here, naturally he could only make a move.

Mori Kogoro turned his face to the shower head and let the hot water flow freely.

At this moment, the bathroom door was pushed open, Kogoro Mori immediately turned his head sideways, wiped his face and opened his eyes.

It was Yuanzi who poked his head in.

Young birthday!How could this girl be so bold!

And how did she get in, weren't the girls all playing cards in the living room?

Yuanzi came in and was still talking: "Uncle Mao Li, let me help you take a bath!"

But when she saw Kogoro Mori's sculpture-like naked body under the water, like the shell of a god, Sonoko's face flushed instantly.

Immediately afterwards, he looked down, and was taken aback for an instant, his pupils trembled constantly, his small mouth opened wide, and he looked unbelievable.

Seeing Sonoko's gaze, Kogoro Mori felt inexplicably taken advantage of, and quickly turned sideways.

Yuanzi still wanted to go in, but he quickly stopped, as if someone was pulling behind him.

"Ah!!!" She screamed, and was pulled out, and the bathroom door was also closed along the way.

In Xiaolan's room, Yuanzi was thrown onto the bed.

This little girl had a daring look just now, but now she was cowardly like a little hamster, she picked up the quilt and wrapped herself around her body, looking pitifully at the girl in front of her with big eyes.

In front of her bed, Xiaolan seemed to be surrounded by demonic flames, with her arms folded over her chest, her face expressionless, her eyes gleaming coldly, she looked completely demonized.

The momentum was extremely frightening, Yuanzi couldn't help trembling when he saw Xiao Lan who was so terrifying.

"Tell me, what did you see just now?" Xiaolan's voice seemed cold and emotionless.

Her father's naked body was seen by her best friend, and Xiaolan almost went crazy.This is like my woman's naked body being seen by other men, how can I not be furious.

Yuanzi was shocked, so he said honestly: "It's so big!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Yuanzi felt that he had said the wrong thing.

Sure enough, Xiaolan's big eyes narrowed slightly, a cold light flashed by, and her body instantly came to the bed.

She turned Yuanzi over, and instantly swung her small hand on Yuanzi's buttocks without mercy.

Yuanzi immediately let out a scream.


Accompanied by the rhythmic slapping sound and Yuanzi's screams, Xiaolan's scolding also spread out, carrying her resentment into Yuanzi's ears.

"Okay, you actually sent us away, and then wanted to help my father take a bath."

"Yuanzi, have you forgotten what you promised me?"

"I regard you as a good sister, but you actually want to have sex with my father and be my stepmother, do you think you are worthy of me?"

"Let me tell you, it's best to forget all about the picture I just saw..."

The momentum was terrifying, the screams in the bedroom became louder and louder, and Hongyehe Heye on the sofa couldn't help feeling sorry for them when they heard the sound.

The two women looked at each other, and there was still a trace of fear in their eyes. Just hearing the clear and loud slapping sound and imagining the scene felt scary.

The appearance of Xiaolan bursting out is really scary!

Not long after, there was a whimpering sound from the bedroom, but it was quickly suppressed under the scolding.

After a while, the bedroom door opened.

Xiaolan came out majestically, and the remaining momentum swept towards the two girls on the sofa.

Glancing at his big eyes, the two girls immediately got up, avoiding Xiaolan's sight, and walked to the middle bedroom while talking nonsense in unison.

This well-behaved and harmonious appearance is completely the first time I have seen it.

After entering the room, Hongye and Ye immediately closed the door, and then heaved a long sigh of relief.

Seeing the two girls returning to the room so honestly, Xiaolan couldn't help but smile, and only then did she realize that she had inadvertently completed a wave of killing others.

And Yuanzi is that poor chicken!

When Yuanzi was taught a lesson, Xiaolan was merciless, and beat Yuanzi so hard that he could barely get up, at least with minor injuries.

After she calmed down, she regretted it very much, and hurried out to get a medicine bag to give Yuanzi medicine.

Mori Kogoro didn't know what happened in this short period of time. After taking a shower, he got dressed and walked out, but saw that the living room was empty.

His bedroom door was closed tightly, so he turned around and walked towards Xiaolan's room, the door was ajar.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw an extremely exciting scene.

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